Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Here are a few food ideas to enhance your Thanksgiving holiday.....and quite possibly eliminate your guests.

 Creamed 'possum in a can
This is an appropriate accompaniment to one of my previous posts, I Knew It 
(BTW, coon fat gravy will enhance anything)

Turkey Gravy Soda 

Thanksgiving Gum Balls
 are we supposed to stuff the turkey with these - - or load them in a peashooter and pummel the cook?

 Turkey with candy sprinkles

 Bacon-covered turkey

Thanksgiving Pizza

The Hot Dog Turkey
for weenie lovers

Rice Krispies Turkey 
with M&Ms stuffing

Islamic Thanksgiving

How about some savory side dishes -

 Sweet potato casserole

Tomato and egg aspic surprise

Baked Potato Mystery

 Baked Butternut Squash
Is it just me, or do these look like a pair of used Dutch shoes?

 ...and a heaping helping of Fish Head Pie....

Are you ready for dessert?

 An alarming array of turkey cupcakes
with leftover Halloween candy corn

 Baked apples with doughy crust and grapes

Turkey Cake...
with what appears to be a pile of dog crap in the middle

Thanksgiving Cake
Is it just my dirty mind, or does that look like a limp phallic symbol dangling in the center?

A perfect idea for leftovers:
chopped up turkey with a brown Jello mold and wilted lettuce

 Here's the easiest, cheapest, and best way to go

Bon appetit! And Happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, I finally corrected most of the typos....




  1. If I have a choice, I'll take the M and M stuffing.

  2. I hope you have people you will sit down with tomorrow at the table, and be happy with and sharing. I'm sorry if you won't, it's hard to tell. At some point, silently across the miles, I'll silently raise a glass to you, Jon.

  3. All of a sudden, I have a stomach ache. Jon.....Hoping you have a Very Happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”

  4. Dang. I've not enjoyed a pea shooter since 1960!
    Actually, the baked potato mystery looks inviting ... aside from those useless strands of pasta. That 'Thanksgiving cake' cracks me up!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving repast, Jon!

  5. Jon, forgive me, I just had to look up creamed possum. Found it on Amazon for $20. Finally screwed up enough courage to read down to ingredients --"True contents: Composted Organic Material - Not Edible". Well, I can't say I was too surprised; I declared all canned creamed things inedible as a child (as in "Gee mom, do I eat this or did I?")and have not yet changed my opinion. However, this product might scare off unwanted marsupials from your porch if left where they can see it up close. Have a happy holiday and remember to toast life in general and me. I'll certainly raise a glass in your direction as well.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Be safe if driving. Overeat, even if you decide to microwave that second Lean Cuisine.

  7. Looks like a hillbilly Thanksgiving to meet Jon!


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