Saturday, July 6, 2019


I'll be brash enough to say that I hit a home run with my previous post A Political Conversation although very few people would agree or be willing to admit it.
Also, in order to fully appreciate it, you would have had to watch the Democratic  Presidential Debates, which I'm sure (very) few people did.

Anyway, my post was a personal purge: and it felt fantastic to finally say what I really think. I doubt if my humor was a big hit (it seldom is - - especially with the humorless liberals), but I thought I was hilarious.

I honestly don't think many people follow politics closely. They simply turn on CNN and listen to an entire convoy of rabid Trump haters.......and then they blindly say "Wow, I hate Trump, too!" 

I feel that the majority of people are followers. They don't bother to think for themselves. They agree with what their friends say. They absorb what the media tells them to think.

This was never more apparent than during the reign of Hitler. An entire nation was programed to blindly hate for absolutely no logical reason. This blind hate annihilated millions of innocent victims: Jews, the handicapped, the sick, the elderly, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals,....and anyone who dared to resist the national surge of rampant insanity.

I have seen a similar national surge of blind hate ever since President Trump was elected and it has snowballed completely out of control.....perpetuated by ignorant followers who are oblivious to all reason and rationality. This programmed mindset is not only frightening, but also extremely dangerous.

When I trash and lampoon the liberal left, I do it solely to give them a taste of their own medicine. And I do it tongue-in-cheek (with dark humor)  - - always knowing what buttons to push.
Like most haters and bullies, they can dish out the shit but they can't take it.

I'm fully aware when I go overboard. And I wickedly enjoy it.

Incidentally, I recently received six comments (so far) from furious people who informed me that they're leaving my blog forever - - one said (ironically) "Because of your dangerous hate." 

So be it.
In the distant past this would have bothered me immensely. Today, I couldn't care less.

I call the shots as I see them and will continue to do so. Sometimes the truth stings.

One final thought:
I know that some people got angry because I trashed the two gay candidates.
Sorry, but I don't cater to people just because they're gay.
Booker and Buttigieg are definitely not presidential material.