Tuesday, April 11, 2017


I'm not talking foul ball. Or fowl bird. I'm talking foul mood. I've been in a dangerously foul mood for a long time. And I have the urge to rant.

I had a few beers today - along with a lethal dose of NyQuil. No need for you Goody-Two-Shoes to worry. I wasn't driving.
I used to be a hardcore lush.
Ever since I moved to Tennessee I'm nearly a teetotaler. Not because I got righteous. Solely because this is a "dry" (or semi-dry) county. In layman's terms it means that the Baptists don't want anyone to drink liquor. Someone ought to tell them that Jesus turned water into wine.  He'd do one helluva business here in Hillbillyland.

Anyway, there's one tiny store snuggled on the edge of town that sells beer only for outrageous prices.

You've told us that already, Jon.

Well, I'm telling you again just in case you forgot.

The joy of life in the wilderness is wearing thin. There are times when I'm almost tempted to rejoin civilization. 
I said almost. But not quite.

My ravaged back is keeping me from doing things around here. I can hardly walk most of the time.

Run to a doctor, Jon.

I presently don't have any health insurance. And past experience has assured me that most doctors are only good for two things: prescribing pain pills and sending outrageous bills.

A serious aside:
I realize that several of my fellow bloggers (including Geo. and David) have literally had their lives saved by doctors, and I truly appreciate the fact.

As for me: I no longer give a shit about my own life. I have nothing to lose but the ability to walk (if there's any grim humor in that, I can't find it). 

Doctors are not all Ben Casey. I could tell you about a frighteningly loopy doctor that I had a personal relationship with (long ago).
But I won't. 

This blog post is getting too long but I'm on a roll. Sort of.

All of the purple blossoms around here (in my previous post photos) have died from the recent frost. Only a few scant white ones are left (see header photo).
I always assumed Tennessee was a mild southern state. If I ever knew the winters were ten months long here I would have never came. I should have gotten a clue when I discovered that the state bird is the Penguin.

I thought that was funny but nobody's laughing. 

The wasps and bees are vicious this season. I get attacked every time I go outside. And there are a lot of them.

My cat Scruffy caught two lizards lately (in the house). I quickly rescued both of them. Fortunately they were both unharmed. I like lizards.

One more thing before I go:
I've decided to keep the comments on this blog in the "moderation" mode for a little while longer.
I personally hate comment moderation - and I'm sure some people also find it annoying.

I've discovered, however, (thanks to live traffic feed) that a few people who despise me still regularly visit my blog. I can't understand why - except for the fact that I'm irresistible (*smile*).

I think they are just waiting for me to say something that they don't like - so they can gleefully pounce on me again.

It's a good thing I keep most of my thoughts to myself.


  1. I'm so glad you posted. I was beginning to worry you were down flat!Story; I had a friend who had no insurance, no doctor, no money. He would go to the emergency room for everything. When he got the bills, he would pay $10.00 a month to the hospital without interest. Maybe you should snoop around. I mean after all, how do all these poor homeless street people do it?
    On another note, Phil eats lizards and growls at me when I try to take them away from him. He always brings them inside to the living room and chomps away after torturing them with a chase until lifeless. (the little dahling).
    I'm glad your still kicking albeit in agony.

    1. I'll eventually get some kind of medical coverage. I should also admit that I've always had a fear of going to doctors...and dentists.

      I'm surprised that Scruffy didn't harm the lizards - she was just carrying them around by the tail. She would undoubtedly have eventually pulverized them - - it was my quick "rescue" that saved them.
      My cats are much more aggressive with mice. Lizards seem to "puzzle" them a little.

      I appreciate your concern. I hadn't realized that it was so long since my previous post.

  2. i remember my days in the U.S. and the need for insurance. If you don't have it now, when could you expect to have it, other then in your retirement years and be covered by, sorry but forget what it's called, your federal coverage?.. Cue for assistance. Aside: The state bird of Tennessee is the Penguin.......? To quote my South Bay nearest and dearest at the time..... "are you sh.......ing me?" A Penguin! Sorry , did a LOL. Jon, time to plan your work, and work your plan. I know you're down in the doldrums, but gotta fight on. Chin up, MaggieB

    1. Maggie - to be brutally honest, I had no idea what the state bird is for Tennessee. I just Googled it and discovered it's the mockingbird. I like mockingbirds, but haven't seen very many around here.

