Wednesday, May 8, 2019


The title of this post is taken from a poem I wrote looooong ago. I still like it.

I'm not drinking Budweiser today. I'm drinking cheap beer. But I'm kinda soused and I like the feeling. Beer is Truth Serum. I can say whatever I want without any regrets.

Many thanks to the four (count 'em) courageous (not to mention discerning) people  who liked the piano video on my previous post. I kinda liked it, too.

Speaking of people - -
I happened to notice (within the past month) that several people who loathe me are still reading my blog.

Should I be flattered.......or worried?? 

I have my own theory.

Psssst! Come closer so I can whisper this. It'll just be between you and me.

I think these people are waiting for me to mention something about politics - - so they can pounce on me again.

Remember in October, 2016 when I said that Hillary was a jackass and would never win the Presidential election?
Well, I was right. And they never got over it.

Moral of the story?
Listen to your Uncle Johnny. He's seldom wrong.

It's amazing what a few cheap beers can do to inflate my ego.
In my own mind, I'm even more fascinating than usual.

I'll change the subject now - - for the very few people who are still reading this post.

I drove to town last Monday. It was a gorgeous day (after weeks of Biblical rain). No problems at all this time around. I had a nice day.....

.....until I got home. I accidentally left Swiss Cheese in the (hot) trunk of my car for about three hours. 
The cheese looks (and smells) okay. If I don't drop dead after I eat it, everything will probably be good.

Also - -
I accidentally bought LOW FAT milk instead of regular milk.
I absolutely HATE low fat milk. It tastes like water and serves no purpose whatsoever.
What the hell is the reason for extracting fat from the milk?? Will it supposedly make us live longer?

I despise anything decaffeinated, low fat, low sodium, or sugar-free. It's the health nut's way of sapping all the pleasure out of our lives.

You can eat twigs and lotus flowers if you so desire. As for me - I want to OD on sugar, salt, and heavy cream.

So, what else is interesting around here?
Today is our final sunny day. Rain is predicted tomorrow and for the rest of the week.

I hope your week is dry. 
And absent of all collusion.


  1. No dear, you should be flattered!!!! Be more worried when they stop talking or reading. They are obliviously attracted to something you got.

    1. I agree that I should be flattered. There's something about me that inspires a toxic and unwholesome fascination....

  2. Maybe you can add a few eggs to that low fat milk and the (hopefully not moldy) cheese, along with a few other choice ingredients like butter and heavy cream, to make some sort of strata or a frittata. Chase it all down with cold brew. Cheers!

    1. I'm definitely going to have to read labels more carefully the next time I buy something. I suppose I'll be able to tolerate the low fat milk if I supplement it with a few beers.
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  3. I did this only once (told the truth under the influence) Even recorded it in ink, I have no idea where it is, but it was the thoughts of my two sons at the time. Fortunately it wan't bad. I never recorded those thoughts. LOL. I did enjoy the entry. Even understand part of it. ;-)

    1. It's definitely dangerous to tell the truth when under the influence - - but I've gotten in trouble telling the truth even when I was sober.

  4. Kind as you are, you needn't have bothered sending rain to me, I really don't want it. As for milk, I don't touch the stuff. It's black tea forever, and I don't drink anything else that requires milk. You might think it strange, but at least I am healthy.

    1. Valerie - there's enough rain in Tennessee to supplement the entire earth. My mother always drank her tea black. I prefer it with milk and sugar.

  5. That meme is hysterical! I wholeheartedly agree about the low-fat and decaf. Maybe these folks know something I don't, but for me and my house? I'll probably expire before them (or not) ... but I'm going out with a happy palate.

    1. Long ago I used to have a poster of a drunken cat with the sentiment "I'm not so think as you drunk I am". So I recently found this photo on the internet and made the meme (it's almost as funny as the original was).

      Two things that I really despise are decaf and low-fat.

  6. “I despise anything decaffeinated, low fat, low sodium, or sugar-free. It's the health nut's way of sapping all the pleasure out of our lives.”

    Same here.

    1. Life is too darn short to waste on eating crappy health-oriented foods...

  7. Hey Jon! Very tired so just popping in to say hi. I agree with wanting the genuine, unadulterated foods. Been chilly and damp here. The sun creeps out from behind the clouds occasionally. Hope you are having dry days. :)

    1. The weather hasn't been consistent at all. We will get one warm, beautiful day - and then it's chilly and rains for a week.
      Well, at least there's no snow....
      Hope you get some rest.

  8. Whole milk, heavy cream, butter enjoy all of the good stuff

    1. I'll probably regret pigging out on "rich" foods some day, but for now I'm enjoying it.

  9. SOmetimes you just damn well need butter.

    1. The low fat milk should help sober me up.

  10. I only use real butter, real (Hellmann's) mayo, real cheese, and real sour and regular cream, but as for milk? The only kind we've used for years is skimmed. But I still use cream or half & half for creaming veggies and mashing potatoes. Go figure.

    They say "in vino veritas," but I kinda think in beer... there's BS. HA! (At least, that's how it affected a lot of people I know. Made 'em spout all kinda nonsense... and very loudly.)

    1. If there's one thing I REALLY HATE it's "processed cheese food". It tastes like plastic. I love Hellmann's mayo (it's called Best Foods in California - but it's the same as Hellmann's).

  11. hope the swiss keeps well now that it's in the fridge. i agree with you about the milk. i just got back from my fathers funeral on the east coast, so i'm behind in my blog reading and commenting.

    1. I'm so glad that you were able to attend your Father's funeral. Please take care and keep in touch. You're in my thoughts.

  12. "No Collusion"
    I've heard that somewhere before. Fake news maybe?


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