Sunday, November 17, 2024



I seem to be climbing a mountain every day. If I ever reached the summit, I'd undoubtedly fall off. Bad luck seems to follow me like a shadow.

An aside:

My birthday falls on Friday the 13th this year. December.

My annoying blogging habit (one of many) is that I take too much time getting to the point.

On Friday morning (the 15th) I got up very early, before dawn. I felt fairly decent - which is just about the best I can get. Made coffee and breakfast.

Afterwards I decided to go back to bed for an hour or two. I really wanted to repaint the kitchen floor. I ordered a new cabinet that will be delivered on Monday.

Deciding between the two exciting options, I went to bed.

About an hour later I woke up with an extreme backache. And leg ache. When I pried myself out of bed, the pain was unbelievably bad. I hardly made it to the kitchen. I took a couple of Tylenols. That was unusual. I don't like taking any pills/meds.

In the summer of 2023 I had two major surgeries in Cookeville and refused any medications for pain.

Went back to bed. I awoke soon with pain that was alarming. Stumbled back to the kitchen. Got into my wheelchair. Sat there for half an agonizing hour. Carefully got up again.

I felt incredibly weird, besides agonizing pain. Suddenly my right hip was frozen. And my right leg was completely paralyzed. No exaggeration. I couldn't move an inch. I grabbed my pants leg and tried to pull myself forward. It was impossible.

I really panicked. I'm all alone, in the middle of wilderness. It was late Friday afternoon. The home care nurses office is closed for the weekend. I never experienced paralysis before.

I'm in the kitchen. My two cell phones were in the bedroom. I stumbled and knocked a table over with the landline phone. Tried for twenty agonizing minutes before I could retrieve the landline phone.

Loooong story short. I decided to stay in the wheelchair by the kitchen table all night. I couldn't walk one step. Couldn't do anything. I wanted to call 911 but kept procrastinating. Ambulances, doctors, hospitals. Again.

Hell no!!!!

I'd be damned to go through it again. I'd rather perish at home.

The night hours were agonizingly long. I took more Tylenol (there was a water bottle on the table).

About an hour before dawn, I did the impossible. I stood up, grabbed the walker with my right hand and the wheelchair with my left. I only walked with my left leg  - - dragging my right leg along.

This was an insane feat but I went inch by inch. I'll be damned that I was going to do it. Pure anger gave me strength.

I hung onto the walker to get the cell phones in the bedroom. Then I dragged the walker, the wheelchair, the cell phones, and my right leg to the living room.

FINALLY I called 911.

I had no choice. Took the ambulance about 45 minutes to get here. The attendant and driver had to carry me down the front steps. Humiliation.

Onward to Livingston Hospital 20 miles away on narrow winding mountain roads. I could see the sunrise in the back window. My pain was beyond intense. I finally shuddered and thought I would pass out.

Once in the hospital my memory is blurred from the intense pain. I had to get xrays and a cat scan.

This caused more excruciating agony than I could endure. The attendants were rough trying to get me in the right positions for the xrays and scan. I kept yelling out from the PAIN.

Finally I was brought into another room and plied with intravenous injections. MethylPrednisol, Orphenadrine, Ketorolac. Made me feel very weird and disoriented. But some days I feel that way without medications.

I was in that room for five or six hours. I was freezing. Coldest damn hospital I was ever in. They could hold a polar bear convention in there.

One of the doctors frightened me with the test results. Degenerative disk disease. Severe scaiatica. Scoliosis from severe spinal injuries.

I guess I already knew that. I had several spinal injuries due to accidents and nasty falls during my life. I ignored most of them, due to no medical insurance. I was very used to ignoring serious situations. And now it's catching up with me.

I knew my spinal problems were increasing due to being in hospital beds for six months last year because of cancer and heart problems.

I know now that my major health problems are solely caused because of my spinal issues. That's what's causing my mysterious fevers (had one last week) and...other problems.

Well, I was released (thank God) just around noon. Taken home in another ambulance. I was very apprehensive about what might happen next. But I was able to walk again with very little pain. And I was able to make dinner and enjoy the rest of the day.

I now have a prescription for prednisone. Some kind of steroid thingie (my medical term).

I just realized that this was the day I was released from physical rehab last November. Thanksgiving is next week. I am truly - very truly - greatful for still being around.

I'm sorry for this long rambling post, but I wanted to get things out of my system.


I made the "Climb Every Mountain" video late last night. I literally threw it together in fifteen minutes. It's my piano arrangement, recorded when I was eighteen. (Video volume is weird on my computer. Turn volume up, or watch it on YouTube).

We all have mountains to climb. Thanks for reading this.

Luv, Jon.


  1. Talk about another mountain to climb!! How scary! They said that was the cause of your mysterious fevers, too? Is your spine inflamed where it is disintegrating? Good grief! What a horrible, frightening night. I'm so glad you are back home, though. I hope they plan to follow up on this!

