Tuesday, July 10, 2018


My recent plumbing adventure was the least of my problems (see previous posts).

I've decided to take another (brief?) hiatus from the Land of Blog, due to overwhelming circumstances. No need to elaborate - except to say that my ruthless life is never dull. 

No need to worry about me (I know that a few of you do). If I ever woke up to a day without problems and extraordinary stress I'd probably drop dead from the shock.
I was born to suffer.

In the meantime - -
I'm offering a musical interlude - a video that I've previously posted on this blog. 

One of my all-time favorite songs (especially when it's sung by Jane Olivor).
Lalena (pronounced Lalaynia). 

This song was a standard that I used to play long ago, during my late-night piano stints in smokey bars and clubs in Hollywood and around L.A.

It brings back bittersweet memories of romance and the delicious illusion of my reckless youth....


  1. OK, asking me not to worry's a waste of breath. Come back soon, please?
    My alter-ego truly enjoyed this video, whilst sitting in a corner of that smoky bar, sipping my gin.

    1. Myra - my spirit is also in that smokey, long-ago Hollywood bar - when my life was turbulent and reckless, but when I was young, resilient, and optimistic enough to endure it. My optimism has been left behind with my youth....
      I'll have a gin with you.

      I'll return soon. I only have a few more hurdles to jump over.

  2. Dear Jon, I don't know what new outrage the fates have thrown at you but you may remember my complete plumbing failure in April. Hard to keep a sense of humor during such times. 2 hours ago I got home from yet another PET-CT scan to see what new normal I have the best chance of outliving. My happiness at your piano arrangement bolstered my spirit measurably. 50 years ago, when Norma and I were dating, I took her to a Donovan concert at the old Memorial Auditorium. You brought back some joyful memories. Thanks!

    1. It isn't easy, is it Geo? Almost everyone I know is having horrible problems of one kind or another. At least I have the reassurance that I'm not alone...

      It's good to know that my musical endeavors have the ability to bolster you spirits and evoke treasured memories. To be honest, it does the same for me. Take care.

  3. a bittersweet interlude indeed.

  4. Hope to see you back soon Jon. And keep humming that lovely song.

    1. Hopefully I'll be back soon. Music is one of the things that always revitalizes me.

  5. Jon, I hope these latest tribulations can get sorted as swiftly and painlessly as possible. MaggieB

    1. There seems to be one difficult hurdle after another - but I'm still in the race and hopefully I'll win!

  6. I hope that life treats you better while you take your break. You have sounded soul weary lately. I do worry about you. Please don't be gone too long. *hugs*

    1. Rita, it seems to be one obstacle after another and I'm definitely weary, but I don't plan on giving up. Hugs always help.

  7. I am so far behind in everything since vacation...but ask me if I care? It's been so beautiful lately I have been out of doors a lot. I hope your direction changes soon. How much can one person take for pete's sake??? Take the time you need dear, although we worry......

    1. I definitely envy your recent vacation. I have been wallowing in the Twilight Zone but hopefully things will get better (????)
      I desperately need some gin.

  8. Be well, Jon. You're right... I was worried about you.

  9. Susan, I'd be worried about you if you weren't worried about me (*smile*)


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