Saturday, December 21, 2024


Kindness is like snow. It beautifies everything it covers.

               Kahlil Gibran

Thoughts of snow were completely washed out with raging thunderstorms on Wednesday. Fierce winds, plenty of donner und blitzen. Thankfully no power outages.

Yesterday (Friday?) the daytime temp dropped to 32 (Fahrenheit). Short, dark, gloomy days. Visit from home care nurse. My BP is up. Can hardly walk.  Farewell prednisone, hello furosemide.

I'm presently experiencing very disturbing physical and mental issues. Secretly, I fear that I'm losing my mind. Expunge that thought.....

....I've been through too much. Strength only lasts for awhile. Fragility eventually sets in.

Today (Saturday) is the winter solstice. Shortest day of the year. No celebrations. Christmas seldom intrigues me.

I decided to string up colored lights on a living room side table. Only because I like colored lights. I wanted a simple rustic I bought this online.

I have several candles but didn't light them (yet). 


After dark, around 6:00 p.m. there was a knock at the door. Two local men brought me a huge box of food! I was completely stunned - - I certainly wasn't expecting it. Donated by local businesses.
I'm still overwhelmed.
Do I deserve this?

The box was so heavy that I removed all the canned items before taking this photo. I counted over thirty items.

A 4 lb. hickory smoked ham. 5 lbs. of potatoes. Carrots. 3 lbs. of Clementines. Coffee, canned milk, sugar, oatmeal, bread, butter. Spaghetti and pasta sauce. Pinto beans. Mac and cheese dinners. Peanut butter. Mayo.
Canned peas, corn, yams, string beans. Canned pineapples, peaches, apples, fruit cocktail. Canned soups.
Much's like mana from Heaven.
I put some things in the freezer.
It will take some time stocking canned goods on kitchen shelves.

Well, I've rambled on enough.
In darkness, there's always light.

Jon, grateful


  1. happy winter solstice Jon!
    snow beautifies a dead tree...
    a string of lights is magic... deserve that :)

    1. Snow expunges the flaws that we don't want to see. Colored lights and candles enhance the magic.
      Thanks, Lisa!

  2. Merry Christmas, Jon!
    Light is even brighter in the darkness. :)

    1. Thanks, Rita. I hope you, your family, and Allie have a bright Christmas.

  3. Yes, you totally deserve people coming to the door with food galore. Enjoy!

    1. I always think I'm not worthy, but I sure appreciate the help.
      Thanks, Liz.

  4. Happy Winter Solstice, Jon. I did a major 'downsizing' this year with the Christmas decorations and was at first rather dubious about that. But it's just fine. Less is definitely more these days. We got up to about 3 inches of snow this morning (NE Ohio). It's plenty cold out there, too.
    What a wonderful gift that came to your door. Nice folks. Yes, you most certainly do deserve that gift. Enjoy. Glad the Prednisone was taken away and the diuretic should help the edema and b/p/ .
    Wishing you a peaceful Christmas and healthy New Year, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. Downsizing isn't always easy, but it's beneficial. Looks like you'll probably have a white Christmas. It will only be a wet one here. Rain predicted.
      It's amazing how many caring people are in this poverty-stricken rural area.
      I'll undoubtedly blog again before Christmas.
      Have a great holiday!

  5. Deserve is a funny word. We don't have to deserve kindness. It is a gift, only a gift. Can't buy it.

    Your post is making me hungry! Ham. Yum. What are you going to do with the potatoes? If you have a microwave you can make a baked potato pretty quick.

    I have Stouffers mac n'cheese in the oven and will make ham n' cheese biscuits when that is done. My mother-in-law has been in the hospital. We are hoping she will be home for Christmas.

    1. I never thought about the word "deserve" - you're right.
      I always do different things with potatoes. Sometimes microwave, sometimes I boil them....or slice them up and bake in the oven.
      I'm sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. Praying she'll be home for Christmas.

  6. The Magi (and Santa) don't have a monopoly on gift-giving! Your visitors touched my heart ... angels unaware. I love that reindeer tableau ... even the 'trees' that remind me of Reese's peanut butter cups!
    'Hope to hear from you again soon, but if not ... Christmas blessings!