  3. PS - to previous response left for you. Can't you just bar those that have left a history of hostile remarks from commenting further? MaggieB

    1. It is possible to restrict blogs so they can only be seen by "registered" users or people who have Google accounts - - but that doesn't do much good.
      I don't really want to restrict any readers. I'll simply delete the nasty comments.

      (as long as I don't mention politics, the nasty comments are few...)

  4. Ok third comment to you. It so unsettled me I poured another glass of Sauvignon Blanc when I should go to bed as I am working tomorrow! Probably some of your above thoughts will evaporate overnight, but seriously - think about making the changes, before the changes are forced on you. Penguins...... still tittering. Regards, MaggieB

  5. Still lingering Jon. It's like Brokeback Mountain. They just can't quit you. It is getting warm here too, but the bugs haven't been bad at all yet. Haven't seen any bees yet.

    1. Brokeback Mountain should be the title of my blog....

  6. Since being swarmed by wasps that colonized my grandmother's mailbox in Oklahoma, I thought that insect was the state bird of the entire South. But Tennessee and penguins? I fear local mockingbirds are having you on. As to doctors, when I had back problems 35 years ago, an excellent (and relatively inexpensive) G.P. told me to stop sleeping on my back. So I slept on my side or tummy for a few weeks and it took the stress off the spine (and pain-susceptible muscles that attend the spine). Might help. Hope it does.

    1. Thanks for the tip, Geo. I've never heard that before but it makes sense. I can sleep on my right side but not my left. No matter how I sleep, however, it still takes over an hour before I'm able to navigate.

      I saw some really beautiful cardinals yesterday. I thought they were only winter birds.

  7. Bees and wasps are a new nusiance to monitor. Hopefully you're not allergic.

    1. I don't think I'm allergic - - but I haven't been stung in a long time (knock wood...). They all seem to be in the process of building nests, which undoubtedly explains their aggressiveness.

  8. Do take care, we are counting on you to keep blogging

    1. I really appreciate your vote of confidence - - thanks!!!

  9. I've had my blog on moderation for a few years. Even though I don't get mean blog posts a person can still get spammers. Go ahead and leave it on. :)
    Sorry you are in such a foul mood. Pain can do that to a person. Hang in there. Spring is coming. Really. Eventually. ;)

    1. I used to get a lot of spam on my old blog Lone Star Concerto - - and I occasionally get it on my other blog Cabinet of Curious Treasures.

      It's FINALLY warm and beautiful today and I'm loving it!

  10. I remember you from years back. I see your comments at times & always say I'll hop over. Just did.
    I'm laughing, which I needed today. Thank you, Jon. Tragi-comedy is something I understand, at times, too well. I never grab a few beers, but many days I indulge in a few strong organic coffees...best I can do.

    1. Strong organic coffees are definitely better than nothing (and probably better than beer of NyQuil.
      Thanks for visiting my blog - and I'm delighted that you appreciate my humor (it isn't always easy to find).

  11. Penguin? (THAT actually provoked a snort.)
    Wish I had the right words ... even something remotely comical to cheer you up, Jon.

    Funny how one can pour out his/her heart and (most) citizens of Blogville are right there to reassure and prop us back up. Pretty good feeling, isn't it?

  12. One of the things I like about blogging is the instant feedback (hey, as long as it's not death threats....). It's always great to know that others care and that fantastic people like yourself still exist in this crazy world.

  13. Jon,
    Love those dogwood trees! We had a magnificent dogwood tree at our property in Pennsylvania. The new owner probably chopped it down as he has done with most of the other lovely trees. You be careful and not to fall. Without health insurance you're in great danger to being "taken care of" by the state and you know you don't want that.
    Enjoy this beautiful spring Jon.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.