Thursday, November 29, 2018


So, what happened to my recent post entitled Troika?
I deleted it. 
Everything was going fine until I watched my new video and was horrified to discover that I misspelled Tchaikovsky's name on the title!!!

This is a rare (not to mention humiliating) thing to occur, since I seldom make musical mistakes. 

I not only deleted my blog post, I also deleted the video from my YouTube channel -
which turned out to be a helluva lot of trouble. In order to delete a YouTube video, you have to access it via Creator Studio (Beta) - which no longer works in Firefox.  
So - after a hit-and-miss scavenger hunt that took over half an hour - I was finally able to access Creator Studio via Yahoo and I (finally) deleted the damn video.

I kept a copy of it in my video files, so I'll be able to correct it later - but there's no way in hell I feel like doing it now. 

I've been in an incredibly foul mood all week.....
which seems beyond the realms of possibility, since I'm usually so sweet, appealing, and unbearably charming.

Don't ponder that for too long. Just accept it at face value.

I'm disgusted with freezing my ass off in this cold weather....of staying up all night to make sure the water pipes don't freeze and burst (again).....of knowing that my next heating bill will be astronomical (despite the fact that this drafty house is always frigid, no matter how much heat I use).

I'm sick of the eternal dampness and limitless mud and the wild animals constantly nesting in my roof and under the house......I'm tired of inventing new ways to dry my laundry now that my clothes dryer stopped working.

And I'm disgusted with all my physical ailments which I never mention on this blog.

Tomorrow (Friday) I have to make the dreaded drive into town and it's supposed to rain all day.

I'm going to bed and take a long-needed nap.
Don't you dare try to wake me.



  1. Your my first stop back from time away. I say have a gin. Everything is better during and after gin dear.

    1. I have to settle for beer, Maddie. Unfortunately they don't sell "hard" liquor in this godforsaken rural place (heck, that's why I'm a nervous wreck).
      By the way - welcome back!

  2. Tiptoeing in the hope I don't wake you. Maybe when you do wake you will have put all the irritations behind you. Good luck!

    1. Valerie - I'm usually a sound sleeper - so you'd have to make plenty of noise to wake me up. Thanks for the visit!

  3. I wouldn't dare! "Never poke a sleeping bear."

    I hope your mood has lightened by now. Being cold down into your bones has a way of making everything less sunny.

    1. It's really true. Winter is nice, but the intense gloom and cold is very often depressing......but you're always a ray of sunshine.

  4. Have a safe trip to town. I hope you get some decent sleep. Lack of sleep does not help moods. ;)

    1. Lack of sleep definitely does affect moods. I wore my new contact lenses when I went to town today - so I could actually see everything!!!

  5. I'm so sorry to hear your soul's hurting. I hope today's trip to town was a little less unpleasant; perhaps you saw something that made you smile?

    1. Heck, my soul has been hurting most of my life - so I'm used to it. Actually my journey into town today was rather pleasant, despite the fact that it rained. I wore my new contact lenses - so I could actually SEE what I was buying in Walmart. That's something to smile about....

  6. Hey Jon: I also suffer from some of life's many "unwanted" gifts you mentioned in your post, so I just decided to swing by and say hang in there as best you can!

    I recently got a quite friendly and generous comment on a blog post from Geo (he left it on that post I wrote about Hitchcock and my increasingly fragile state of body and mind), so I feel less fearful about reaching out to an increasingly angry world :-)

    I still think of you and Scruffy every single day. And I am determined to convince Mr. Roy to purchase a copy of your book of poems before Christmas (hell, I bought him a bouquet of rainbow roses for his 74th birthday!).

    Never give up the fight, dear Jon: Life is worth fighting for 101 times. And you are much loved. The many comments you receive are all the proof you need.


    1. Dylan, it truly is reassuring to know that there are kind, caring people out there - their encouragement really does help. It's a blessed contrast to those evil, vicious trolls who stalk the Internet to spew their hate (I think, mostly, they hate themselves and they are jealous of others....).

      Don't ever feel fearful of reaching out, Dylan.

      It's nice (comforting) to know that you think of me and Scruffy. I'm still extremely upset over her death, wishing that I could have done something to save her - but she always had a lot of respiratory problems, ever since she was a kitten.

      By the way, I've been enjoying the music that you've recently been posting on your blog - like Emmanuel, etc.

  7. Dear Jon, hope bad mood has withdrawn. They can be debilitating. If I could get through the past 6 months, so can you endure these technical, wintry and attendant snafus. I send every encouragement because you're important to me.

    1. I'll get through it somehow, Geo. This certainly isn't the worst thing I've endured. Your encouragement means a lot and I truly appreciate it. Many thanks.

  8. let sleeping dogs alone. glad you had a pleasant trip into town with your new contact lenses. it's amazing what you can see in walmart.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.