Sunday, October 6, 2024



I've been blogging many more years than I care to remember, and it initially wasn't easy.

I'm an extremely private person. I never wanted to release my inner thoughts or boast about very intimate things, such as my sexuality.

Eventually, blogging became a potent catharsis. Releasing my emotions have often preserved my sanity (or what's left of it).

Annoying as it might seem, blogging has also been a format to (occasionally?) boast about myself. I have gone through most of my life with extraordinary low self esteem and intense self-hatred.

I'm extremely sensitive, I can't easily handle criticism, and have an unwholesome craving for validation.

An Aside for Thought:

My father criticized me until nearly the day he died and it was a struggle to get over it.

When I was young and reckless, I was extremely promiscuous. It was a desperate (pathetic?) attempt to validate my desirability.

As I was previously saying, blogging is a format to (occasionally?) boast about myself. I sometimes share my videos, piano recordings, and often talk about my unconventional past.

I used to jokingly say that I'm the most interesting person I know. Lately, I'm starting to believe it (should I insert a wry *smile* here?).

I think we are all people of many facets. Mine seem to be very complex and contradictory.

Saint or Sinner?

Am I strong or weak? Tough or a sissy?

I'm extremely sensitive, sentimental, and have the soul of a romantic. That's sissy, some will say.


As a child, I stoically endured my father's violence and insanity. When he beat the hell out of me (which was often) I never cried. When I was fourteen he fractured two of my ribs, and stamped on my bare feet with his workboots until my feet were a bloody pulp. I never flinched.

I didn't have fear. I had intense anger.

Our last physical ordeal happened when I was eighteen. It was absolutely the worst ever. He literally tried to kill me - and I was choked into unconsciousness.

I'll omit the chilling details....

but I eventually got his revolver, sneaked into his bedroom when he was sleeping, planned to kill him.

Suppressing my rage, I decided it wasn't worth the trouble (I'm drastically condensing this). That's when I left for Hollywood.

Tough or sissy?

When I was twenty, late one night in downtown Los Angeles, I was accosted by a mugger - a short, stocky Latino. I slashed his hand with my switchblade - - and then ran like hell.

Was I tough? I was in survival mode. That's about it.

When I was haunting the midnight streets of Hollywood and L.A. I learned to feign toughness......and I learned a helluva lot of other things, too.

Sappy Sentimentality

Besides slashing muggers with switchblades and hustling the hardcore midnight streets......

.....I have a softer side.

I'm a passionate opera lover and a balletomane. I also love art, literature, antiques....and cats.

That makes my masculinity questionable, huh?

You needn't have to guess.

I've covered the sexual gamit. My exploration is profound.....and shamelessly biased.

In my wild youth I craved danger and excitement. I've mentioned Phil in a very old blog post. He was an ex con, in prison for armed robbery and attempted murder. When I first met him, he was just out on parole. Incredibly good looking. Definitely a fallen angel.

One of the most intense, passionate relationships of my life. He still did drugs, and was terrified of failing his periodic drug tests (there were intricate illegal ways to get around this, but I won't elaborate).

I could write a book about our dark adventures....but I'll cut to an intense climax (no pun intended, of course).

One night Phil showed up with a car. This surprised me because he had no car and his license was revoked.

It was a stolen car, of course.

We drove up into the deserted Orange Hills. Parked in an isolated place. Smoked plenty of Acapulco Gold. Had an incredibly.....exciting time.

Later, he was driving fast and reckless through the hills. He lost control, swerved, and we crashed over a cliff!

Miraculously we only had minor injuries. Crawled out, walked for miles, finally hitched a ride to civilization. Never got caught.

If that was unsettling, I could reveal my (rather brief) "encounter" with a director of gay porn films. He offered me a role in one of them.

Hell, no!! I have some semblance of dignity.

I actually wrote a long ago blog post called "Mephistopheles at Midnight" - which was about the time I attended a midnight Halloween orgy at his mansion.

If I ever find it I might repost it.

My sordid secrets are out! I have nothing left to hide.

I'm revealing these sleezy things to emphasize how unique and adventurous my past was.  I'm not exactly proud of it, but have no intention of supressing it. Admittedly, I'm glad that I had a colorful life.

Despite all of my (many) major flaws, I'm completely honest. Everything in this blog is truthful.

I wanted to say a lot more in this post, but I think I revealed enough. For now.

My young years weren't all completely wild and perverted. I found immense satisfaction during my college years (later) and being a professional musician and (even years later) a professional writer.

And I eventually found the love of my life. Our relationship was absolutely perfect but tainted with tragedy. He is now deceased.

Rest in the sanctuary of peace, W.G.H.


I wrote this post quickly without much thought. Hope it makes some sense.

Top photo taken when I was 21. Lower photo taken when I was over 50. Why did I post these? Heck, I don't know.


