Monday, January 13, 2020


I should probably begin this post with a fair warning that it might contain complaints and assorted negativities. This is in loving memory of the two people who recently abandoned my blog because they thought my complaints were depressing.

If you think my words might cause undue emotional stress, please exit and go to the Disney Channel. When you're there, press the Fantasyland icon.

I live in the real world. And reality can very often be a piss.

Are you being caustic and sarcastic , Jon?

Heck, Kemosabe, there isn't a caustic bone in my body - - that I know of.

I finally drove to town yesterday (Monday) and stocked up on supplies. The cats now have clean litter boxes and ample food. Their astonishment and delight knows no bounds.
And I have milk, bread, eggs, tea, coffee.........and toilet paper.

But I forgot to buy lithium batteries for my El Cheapo camera.

The long drive was agonizing because I'm still having lots of pain in my hip and knee - which stems from the problems with my back. I won't go into details because I don't want to depress anybody.

Let go of all the the bitterness, Jon.

Perpetual bitterness and extended grudges are part of my intense charm. Deal with it.

I had to haul my trash to the Town Dump or whatever the heck it's called. I always go there first, because I don't like to leave bags of garbage festering in my car.
The place was temporarily closed because the Big Trucks were emptying the Big Dumpsters. I had to wait in a Big Long Line for half an hour before they reopened the gates and almost ran out of gas.

There were so many people coughing and sneezing in Walmart that I feared I might get the Black Plague ....or something worse. I tried to hold my breath as long as possible  to avoid airborne germs- - while silently repeating Gregorian chants and Hungarian gypsy spells to evoke healing power - - and trying not to pass out from lack of oxygen. 

I was feeling really rotten due to little sleep and lots of stress.
Did I ever mention that I have an irregular heartbeat? I was diagnosed with it in my early 20's. Sometimes it gets extremely bad, to the point that I cough and gasp for breath. 
This kept happening while I was grocery shopping in the local supermarket (after I left Walmart). I almost thought I was going to drop dead.

The drive home was fairly nice. There was no traffic and the weather was pleasant (for a rare change).

Speaking of weather (what a perfect time for a subject transition), I took a few photos last Saturday - when we were having strong winds and devastating storms.

I went out on the back porch in early morning. The wind was howling, black storm clouds were low in the sky, and the rising sun was flashing eerily through the clouds. 

The scene really looked dramatic.
(incredibly, these photos are in color - not black and white)




  1. Hmmm! I don't think your posts are depressing. Sorry to hear about the heart problem but you seem to handle it very well. Glad you made it to the shops, it would be B.... awful if you ran out of food. Just wondering, do you have post delivered or do you have to collect it?

    1. The post is delivered here, but my mailbox is VERY far from the house, so I usually drive to get my mail rather than walk. It's a big inconvenience. Glad to know that my complaints don't depress you.
      Sometimes I depress myself...

  2. Glad you are stocked up again. I took some nearly identical photos yesterday. The sunset was pretty through the trees but didn't really show up in the pictures.

    1. I always breathe a big sigh of relief when I get home from the excursion to town.
      The sun was so bright and vivid in real, but on the photos it merely looks like a white blob. It's still dramatic, though.

  3. Wow … thanks for these winterscapes! Gregorian chants and Hungarian gypsy spells? Love the way you make a dismal situation comical. Those irregular heartbeats on the other hand … is that akin to A-FIB? I know how you feel about doctors, but wonder if someone might prescribe an inhaler. Please treat yourself with extra care!

    1. I'm delighted that you can still find my humor. Lately I seem to have lost my knack for being funny.
      I never thought much about my heart problem and very seldom bothered with doctors. An inhaler might be a good idea. This problem flares up the most when I'm under stress or don't get enough sleep....or when I drink alcohol (but I hardly ever drink lately).
      I've always been plagued with strange health problems, but do my best to ignore them.

  4. Wow, the photos really do look black and white. Even knowing that they're not, I can't find any color! I don't understand why people abandon blogs when the going gets tough. Perhaps they still read but have no idea what to say or comment? I'm glad you made it to town and got your errands done. We have snow right now, so I don't know if I'll get anything done today. I do have lots of coffee around, and many books to read though!

    1. It's really a shame that some people are so sensitive. We all have different opinions and personalities - that's why we're all unique. I do know that a few people who dislike me still visit my blog. Perhaps I should be flattered...

      Snow is nice if you don't have to go out anywhere. The weather is still unusually mild here. It was sunny when I drove to town, but today the rain has returned.

      I like those photos because they look so Gothic.

    2. I find other people's differences fascinating. I try to keep an open mind, although I'm having a tough time doing that with politics lately. Ah well, I've never claimed to be perfect! :)

  5. I don't remember you saying you had irregular heart rates. That has to be scary! Glad you made it there and back. Could have forgotten something worse than batteries. I always seem to forgot things--even now when I order online once a month for groceries. Happy when it was non-essential for life--LOL! ;)

    1. I try to ignore my health problems - which isn't exactly a good thing to do. The heart problems flare up the most when I'm under stress or don't get enough sleep (which is often).

