Tuesday, October 31, 2017


The best part about living in the wilderness is that I don't have to worry about trick or treaters coming here on Halloween. They'd need mountain climbing equipment, scythes for cutting through the weeds, and probably a team of huskies. Let the little bastards bother somebody else.

What a rotten thing to say, Jon. You were a child once - weren't you?

Hell, I acted forty when I was twelve. I never begged for candy at unfamiliar houses.

Anyway, Halloween is completely different from what it used to be. It has been rudely usurped by the politically correct. 99 per cent of the costumes are now deemed "offensive". I don't even think you can be a ghost anymore. It might offend a corpse.

Candy is no longer the preferred treat to give. I just heard some self-righteous spoil-sport on the news advising us to give "healthy" treats - like raisins and carrot sticks.
Hey lady, how'd you like a carrot stick up your *** ?? 

I want Halloween to be like it was meant to be: 
kids wearing flammable costumes and eating candy until their teeth fall out - - and bobbing for apples in a filthy tub of germ-infested water. 
Soaping windows, slashing tires on cars, and putting garden hoses through front door mail slots to flood unsuspecting living rooms. 

You're deviously weird, Jon - to the brink of lunacy.

I'm a realist who yearns for the good ol' days. Halloween has become too damn sanitized. 

So what will you be doing on Halloween, Jon? 

I'll be home blessedly alone. I have a pizza, cider, oatmeal cookies, and a Mississippi Mud Cake. 
And I just might watch an old horror flick. 

I went for a walk in the woods this afternoon and took a few photos. Savoring the last day of my favorite month. The good thing is I don't have to go far. I just open the back door and walk a few yards.

BTW - the top photo on this post is my cat Scratch (Kitzee) when I first got her. She was three months old. That was in October, 2005.

This is my Mississippi mud cake.

Hawks fly around here very frequently but it's difficult to get a photo. I took this one this morning.

Happy Halloween -
and may all your encounters with spooks be pleasant ones.


  1. A Happy Hallow's to you too! Love your picture with the pumpkin. And I couldn't agree more about costumes these days. They need to lighten up. Your cake looks delish...enjoy. Last time I saw a cake like that I was at the wrong party and I'm not sure what the topping was. But I'm with you tonight....the treaters are doe in 45 mintues....then it's horror flicks for the rest of the night. I sure hope for you no "bumps" in the night. πŸ‘ΉπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘»πŸŽƒ

    1. I bought the cake in town - - so I'm reasonably confident that the topping is merely icing. If the cake came from a Hollywood party I'd be suspicious....

  2. Once again your photos are phenomenal. I have barricaded myself in the house & locked my gate. No tricks or treats here. Am going to read my sci-fi book.

    1. I'm glad you have that fence around your place. The locked gate really comes in handy. Hey, maybe you should have given those parrots to the trick or treaters (*smile*).

  3. Jon,

    The younger gyrations must have had either very horrid childhoods or were over coddled, because they certainly grew in mean people whose objective seems to be to make everyone miserable, although they claim they are doing it to keep people healthy.

    PC is out of hand. When I was a boy in the 1940s and 1950s there was this thing called McCathyism. PC has become the new McCarthyism and may be even worse.


    1. You're right, Larry. PC is far worse than McCarthyism because it seems to be affecting every aspect of our lives. Many people don't see (or care) about what is happening. Unfortunately the world is a far different place now than it was when I was a child.

  4. Seems like you had a pleasant Halloween with a Mississippi mud cake all to yourself. Splendid fall colors in your pics.

    I didn't stay in this year, instead we took kids from our area to the tunnel tours at Tranquille. A bit of background - Tranquille was built in 1907 to treat tuberculosis - then in 1958 the hospital closed and reopened in 1959 to treat the mentally ill before it completely shut down operations in 1984 or 85.

    There's a maze of underground tunnels connecting one building to another with rusted remnants of the past ( wheelchairs,stretchers, beds, etc., left frozen in time.