  1. Reading you is a wild ride in itself. Thanks for trusting us with your history.

    1. I'll consider that to be a thumbs up. Thanks, Liz!

  2. "That makes my masculinity questionable, huh?" Hell no!!!!! As a lover of men, I would much rather have a man that is well rounded, no pun intended, lol, not afraid to show feelings, speak his mind, and have many varied interests. I'd rather have a man like that then the typical "pound his chest" macho man with no personality. Beside you have a very good eye and ear when it comes to music and art... nothing to be ashamed of.

    Is a memoir date set yet? Also I saw the post title. Did I miss the naked shots?

    1. I've always felt the same way. The perfect combination is someone intellectually and physically stimulating.
      I have a few naked shots (ironically Phil took some of them) but I'll keep them under wrap.
      I wouldn't want to expose unsuspecting people to too much of a good thing....
      (just jesting, of course).

  3. I agree with Boud. We all come to your blog because we want to. There must be a reason, right?

    1. I'm always afraid that some people will abandon me because they have to....
      I appreciate your vote of confidence!

  4. Well, my husband is a major cat lover so there you have it.

    As far as your past, Jon, I find it exciting to read about it and it took a lot of courage to reveal those parts of your past. I also understand the feeling of insecurity. I have had it myself all of my life, still do, and probably always will.

    Thank you for sharing such a private part of your life with us!

    1. There's something very special about cat lovers. They're in a class by themselves. I think cats reflect our nature.
      It's nesrly impossible to condense an entire life into one paltry blog post. I need to write a memoir....but I'm lazy.
      Thanks, Kim.

  5. You've led an interesting and adventurous life Jon, I'm sure you cherish the good times, which surely outway the bad.
    I'm sorry that you endured hardship and abuse at the hands of your father, it makes me ever more grateful that I had a kind and compassionate one.
    I've been a cat lover since the age of four, and never had there been a period without one. They bring so much joy to my life.
    Cooler temps and low humidity, how fortunate are we 😊

    1. I truly dislike blaming my father for all my problems- - but he definitely was the sole cause for most of them.
      Almost every one on my mother's side of the family were cat lovers.
      Sunny days here and cooler temperatures. Wonderful!

  6. You seem less wild now. What changed?

    1. I'm very definitely less wild now. I honestly couldn't tolerate the lifestyle that I led back then.
      I now savor the rural area where I live and the beauty of Mother Nature. I would never return to California.

  7. Several times you have recounted the abuse your dad dealt. I always wondered..why didn’t your Mom get you out of it?

    1. It was an extremely complex situation, which could never be fully explained in a blog post. Things were entirely different when I was young. There were no resources for battered women, and family violence was seldom mentioned.
      My mother left numerous times. Once she went to Reno for a divorce. My father found her via a detective. He begged her to come home and she did....endless cycle....

  8. Beautifully expressed ... from the heart. IF (and when?) you feel led, I'd love to know more about W.G.H.

    1. William Gregory. He went by the .ame of Greg. He was a pianist like meself. His mother was a professional singer, his father was a professor at UCLA. His mother hated gays and tried to send him to a mental institution.
      More drama then you could imagine. I'll write more about this....later.

    2. Sorry for the typos. I'm writing on my cell phone.

  9. Thank you for sharing this Jon. We (your FAITHFUL followers) are all here by choice, not because we have to be. I thoroughly enjoy all your posts. I'm sure we all have a back story to tell- (I do for sure) but you are courageous enough to share yours with us, thank you for that!
    Cooler weather coming Jon!! Take care- Louise

    1. I alway worry that I reveal too much, but I'm glad you're here. It's difficult to write about so many things in one blog post. Perhaps a memoir would be better.
      Beautiful sunny weather here and slightly cooler.
      Thanks, Louise!

    2. I'm not surprised at anything here. You have always done a pretty good job of letting us "read between the lines". These days most people live their own life however they need to, and that's how it should be. I'll mind my own business and you can mind yours.

    3. Well, I'm glad that you're not shocked. I've always suspected that most people could read between the lines. I fully realize that my sordid lifestyle was wrong and I'm not exactly proud of it - - but I felt it was high time for me to confess.

  10. Jon, I know you have a love/hate relationship with California. But you may enjoy something I watch regularly. If you watch TikTok, there is a creator using the name Da’Ron. You can probably search just “Daron”. He travels the streets of LA on a one-wheel. If you are a night owl, he would be just your cup of tea. He goes on live usually around 2-3 am (central time) and is on for a couple of hours. He usually has around 2,000 viewers when he is on. He is quite entertaining and does not hesitate to go anywhere from Beverly Hills to Skid Row. He is usually in central LA. I am nor familiar with that city, so I cannot be more specific. He has a police scanner and shows up at all sorts of police things. They all know him and are friendly with him. He has a fascination with the Cecil Hotel. (I feel sure you are familiar with its’ story) he has been on the roof on his one-wheel. He does show up live at other times during the day. He has many videos posted of his encounters around the city. He has been mugged a couple of times. Everything is captured on his videos. He also shows up at a lot of the big Hollywood events at the Staples Center (now Crypto Arena?) he is quite funny.