    1. The excitement never stops. I always seem to be preparing for the worst. Yes, they think the spine/back trouble is inflamed and causing the fevers - and my bladder troubles. The doctor didn't seem too concerned. Actually I'm not too fond of the Livingston doctors. But I'm
      glad I wasn't hospitalized!
      I'll talk to the nurses.
      Thanks for the comment, Rita.

  2. Oh, Jon. You are climbing every mountain. you must have been terrified. If there is a bright side it's knowing what the cause of the fever is. I live on pain meds. Use what is necessary to get through the day and have some enjoyment.

    1. Mountain climbing never seems to end for me. I'm actually glad to finally know what's wrong with my back/spine. And finally know what's causing the fevers. This really was a scary incident. I don't scare easily, but this was truly alarming. I don't know how this will be treated in the future. I can understand why pain meds are needed!

  3. We almost share a birthday. Sags rule, even when the odds are as high as yours just now. I'm glad you're doing better.

    1. Sags definitely rule! They're fascinating and unique. December people are a special breed. And tough when faced with complexities. Thanks, Liz!

  4. Thank God you pulled through this one! My mom had to take prednisone after she broke her ankle falling down a hill in front of her house -her bone came through her skin and she was in the hospital for a couple of weeks. I am so glad you were able to get back home this soon! Prayers for you as always, Jon.

    1. Good God - - that must have been a horrifying ordeal! I never heard about prednisone until yesterday. Life is filled with unexpected disasters. I was overjoyed to be sent home. I hate hospitals.
      Thanks, Kim
      and happy purrs to the kittied.

    2. I meant kitties - - I'm typing on my cell phone and my fingers fumble.

  5. You are definitely freestyling on that mountain climb, but kudos to you for hanging in there.
    I share your back problems, all three of them, and have since I was forty years old.
    Just keep going Jon, on the days the pain is worse, you learn to rest and take things easy.
    I'm a Scorpio, we share the same season.
    Sending healing wishes your way, and thank you for sharing your beautiful music.

    1. I'm not a good mountain climber, but I'm hanging on! Back and spinal problems are devastating I'm sorry to hear that you are plagued with them.
      I've been through so many bad situations that I'm getting used to them. Perhaps these lessons in life were given to me for a reason..
      My mother was a Scorpio. This is a beautiful and special season to share.
      Thanks, Jo....and hugs back.

  6. I have no words, Jon. I don't know what to say. Just that I think of you often and I am praying for you. Love and hugs, Louise

    1. I suppose I'm getting used to dealing with rotten health (and other things). Some people seem to live charmed lives.
      Others are cursed..... I try to make the best of things, but it's not easy.
      I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Thank you, Louise.

  7. "But I was able to walk again with very little pain. And I was able to make dinner and enjoy the rest of the day."

    Something to celebrate. Truly. From that to this.

    1. My optimism yesterday is fading today. The pain is returning....
      I'll try to get my prescription filled tomorrow (Monday). That will probably help.
      Every small step forward is indeed cause for celebration.
      Thanks Sandi.

  8. Jon, after reading this post and the terrifying and painful night you went through, I think that mountain climbing could be easier. It's good to know you have a diagnosis for what was causing other pin issues, and hope you do not have to go through another episode.

    1. I'd rather be climbing a cliff than wanting to jump off one....
      Unfortunately I'm in pain again today. The biggest frustration is that I had plans to do a lot of things around the house - but they're now on hold.

  9. Oh Jon, I'm stunned and so sorry this has happened to you. I can't begin to imagine the fortitude it took you to reach your cell phone and summon help. Our Pastor Janet was relaying a come-back story this morning of a young lady's near-death experience and how, against all odds she's rallying. (Jala Ross) Now I read of your ordeal and realize what you, too, are facing. God's not finished with y'all!

    1. I keep thinking God is punishing me for my sins - but He's not revengeful. Perhaps my endurance is being tested. Who knows....
      It's really a terrifying feeling when you're so physically helpless that you can't do anything. It's Sunday night now and the intense pain is returning....but I'll survive. Hope I can get my prescription filled tomorrow.
      Stay tuned.

    2. "I keep thinking God is punishing me for my sins - "

      No. He is not like that. He loves you, Jon.

      Checking in to see how you are today.

  10. I'm so sorry...geezus, what a effing thing to happen.
    Regarding you know it's a steroid, anti-inflammatory drug. It often has side effect that really vary. Some, like one of my daughters, experience euphoria, they love it. Others have negative effects, mood swings, abdominal issues. I imagine they gave you a 7 day course, and the last two days are tapering off the dose. The tapering off is important, to decrease somewhat gradually.
    Again, I'm so sorry for this crap happening to you.

    1. My prescription for prednisone is 20 mg once a day for 5 days.


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