Sunday, May 12, 2019


A cool, rainy weekend - much more like autumn than spring. 

I scrapped my Mother's Day post, since my intuition told me it was too saccharine and sentimental. My most popular blog posts are always the inane, mindless, embarrassingly bad ones (like the previous atrocity).

SO -
I sifted through my old piano recordings and found some benign, (non-classical!) ragtime music.

I also found some nonsensical vintage photographs to haphazardly accompany the music.

I slapped the video together in less than twenty minutes and breathed a satisfied sigh of relief - - until I discovered (with horror) that

1. I misspelled a word on the title
2. MovieMaker (as usual) messed up
my mp3 music file - so I had to convert the damn thing to a WAVE file......and start all over again.


here is the Good Gravy Rag, written in 1913 by Harry Barnard Belding (1882 - 1931)
performed by moi.

As always, video is best viewed full-screen


  1. Absolute joy, Jon. Thank you for this!

    1. It isn't often that I'm synonymous with "absolute joy", Geo. Many thanks!

  2. loved it. entertaining, indeed.

    1. I really appreciate that - - and I hope you're holding up during this difficult time. Take care.

  3. 'My most popular blog posts are always the inane,'
    Oh, how wrong you are.

    Well, I heard a few notes of video before the the video decided it didn't want me to hear any more. Hmmm wondering what went wrong. Going away to sob, now!

    1. I'm sorry it didn't work, Valerie. Here's the link to the video on YouTube:

      Hopefully that will work. If not, you can go directly to my YouTube channel, which is Jayveesonata.

  4. Me again, just to say how much I like the MAY picture. May is my birthday month.

  5. Well, I hope your May birthday will be a joyful one. This seems to be a popular birthday month (I have numerous friends and relatives who were born in May).

  6. The pictures were an absolute hoot! Was a lot of fun, Jon. :) :)

    1. I wanted to make this recording into a YouTube video, but had no idea what kind of visuals to use. Suddenly I thought of using vintage photos - and it worked out really well. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  7. I'm not sure if I most enjoyed the music or those delightful images. I AM sure, I didn't want it to stop.

  8. Thanks, Myra. These crazy vintage photos worked out surprisingly well - I even had myself laughing! I think I'll use this same format for more of my ragtime music tapes (soon, I hope...)


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