Sunday, May 21, 2023


 I was in the kitchen yesterday, broiling some hamburgers, when I suddenly heard a loud and steady hissing sound.

I tried to ignore it - thinking it was a figment of my paranoid imagination........but it was getting so loud that it definitely warranted an investigation.

The hissing was coming from the laundry area - and it sounded like rushing water. I immediately panicked Big Time, because that's where the main water valve is (I had to fix it several years ago due to a major leak)


I checked the valve and it seemed to be all right. I didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief - because the Source of Hissing (capitalized for dramatic emphasis) seemed to be coming from the Mysterious Black Box.

The Mysterious Black Box isn't a computer router, but it has something to do with my fiber optic telephone/computer connection. 
My knowledge of technology is pathetically limited.

I instinctively pulled the plug on the box and tried to reset it - - but the hissing didn't stop.

Curiously, the hissing was accompanied by a strong smell - - sort of like a heavy metallic paint smell.

Instinctively gazing upwards - toward heaven - I looked at a shelf, located above the Mysterious Black Box.

Amazing discovery!

There was an old (very old) can of Rust-Oleum Epoxy Paint which had sprung a leak!

My Big Sigh of Relief was enormous. My psychotic imagination had been running rampant with other evil things.

So I took the hissing paint can outside (as it leaked all over my hands) and prayed that it wouldn't explode.

A happy ending.

One more thing:

When I first heard the hissing sound, I thought it might be a snake.
Some of my faithful readers (all two of you) might remember when I had snakes in the house.

This is the serpent that was on my bookshelf.

I've had three snakes in the house (not at the same time) since I first moved in here. 

I removed two of them by hand.
Unfortunately, the snake on my bookcase got away......and I never found him!!!!!
That was about two years ago.

The unpleasant surprises in this cursed rural abode are absolutely limitless.

                                       Cheers, Jon


  1. First thing, I was imagining a snake. You're braver than me, for sure. Pretty sure after the first one, I'd have set fire to the house and become a ward of the state.

    1. Myra, I've been through so very many horrendous things that nothing phases me anymore. When I discovered the first snake in the house I was absolutely terrified - but the second and third snakes only made me annoyed. When the third snake disappeared I really didn't give a damn. I'm at the point where I'm completely emotionally numb......

  2. I agree with Mevely, my first thought was that the snake had returned....yikes.
    Glad the paint can didn't blow, that would be a mess to clean up.
    Beautiful weather this week....enjoy

    1. I never knew a paint can could make that much noise. Fortunately all the paint leaked out and the can didn't explode. I'd rather encounter a hissing can than a hissing snake....
      There was heavy rain yesterday but fair, warm weather is expected this week.

  3. Thank God - I also thought (after reading your post title) that it was ANOTHER SNAKE!

    1. I'd rather have a leaking can than a hissing snake.......
      but I'd rather have a snake than a broken water pipe (*smile*).

  4. Like everyone else, and you, I thought--snake! So glad you got that can outside and it didn't explode--and what a relief to find the actual source. :)

    1. It really scared me because I thought it was a broken water pipe. I've never had a can of paint leak like that. It was messy - but I'd rather deal with paint than a hissing snake!

  5. I thought this was going to be another snake story as well.

    1. With my perpetual bad luck, I'll probably have another snake story in the near future.....

  6. Yee Gods! Snakes in the house is the stuff of nightmares (for me). Do you know what type of snakes were in your house/poisonous? I'm glad the problem was easily resolved. Living in such a rural area is somewhat of an appealing thought....then looking at the realities of it....not so much, especially as we age. Take care.
    Paranormal John

    1. The worst part of dealing with snakes is that I have no idea which ones are poisonous. I'm (foolishly) assuming that most of those on my property aren't dangerous - - although they can be intimidating (with all the hissing, etc.)

      I initially imagined that life in the wilderness would be simple and carefree. The grim reality is that it's a never-ending nightmare with more problems and inconveniences than I ever dreamed.

  7. I'm one of the "2 readers" that remember about the snake... ugh!!! I do not like them.. probably because I don't know one from another. I'm glad you found the culprit if the hissing! Take care Jon. Louise

    1. I would rather have a hissing paint can than a hissing snake! I really dislike snakes, but I am used to them because there are so many around here.
      I'm delighted that you're one of my two faithful readers (*smile*).

  8. I've been around rattlesnakes since I was a little kid. According to my dad when I was around 6 we were camping and I found a small one and carried it back to camp by the tail.

    It's a good idea if possible to store paint/epoxy etc outside...the fumes can be pretty toxic.

    Hope things are improving there, it's unseasonably hot here.


    1. There were a lot of rattlesnakes where I lived in Texas and I kept as far away from them as possible.

      The epoxy paint fumes are indeed toxic - - I bought that paint long ago and (unfortunately) completely forgot about it. I never knew it could spring a leak!

  9. Oh my gosh. But, once I read the story I had a good chuckle over it and was thankful it was that and not your water line or a snake! Wendy

    1. I was more frightened of a broken water line than a snake. When I discovered it was a paint can, I was actually relieved!

  10. Hi Jon, for some reason I notice receive notices of your posts anymore nor can I leave a comment on others blogs with my Google profile. My comments are left as "Anonymous." I'm going to leave a comment on your blog. Just so you know, this is Ron of "Retired In Delaware."
    When I heard your hissing sound my first thought was a gas leak. Just last week a beautiful house was burned down as a result of a faulty charge of a golf cart in my neighbor's garage that caught fire and caused three propane gas can to explode. Huge plumes to the sky. That wised me up to removed the gas cans I store in my garage for my riding lawn mower. I put those gas cans in my shed. You never know what dangers lurk undetected. Thank goodness you got that leaky can before it exploded.

    1. Blogger is notorious for doing bizarre things. There are several other people who have trouble leaving comments on my blog. I'm glad you're able to comment, even if you're anonymous.
      Thank goodness my house is all electric here in TN. In Texas it was gas, which I really don't like. When I was a kid in Calif. my father used to store gas cans near our house - which completely panicked my mother. It's a miracle that they didn't explode!

  11. I found out the reason I can't comment using my Blogger (Google) profile. Seems I have to enable third party cookies. Not doing that so I'll try this and see what happens.

  12. Seems we ALL had the same though after reading the post title...Yikes, another snake! Glad that wasn't the case, Jon, and also it was a good thing the can never exploded even though I am not exactly sure if that would have happened. One good thing about apt living is that we no longer have any type of aerosol cans stored anywhere as we no do not have a garage, basement or storage shed.

    1. I seldom use paint in aerosol cans and I completely forgot about this one. I had no idea it could spring a leak!

  13. AaaaieeeeeHH! Are those Texas snakes or Tennessee snakes? Big difference!

    Glad it was only a can.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.