Monday, November 26, 2018


The golden leaves that lingered lovingly on the trees for Thanksgiving have vanished overnight - swept away by howling winds that raged with frigid ferocity.

An icy rain pelted the shivering forest after midnight and turned into snow flurries just before dawn.

My initial plans to drive into town were completely thwarted when I looked out the frosty window this morning: the world was oppressively bleak and windswept. I wasn't in the mood to freeze my ass off and get stuck in the mud (again). 
I needed to buy some things but it can wait. I have enough supplies at home to sustain me. 

My only genuine annoyance is that winter has come much too early this season. Usually I don't have to worry about drastically cold weather until January.

All I really want to do is drink hot tea and go to bed - where I snuggle under an ample layer of covers and read. My two cats, Bosco and Scratch, always keep me company.
And that's when I miss Scruffy the most...... 

As a prelude to the winter season, I'm posting a piano video. 
I know that most of you have already seen it, but just pretend that you haven't.

It's my piano arrangement of the pas de deux from the Nutcracker ballet by Tchaikovsky. 
Since my original arrangement is excessively long, I cut it drastically for this video - leaving only the second half.
This was a humanitarian  gesture to ensure that nobody dies of boredom. 

I recorded this video when I lived in San Angelo, Texas. It was July and about 110 degrees (Fahrenheit).

I tinted the video blue to make everything look "cooler" and I lit candles to invoke a "wintry" atmosphere.

In reality, I was as hot as a microwaved burrito.


  1. Goodness, what a change since the other day. The wolves of winter are definitely roaming about now - tell the cats to stay indoors :)

    1. Jenny, the cats wanted to go outside this morning. I let them out (reluctantly) and they both ran back inside within 30 seconds!

  2. Jon, that clip --your mastery of the pas de deux-- is magnificent. I smiled and felt all the memories of helping with local ballet for free tickets with the kids. No small feat of cheering up --I learned I need a new roof today.

  3. Many thanks for your kind words about the pas de deux.
    Ironically, I know of two other people who recently had to get new roofs. It's an annoying (not to mention expensive) "adventure".

    A new roof is about the ONLY thing I don't need yet.....knock wood....

  4. Enjoyed seeing/hearing you play the keys. It's long time since I heard anyone play the piano. I had piano lessons but that tale is too long to relate.

    1. I mostly post my piano videos simply to remind myself that I once was a genuine musician.
      I'd be interested in hearing about your piano lesson tales.

  5. sad to see the golden leaves all gone. you poor thing missing scruffy like you do. let the memories sustain you. i liked the video.

    1. The autumnal leaves were really lingering for a long time this year and it was so nice. I was disappointed when the wind rudely swept them away. And I hate the frigid temperatures. It's presently 20 degrees and getting colder tonight.

  6. Your piano-playing was exquisite, as always. Hmmm, makes me wonder... assuming you DO give yourself the birthday gift of sitting down at your piano again... I wonder which song you'd play first? If I had the kind of talent, I think my first choice would be something by Beethoven...

    Somebody turned winter on here, too. (I've had enough!) But at least it's sunny... (which means some nutsos are still wearing shorts and flip-flops!)

    1. That's a good question, Susan. Since I haven't touched the piano in four years, I'd probably start out with something simple - just to see if my fingers still work (*smile*). Then I might play one of my own transcriptions - to see if my memory is intact. Beethoven would come later....
      It's supposed to be around 16 degrees tonight.

    2. Tell ya what. On our birthday, YOU play something on the piano, and I'll knock the dust off my guitar and take her for a little spin, too. It's been waaaaay too long, but I have no idea if my fingers are limber enough to pull it off. The calluses on my fingertips are long gone, too...

  7. The blue tint makes it feel cooler--yes. You wouldn't know you were probably sweating while playing--LOL!

    The weather can change hours. I'm sure it is wiser to let the roads warm up in the sun or get cleared off a bit before you take the trip to town. Do you have snow plows down there? I was under the impression you don't have them down south. If you don't get a good few inches piled up they aren't worth having really. Do they sand the roads? Glad you have enough to wait on the trip.

    Up here--most people are always stockpiled so that we can go for weeks if we have to. And you have to have things you can eat without electricity and lots of layers and blankets and an oil lamp or batteries and a big flashlight--just in case. You're lucky if you have a gas stove or a fireplace or woodstove so you can still heat food and water. Some people up here have generators because of the flooding every year. Living in town we don't lose electricity often, but I remember living in the country in Wisconsin. My oil lamp came in handy there. ;)

    Winter has come early up here, too. Seems like it did last year, too. Snuggling with cats in bed--sounds great! :)

    1. They had snow plows when I lived in the Missouri Ozarks, but I've never seen any in Tennessee. I guess the snow isn't much of a problem here. I wish I still had a fireplace (like I did in Texas). It would probably be best for me to get a wood-burning stove. My furnace is electric and so is my kitchen stove. I have kerosene lamps - but no kerosene!

      I'm really unprepared for winter this year - its early arrival took me by surprise.

  8. I enjoyed seeing this video again, Jon. With the 'effects', its difficult to believe it was 110* outside! Your initial photograph reminds me of what greeted me yesterday morning … man, it's grown cc-c-cold!

    1. I don't miss the Texas heat, but I'm not exactly thrilled with this sudden cold TN weather. It's presently 20 degrees and it's supposed to get colder after midnight....


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