Breathe a sigh of relief. My previous saints and sinners post is gone.
I know of three people who enjoy reading about my past. Four people politely tolerate it. The rest can't wait until I write another post about my grim agony and long, slow death here in godforsaken rehab.
My literary efforts go up in smoke like a '75 Ford Pinto.
Anyway, I enjoy writing. It's my best reward to my selfish self.
I'm not in the mood to supress my past and dish out all the crap I'm going through here in (physical) rehab. I'm in an extremely foul mood with everything in general.
Everything concerning the bogus concept that life is a gift, rainbows are on the horizon, the angels above are playing harps and singing just for absolute bull. At least for me at this moment.
I want my past back - - when I could walk without any aide, drink myself into oblivion, do devious things that would make Satan blush, gleefully escape the L.A. vice cops.........and, when reasonably sober, I could perform half a dozen Scriabin etudes on a concert stage without a hitch.
Right now, in this dire illusion of pseudo - reality, some of the fingers on both my hands are numb. They've been that way for months but I never bothered to mention.
A bitch of irony for a pianist, huh?
What's causing it, I wonder? Is it the dozen or so of the meds that they ply me with every morning?
Modern medicine can kill you faster than drinking, having sex, and practicing the piano five hours a day.
I still have the flu or whatever the hell it is....about three weeks of coughing and spitting up phlem. Not a pretty sight, boys and girls.
I completely (and I mean completely) lost my sense of taste for nearly two weeks. My tastebuds are slowly, very slowly, coming back to life.
I could slightly taste the ham and sweet potatoes at lunch today.
I don't have covid - - although there are now 8,555,703 strains of it.
If you sneeze from a pansy, it's covid.
If you fart from eating your grandma's jambalaya, it's covid.
Love me or hate me, you'll seldom read a pathological collection of thoughts like mine.
I still can't walk, still in pain. There's no end to my agony.....and I could write over a dozen problems I'm plagued with now.
Including a gigantic cyst on my right arm which is horrifying. It will be removed....soon....I hope.
I'm no longer a human being, as if I ever was one.
Thanks to anyone who read this.
And many thanks to the few who tolerated my previous post.
Jon 💙 perhaps still alive
I always love your comments and I always try to reply to them. Just a few minutes ago, the "reply" thing has stopped working. It stopped right after I replied to Jo's comment.
Update - - Blogger must have heard me. Today (Friday) the "reply" thingie is fixed!
This was a crappy, dire blog post.
I should apologize.....(?)
Just to annoy you *smile* - a few more of my ai creations.