Thursday, July 2, 2020


I can no longer keep track of time - which seems to be more continually fleeting every day. I missed the Summer Solstice.
July has arrived without my notice or permission.

The eternal rain and thunderstorms are so firmly established during every season here in Tennessee that the endless wetness and dampness is a permanent year-round presence.
Warm rain, icy rain, inevitable rain.....

Today was blessed with rare sunlight accompanied by heat and humidity. Summer is here.

I'm rambling about nothing for no other reason than to fill dead blog space.

My homemade wine (see previous posts) is so successful that I'm presently making a new batch. White wine this time, for a change.

I've gotten used to the initial potent "kick" and drank more than I should have yesterday.  
The wine hit me rather hard, since I haven't had any alcohol in over six months. And it did give me a slightly unpleasant hangover (I almost never get hangovers).

But I'm absolutely delighted with my initiation into homemade booze and plan to pursue it enthusiastically.

I drove to town yesterday (before or after inebriation???) and spent a fortune on groceries and supplies - - yet only got a fraction of what I need.
Things seem to be getting more expensive....

I accidentally left a package of luncheon meat in the extremely hot car for several hours - and I'm reluctant to eat it. Perhaps I'll forget about sandwiches until the next time I go shopping.

I got some things for the upcoming holiday weekend (Independence Day, in case you didn't know):
chicken, pork chops, corn on the cob, a small watermelon, and ice cream.  

There really aren't many places to store food in this tiny place. When I lived in Texas my kitchen had two refrigerators, a large pantry, a giant closet, and ample storage.
In this quaint hillbilly abode I have next to nothing.

This post is extremely boring. When I start boring myself, I get worried.
Other bloggers always have informative, interesting, unnervingly sunny and optimistic posts.

I was never a sunny, informative person. It ain't my style. 

I've already written my 4th of July post - which will probably annoy you beyond redemption.
But if you can successfully get past that - - I have some benign, almost sunny upcoming posts that you'll like.
When I'm in the mood, I can be so likeable that it's scary..... 

Pictures, anyone?

Blase morning fog -
it's foggy every day until mid-morning

Sitting on the front porch
contemplating the view


 wind chimes
to ward off evil spirits

Lazy Kitzee


  1. Time is going so slowly, and yet so fast. How can both be true? It's been unseasonably cool here (low to mid 60s) but I really like it. I'm flying into 90s and thunderstorms on Tuesday though which should be interesting. :( I'm glad that the wine is working out well! You'll have to explain the process to us since I am clueless.

  2. I rather like country living life most of the time as I grew up in the "boondocks" so to speak until I graduated from high school. However, you can not beat central air conditioning and DISH Network as we grew up in a house that had neither - NO CABLE for years and years so we had to play with the rabbit ears in an attempt to get UHF! LOL!! Ah yes, the "good" ole days, eh? In any case, I am very much looking forward to your July 4th post actually.

  3. Oh yes, and I for one would not be disappointed if you posted more pics of your handsome kitty cats! lol

  4. I love seeing Kitzee!!!!!!!!! No rain here but it's nice and warm to say the least...summer is here!!!! My mother has the same chair you have on your porch pictured. She has four of them. They are so comfortable, and hit my back in all the right places. Im heading home to stay for a week or so, I need to get out of these walls again. Have a Happy Fourth if I don't make it back by then.

  5. I'm so tickled to hear you're getting into the wine-making business! Our weather sounds lots like yours. (Well, why not … we're pretty close, as the crow flies. Whatever.) Weather permitting, I could live on that front porch! Keep the kitty pictures coming, won't you? You know, I'm really looking forward to your Independence Day post!

  6. Nice to read that something went right, Jon...the wine making. And, I would think that being hung over while at Walmart might not be such a bad thing, except when driving there. Getting back to the wine making, how much can you make at one time and how do you store it? The only wine I drink comes already bottled from the NH Wine & Liquor Outlet

  7. you have a great view. did like the photo of your boots peaking out. enjoy your weekend. happy 4th of july. and yeah i'd throw that lunch meat out. could be spoiled. take care

  8. Back when I used to drink I avoided wine because it tending to give me hangovers. Best of luck with your homemade wines, though. It looks so peaceful and relaxing Kitzee demonstrates. Happy 4th! :)


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