Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Red sky at night, sailor's delight.....

Not exactly red - but rather intoxicating hues of smouldering amber, burnt orange, liquid gold, tarnished crimson.

This was the sunset on Monday evening. And true to the sailor's adage, the rains vanished and Tuesday was dry and mild.
Dry won't last (not in wet Tennessee) - but I'll take it while it's here.

All of my sunset photos look the same because I usually take them from the front porch. They're obstructed by the porch roof, trees, and occasional power lines.

I could take much better sunset photos from the back of the property, but I never feel like trekking through jungle terrain and climbing hills at dusk. Especially when I'm wearing shorts.

Actually, I hate shorts and would never wear them in public. I only wear them at home, where only my cats can see them.
Fortunately, the cats don't scare easily.

The massive, fiery, gilded clouds were much more impressive in real than when captured on my El Cheapo camera.

The wind chimes on the front porch, left by the previous owners. I love listening to their haunted, impromptu serenades.


  1. A-B-S-O-L-U-T-E-L-Y F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. I wish I had a view like that. On the the hand, if I did I would never get anything done. Not that I want to do other things, but I think you know what I mean. Thank you for sharing, even though it does make me feel a trifle envious.

  2. Hey, Valerie - your envy might diminish somewhat if I listed all the inconveniences and complications connected with living in the wilderness...
    but I do love being in the midst of nature - - and away from annoying neighbors!

  3. "Intoxicating" … absolutely! I hate to admit it, but I kind of miss Arizona's sunrises over the desert. For what it's worth, I also HATE wearing shorts.

    1. There is something extremely intriguing about the west. and I do miss the West Texas sunsets (and low humidity). Yet I'm glad to be away from the eternal heat - - and I love seeing fog and a change of seasons.

      But I would rather be shot than wear shorts in public....

  4. gorgeous. what a wonderful view to have. your camera captured it perfectly.

    1. My sunset photos are all starting to look annoyingly similar, but I can never resist running outside with my camera every time a beautiful sunset appears.

  5. Red Sky at night, shepherd's delight, is what we always say. I don't know if that makes more sense than sailors..

    1. I never heard of shepherds being incorporated into this saying, Jenny, but I think it makes sense. The sailor thing must be an American invention.

  6.'s nice to still see the sky there. This must mean your weeds are not jungle height yet?!?!?!

    1. They ARE definitely jungle height already. I had to point the camera far far up to avoid seeing them....

      If we get any more rain, the entire sky will be obstructed....

  7. Jon, your pictures of that sunset are GORGEOUS! I am such a lover of sunsets. Actually, sunset (dusk) is my favorite part of the day. I'm more of night person, than a day person. But over the past several years, I've come to really appreciate the beauty of a sunrise as well.

    I LOVE the sound of wind chimes. Especially the metal tube ones (like the one you pictured) because they have a deeper sound that the glass ones. I also like the sound of wood (bamboo) chimes as well.

    Have a great rest of your week!

    1. I have always been notoriously nocturnal, Ron. My favorite hours are those between dusk and dawn.

      I don't think I've ever heard bamboo wind chimes, but I do love the metal ones.
      You have a great week (and weekend), too!


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