    If you have access to TikTok, I highly recommend you check this out. It seems to be something that you would readily recognize. While he usually has a couple thousand viewers on live, he has close to a million followers, so he is not a small presence. Very entertaining.

    1. I really appreciate your interesting comment. I'm not too familiar with Tik Tok but tempted to join. Da'Ron's adventures sound like something I'd be interested. Hollywood and L.A. have changed drastically since I lived there, but I have no doubt that it's still fascinating after dark.
      I'm familiar with the Cecil Hotel and its weird history. I'm surprised that it hasn't been demolished.
      Thank you for the information!

  11. Your life is so much more peaceful now. Do you think you'll ever write your story down? The trouble with that is having to relive it all--lol! I know. I have written some down, too, from my colorful past. It is therapeutic in a way but I am too happy with my life now, I think. Took a lot to get here. ;) Anything you write--we will be here. :)

    1. My life is much more peaceful now. My past seems like something far away in another world. I'd really like to write my memoirs but, like you said, I'd have to relive everything and that's not easy - - but writing is definitely therapeutic.
      We both earned our quiet lives now. It's been a long journey.
      Thanks, Rita.
      Meow to Allie

  12. Jon, as another blogger commented earlier, those who read your posts do so because they do find your life interesting. You have led a more colorful life than so many others and I appreciate that you candidly share more than most people would feel comfortable doing. For the record, there was never any doubt in my mind that everything wasn't the true story. It's nice that you no longer lament not having others interested in reading your posts.

    1. For some (strange) reason, I had an urge to reveal the secrets of my past - instead of just hinting about them. I'm truly surprised that so many people are interested....and haven't judged me.
      Thanks, Dorothy!

  13. You've certainly had an interesting life! I find it fascinating reading, please continue. Perhaps I'm living vicariously, my life by comparison has been less adventurous, except perhaps a stretch in '67-68, in SE Asia.
    Keep posting, Jon. Hope you're doing ok, and the upcoming tests are favorable.

    1. You've had an extremely interesting life, Mike - - but it wasn't sleezy like mine *smile*.
      My next appointment with my oncologist is on Thursday the 10th.
      I'll keep posting!

  14. Great writing! Too much? Well, not for me.... who lived a somewhat similar life in my youth. Now I look back and wonder how I managed to still be here?? Like you, much prefer the 'quiet life' these days. It'd be interesting to hear about William Gregory. Whenever you're ready....I am!
    Paranormal John

    1. I get astonished and exhausted just thinking about my past (but I admittedly enjoy writing about it). Right now, I don't want excitement. I only want peace and privacy.
      Greg was absolutely the love of my life, but it was tainted with tragedy.
      There will be more.......

    2. Look forward to hearing about William Gregory. Sad he's no longer with us. I know it'll be a fascinating story. I had to chuckle about when you were asked to make a 'naughty' movie. No one ever asked me....had they asked me back then it would probably go like....'OK boys.... lights, camera, action! Thankfully, no one ever asked.
      Paranormal John

    3. I laughed when you said "lights, camera, action". I was wild back then, but not quite that eager....

  15. Good luck tomorrow . Thinking of you. Hugs, Louise.

  16. "I have gone through most of my life with extraordinary low self esteem and intense self-hatred."

    And yet, the people here love you. It is strange how we see ourselves sometimes vs. how others see us.

    1. You gave me a big smile and a warm hug. Thank you for that!

  17. Jon, the best therapy is sharing one’s life experiences. Best to tell like it is and was, many here like reading your story and personal insights. :)
    If you want to see LA as it is today, I recommend German in Venice on youtube, he goes all over LA.
    Hard to believe the hotel Cecil is still standing, as many downtown and skid row hotels have been demolished or repurposed. Had an aunt in law whose Russian American aunt lived in several downtown LA and Hollywood residential hotels for the downtrodden. A proud widow who would not ask for assistance, Aranda was a hoot ! Her husband died in 1970 leaving her a nice inheritance, that dwindled quickly from her spendthrift ways and lived 25 years of her life in these flop house hotels. The last one had signs that read no shooting allowed on the premises ! She spent the last 3 years of her life in a retirement home and missed her hotels.
    By the time Aranda died in 2001 at 98, most of those hotels had already been torn down for new construction, and LA keeps changing. -Rj

    1. I am surprised that the Cecil Hotel is still standing. Every time I walked past it, the place gave me the creeps.
      Aranda sounds like a unique and proud woman. It's a shame that she squandered 25 years in flop houses, but she still lived to a ripe old age. Thanks for sharing her story.
      And also thanks for your interest in my adventures.

  18. I wanted to share that I came across your blog while searching for another one about, believe it or not, the male anatomy. The subjects you cover are quite similar to the experiences of bloggers in Hollywood. I grew up in Hollywood and went to Hollywood High. I really enjoy your writing style!

    1. I really appreciate your comment. I was raised in Southern CA and lived there for thirty years. Hollywood was always my favorite haunt. I'm now living alone in rural Tennessee, trying to recover from a very serious illness that I had last year.
      I hope you'll visit my blog again!


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.