First of all, I truly dislike turning this blog into a boring, self-serving medical journal - - yet, my health issues are overshadowing everything else in my mundane existence. I feel some obligation to keep documenting my physical and mental progress - - or lack of it.
I'm sure it's often difficult to discern exactly what's going on with me. Is it my back and spine, my useless right leg, the "pressure" sores on my butt, the edema and blog clots? Congestive heart failure? I suppose it's everything combined.....but there's a lot more to this.
Yesterday (Thursday?) was a monumental day. I had the opportunity to see all of my medical records from 2023 when I was desperately ill - - and was able to discuss everything with a group of nurses, doctors, and physical therapists who know me well.
What I learned was not exactly surprising, yet definitely horrifying. I knew that I was very seriously ill in 2023 but never realized the profound effect that it had on everyone concerned - - in Cookeville Medical Center and here at Signature Health Care.
Two major things have come to light. First, all the doctors and staff at Cookeville in 2023 were secretly certain that I would never survive my ordeal with cancer, but thought it was best not to tell me.
Second, when I eventually pulled through the ordeal, everyone was absolutely astonished with how strong I was - - physically and mentally.
I don't take any credit for that. I fully believe that my strength came from a divine source above.
The cancer was extensive, with a malignant tumor right by my main artery, which made an operation impossible. I would bleed to death.
This caused constant major hemorrhages (I wouldn't dare describe what I went through, it's too shocking). I lost so much blood that it caused a heart attack. A cauterization was employed.
In July 2023, as a last resort, I was sent to Centennial Medical Center in Nashville. The doctors there were somber and curt. They had no hope and advized me to go home in the care of Hospice.
Cookeville attempted a final ploy. Seven weeks of chemo and radiation.
Two and a half months in the hospital - - over three months in physical therapy.
When I was discharged from therapy in November, 2023, I wasn't fully cured. I learned that the staff kept checking the obituaries to see if I survived.
My latest cat scans and pet scans showed no trace of cancer.
My strength, courage, and dignity has impressed everyone - - except me. I've done nothing heroic, nothing special. I simply survived.....thus far.
And it wasn't easy.
One thing is certain - -
The trials and tribulations never end. The battle always remains uphill. Happy endings mostly occur in fairy tales......