    1. The kind and caring people in this rural area is astounding. Truly angels.
      I never thought about those trees looking like peanut butter cups, but they do! Now I'll be thinking they are edible!
      I will (hopefully) blog again before Christmas.
      Thanks, Myra.

  7. Ahh, Guardian Angels come in many different forms, my dearest Jon. I am so glad to hear that you will at least have some stocked up food for a little while.

    I am really loving your rustic scene decorations and I absolutely enjoy colored lights!!

    Always, Kim

    1. I certainly won't have to buy any more groceries for the rest of this year. Today a church group brought a gift basket.
      Colored lights always relax me.
      Thanks, Kim.

  8. Wow, the Magi showed up early! How nice and thoughtful of them, you have some good neighbors.
    Paranormal is right, the lasix can help with both the edema and hypertension. Maybe go easy on the salt for a bit.
    We're in Victoria, our B&B has a view of the strait of Juan De Fuca! The part of the Pacific that is at the beginning of the Straits of Georgia, the body of water between Vancouver Island and mainland British Columbia.
    The Canadian Border guards are much more relaxed than their US counterparts. The fellow smiled and waved us on without looking at our passports.

    1. I live in Fentress County, which is supposed to be the poorest Co. in TN. Yet, the people are so generous here.
      My back/spinal problems combined with edema makes walking nearly impossible.
      Hopefully the Lasix will help. I've cut down on sugar and salt.
      I'm glad you're enjoying beautiful Victoria.
      Those Canadian border guards must be in the holiday spirit!

  9. Jon, I’m so happy for you. Getting a box of goodies at Christmas, 🎄is such a nice surprise! You’re on Santa’s nice list.🎅🏻 Seriously, God is watching over you. I’m sorry to hear your mobility issues hasn’t gotten better. Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart, is it? Outpatient, I’m in rehab for my left leg, and arm. I had a mild stroke 11/21 in my sleep. It’s stopping me. I’ve done all the things in December. Merry Christmas! May you have a Happy and blessed New Year! I’m praying for you.

    1. The people in my rural area of TN are so kind and generous. Its overwhelming.
      I'm so sorry to hear of your physical problems - - I can certainly identify with that - - and physical issues often exhaust our mental capacities.
      Thank you for your comment, Gabrielle, and have a blessed Christmas.

  10. Jon,
    What a wonderful gesture from your neighbors to bring you that huge box of food! Reading what you wrote brought a lump in my throat. This is what Christmas is all about, kindness from strangers. I am so happy for you. Have a wonderful Christmas my friend!

    1. Giving, sharing, and caring are what the holidays are about. It brought a lump to my throat, too, Ron.
      I hope your Christmas is peaceful and blessed with all good things. Big hugs.

  11. Tis the season for unexpected miracles and that delivery certainly falls into that category, Jon. It’s uplifting to read that you have generous and caring neighbors who seem to know when and where assistance is needed. Hope the change in meds helps with the mobility and other issues, that would be the best gift of all!

    1. It's a wonderful feeling to know that even strangers care about my welfare. A miracle indeed. These rural, humble, God-fearing people are amazing.
      So far, I'm still desperately struggling with mobility issues, but I'm not about to give up.
      Thanks, Dorothy.

  12. Your Christmas spirit is showing as we enter the Winter Solstice Jon.
    I'm smiling at your festive displays, they offer hope and comfort during this magical season.
    I have found that most people in Tennessee have generous hearts, and are willing to help their fellow man, rural locations even more so.
    Delivering that huge box of food and goodies was truly a blessing, one I'm sure you will enjoy.
    Hopefully your health issues will get easier, I continue to pray for you dear friend,

    1. I've never seen more caring and kind hearted people than in this poverty-stricken rural area of TN. It truly touches my heart.
      I'm trying to keep the Christmas spirit - - even though I'm in pain and am terrified that I'll never be able to walk normally again.
      Your caring and prayers mean a lot to me, Jo. Thanks for being there. Hugs.

  13. The first photo is the perfect Christmas card, and your decorations are just fine :)
    Great to see the generosity of your neighbors in providing good food for you, those Tennessee folks can be the best. Take care Jon, -Rj

    1. It would make a nice card. I prefer scenic cards without people in them. My decos are very sparse but the colored lights always soothe me. The people in these rural areas are really the best.
      Thanks, Rj


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