    The theatre company put on " Fright Night " where you get to explore the dark tunnels with flashlights and have the bejusus scared out of you. The special effects and gory costumes were unbelievably disturbing. The kids were old enough to handle it and they loved it. I didn't ... lol.

    1. Tranquille sounds like the perfect place to spend Halloween (as long as you're not alone!). With the history that it has, I'm wondering if there are any real ghosts or spirits lingering there.....

      It was extremely quiet here on Halloween night. The coyotes didn't even show up. It started to rain right before dawn.

    2. Hi Jon, I sent an email which has pictures and a write up about Tranquille so you can see the place.

    3. Thanks for telling me, Helga. I'll check my email soon - - I'm presently in the process of getting a new email address - I'll let you know when I do. Until then my old email is still valid.
      And I will enjoy seeing the write up about Tranquille!

  5. I had apple cranberry rum drink
    we had 11 beggars
    hey I think that's more than last year!
    we gave out real candy
    my John carved 2 pumpkins
    lots of candles
    I told John if you can't smell those
    I can't help you
    he said I can smell em outside!
    when I went on front porch
    a bunch of our kitties came up
    and posed next to pumpkins
    on picnic table benches

    1. I would have loved to have that drink and the popcorn. I have two pumpkins but didn't bother to carve them. I tried to get my cats to pose with the pumpkins, but none of them were interested.

  6. I was absolutely shocked last year when I handed out candy for McFamily. They always have alternatives to candy and let the kids choose. There were a lot of kids who picked the glow sticks instead of the candy--no lie! And their parents weren't standing over them, either. Of course, glow sticks are pretty cool to walk around with in the dark. ;)

    I don't get any kids here, either, but that's because I live with old people--LOL!
    Beautiful fall pics. It is really pretty there in the middle of nowhere. ;)

    1. Actually, I think giving out glow sticks is a good idea. As you said - the kids like them and they're good to carry around in the dark.

      There are MANY inconveniences out here in Nowhereland, but I really do love the scenery - especially at this time of year.

      It would be funny if the old people decided to go trick or treating!

  7. Replies
    1. I hope your Halloween was a good one, with far more treats than tricks!

  8. Like Samish, I locked the gate. Also parked the cars way up by the barn and covered their rear windows. That's my favorite way to celebrate Halloween Night. Beautiful October photos, Jon. My favorite month too.

    1. So, you fortified the fort against any random influx of unwanted spooks!
      Samish (you probably know) is my cousin. She lives much closer to town than I do, so a fence and gate is necessary - just in case the little goblins show up.

  9. Spectacular images, Jon! Any thoughts of turning them onto product at Catnip Cabaret?

    We had near 100 gigglers and goblins last eve. :(
    While Tom was visiting with the neighbors, I just popped the trunk on my car and had a seat, together with a gin and tonic. LOL!

    1. WOW! If I ever had 100 little goblins coming to my house I'd need more than a gin and tonic. To hell with the tonic - I'd grab the whole bottle!! I admire your courage.

      I never thought about using my photos on products but it's a good idea. I'll think about it.

  10. Your fallish (who says that isn't a word) photos are beautiful. We just turned the lights out for Halloween and didn't even buy any candy. I figure at my age I've done my duty.

    1. Fallish is a great word, Paula - I like it!
      Your Halloween sounds exactly like what my parents used to do. Turn out the lights and hope nobody shows up.

  11. Even up there on the mountain by yourself, you've got more Halloween spirit than I. No decorations at all. I used to do it up big, but it just seems like a waste of time now. The neighborhood has changed and there aren't many kids around. Not like when out kids were young. Back then, my hubby and a friend from across the street would take our kids trick-or-treating, and at a number of the houses, THEY got treats, too. Some kind of booze. I still bought a bunch of candy for the trick-or-treaters this year, but there's way too much left. (sigh. Oh darn.)

    1. I always try to get into the Halloween spirit, but since I moved to Nowhereland there's absolutely no reason. What I enjoy most is photographing the autumn foliage. I was going to carve the pumpkins, but I didn't even do that.
      Sadly, Halloween has changed drastically from how it use to be....
      ....or perhaps (most likely) I've changed....


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