Friday, January 31, 2025



Sometimes it isn't worth the struggle. The challenge seems eternal and the battle never ends. Sometimes the brutal onslaught of meds and therapy, tests and possibilities, suppositions and probabilities seem absolutely futile.

Sometimes I'm so tired, so weary, so frustrated, so thoroughly disgusted that the uphill struggle becomes overwhelming. Sometimes the profound weight of the endless ordeal is too much to bear.

I am physically and mentally exhausted, to the point of collapse and surrender. There has to be a logical way to expunge the ongoing agony that I've endured for much too long.


Blessed sleep is the ultimate ploy of escape. A deep uninterrupted rest that will nourish and rejuvenate the body and soul as if in the breath of a dream.

I fall asleep 

and it is simple. 

Just like that.

When I wake I'm miraculously replenished, reactivated, reborn.

I feel young, handsome, healthy. Completely unburdened from former impairments and impure physical obstacles. I will walk! I'll walk freely again, as easily as if I were on the clouds.

My soul is pure and unblemished. Physical agony and mental trepidation has vanished. A newfound optimisim infiltrates my existence.

I'm in the safe nest of a familiar place, surrounded by gardens and forests and hills that seem to spill out into eternity with uncomparable beauty. Warm golden sunlight floods the windows, caresses the rooms,  soothes my sleeping cats.

And suddenly in this cradle of blessed peace I hear distant voices that come closer, becoming more distinct. Voices of all the people I knew over the yawning span of long ago decades. All the good people who graced and enhanced my life.

At first I'm rendered speechless from astonishment. When I finally find my voice, I cry out to them with tears of unrelenting joy.

I have so much to tell them, so very much to say! Mine has been an astonishing journey.

I connect again with all those echoes of the past and all the possibilities of an infinite future - - 

almost like the endless expanse of an unexplored dream.

Jon ๐Ÿ’œ

I often write for my selfish self, without realizing the impact it might have on others. My words  reveal possibilities between lines. I am an enigma unto myself......never expecting to be fully understood. I savor sympathy but never purposefully seek it. 

I'll hear your silent prayers.


  1. This was beautiful. Thank you. An immensely encouraging read. made it into my most recent blogpost (yesterday). Come take a look?

    1. I visited your blog - - the post is truly beautiful.....and a heartfelt thanks for remembering me. ๐Ÿงก

  2. This was so beautiful and touched me so much it brought tears to my eyes.

    Simply lovely dream indeed, Jon!

    - Kim

    1. I was hesitant to post this, because it was too emotional and overwhelming. Your kind comment is really encouraging.
      Thank you, Kim.

  3. A beautiful and heartfelt post, I treasure those dreams that connect us to our loved-ones.
    Hold on tight to them dear friend.

    1. This post has a multitude of meanings to me. I think it was inspired by a dream I had recently. I was young, my parents were alive. Somehow I found four beautiful kittens and I took them home....a strange dream, but it was very real.
      Perhaps we need these inspirations.
      Thanks, Jo.

  4. I'm so enamored by this, Jon! Perhaps a little envious (that) I've never experienced this sort of peaceful 'cradle.' No, I won't lose hope -- and I pray that you won't either. Thank you for sharing these candid emotions.

    1. This post was partially inspired by a recent dream (see my reply to Jo's comment above)...but my initial intention was to describe my transportation to a "better place", that's waiting for us after all of these cursed earthly struggles. A peaceful cradle that we've never experienced before.
      Hope (for many things) is all we have, Myra. Hang onto it.

  5. Reveals a great strength of character in YOU !
    One’s life is too precious to give up on, and so we carry on no matter what.
    Jon, may healthier days come your way.:)

    1. I've always had low self-esteem and an annoying sense of timidity. It wasn't until recently - when I viewed my life in retrospect - that I realized how strong I really was (am).
      Life is indeed precious - - and I suppose the tribulations we go through are given to test our strength.
      I always joked saying goodness will get you nowhere.
      Well, weakness will truly get you nowhere.
      Thanks, -Rj

  6. Ah! What a lovely dream. Sleep can be so healing. :)

    1. My initial purpose was to wake up and find myself transported to another place - - another realm far from this earth and all the suffering....

  7. Nicely done, Jon. Well written indeed.
    I too have dreams about others past, my wife Cary often, and my sister Cora.
    My dreams of late all seem to have a theme, played out it different area's. The theme seems to be 'you can't get there from here'. or 'you want to finish the operation, but can't find sutures..." etc.
    Last night in my dream I was stuck in Iowa, and trying to get home to Montana. All the maps I had showed interstate freeways that changed to dirt roads, and the only way I could get home to Montana was through Death Valley in California. I woke puzzled by that one....
    Hope you are well, my friend.

    1. I smiled at your dreams. The ongoing theme seems to be frustration.
      I often have dreams about being lost - - wandering around searching for something but not knowing what. Perhaps frustration. I also often talk to my mother in my dreams...telling her what's going on.
      I'm hanging in there, doing my best.
      Thanks, Mike

  8. Yes, Jon, I do get the irony and the reference in this post. At times, it must seem like a never ending sleep would be preferred now, but then your blog friends would miss you. And, you wouldn’t to deprive us. Of course, you have my prayers.

    1. Often I get so frustrated and disgusted that I don't want to go on......but I keep pushing onward....perhaps for those who would miss me.
      Thanks, Dorothy.


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