      I always forget to buy things even when I make lists.
      I'm beginning to think ordering groceries online is a good idea - but I don't know if they would deliver way out here. I'll have to find out more about it.

  6. Hi Jon, I never found any of your “complaints” depressing, I found them humorous and entertaining. I enjoy what you write about rural living because I live in a similar area in the North Georgia mountains. Yes, it is often a challenge.
    I love the photos.
    PS I am not trying to hide but the anonymous option is the only way that I can post to your blog.

    1. Susan, I use a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor in my complains and I'm delighted when people like yourself understand it. A few people just don't appreciate it.

      Some people have been having trouble leaving comments on my blog, so I recently changed my settings to allow anonymous comments. Hopefully that will help.
      Thanks for your input!

  7. my life is similar.
    I live in ''up a holler' in wv. and I hate going into civilization
    the only thing I worry about you is, some well meaning person will have the state, or whatever, check to see if you are competent to live alone.
    I know you have a better grip on life than you let on.
    best wishes

    1. Hi, Ron - I lived in so-called "civilization" my entire life (I used to be a pianist in Hollywood). I finally got completely disgusted with it and vowed that I never wanted to see another neighbor again.
      Rural life has many difficulties but I like the peace and privacy. My biggest concern is that if I ever had a medical emergency, nobody would find me.

  8. Hi Jon,

    It's always a relief when those dreaded shopping chores are done. Walmart's a notorious germ factory. I do the same ... hold my breath, but it really does nothing since the air is completely contaminated anyways. So sorry to hear about your heart irregularities. That's scary and also quite a concern when you become stressed.

    Glad you made it back home. At least your weather is cooperating for now. We're in the midst of a horrid week with temps hovering at -31 F. Plus those Arctic winds make it even colder. The garage door is frozen shut, so we're grounded. Not even the heater in the garage is making a difference. Someone's coming tomorrow to check it out since the vehicles are stuck inside. Crazy cold ... brr!

    Take care !

    1. Wow, Helga - those are dangerously frigid temperatures. I'm glad that you are at least safely at home. Perhaps it's best if you're grounded for awhile (hopefully you don't need to get supplies).

      The weather has been mild here - in the 50s during the day, with frequent rain. Ironically the only sunny day occurred when I drove to town.
      Stay safe and keep warm!

  9. It was hard to imagine that those photos were taken in color, until I saw that little patch of blue in the one pic. They did look a bit on the Gothic side. It is the grey days of winter that just drain energy from me. I crave the bright sunshine of summer and my flower beds planted in the brightest colors I can find.

    I avoid stores as much as possible during this time of year. I invariably end up in an aisle where someone erupts into a horrible coughing fit or wet sneezing blast just as I am walking past or toward them. I, too, do that breath holding thing you wrote about when that happens. I go through bottles of Purell this time of year. I put some on my hands before I go in and some after I get out of stores. Our area is full of flu virus right now and I just heard that the vaccinations we got in October are not very effective against the
    type B Victoria flu virus that is happening around here.

    I have had atrial fibrillation for the past 4 years. Some days I have it,some days I don't. Last time I went to the cardiologist to get the check up for it, I wasn't having it while I was there. That was good news.

    It is good that you got to go out and get stocked up on Kitty supplies and things that you needed before our weather changes again. My little Fuzzy Pomeranian loves when the box from Chewy pet products is delivered. He gets so excited about it that he tries to claw his way into the box, even if it is just doggie wee wee pads,or his regular dog food. It's fun to astonish and delight our pets, isn't it. Happily, it doesn't take much to astonish and delight Fuzzy.

    1. I like winter, but there's something about cold, dreary weather that incapacitates me. I don't feel like doing anything at all except hibernating. I think depression is much more prevalent in the winter months.

      Ever since I've been living alone in the wilderness ( 5 years now) I never had a cold or the flu. But I always worry when I go out because, as you said, people are coughing and sneezing everywhere. I scrub my hands and face when I get home. I also take plenty of vitamins.

      I saw photos of Fuzzy on your blog and he is really adorable. It's amazing how smart our pets are. My cats always know when I bring their food home from the store. They both sit in the kitchen waiting for it.

  10. Dear Jon, beautiful photos. Re heart: 14 years ago I had a left-atrial myxoma removed from my heart and went back to work. Then, one day while driving a tractor, I noticed my 3rd shirt button bouncing out an inch and back. I had somebody call an ambulance and ended up on an operating table getting my heart regulated (cardiac ablation) and a pacemaker installed. Damn thing had got atrial and ventricular contractions confused. See a doctor --and check your pulse: mine was at 225 bpm when the ambulance got me.

    1. My God, Geo - you have been through enormous tribulations with your health. I'm always in awe of your positive attitude - and your continuous celebration of the wonders of life is always an inspiration.

      My attitude lately has been one of depression and (perhaps) denial. I just keep plugging along, hoping for the best. My heart problems mostly flare up from stress and lack of sleep.
      I thought life in the country would be relaxing and carefree. My naivety astounds me....

  11. I don't comment often, but I do read your blog. I get a kick out of it mostly :-) I too had a time when my heart would go goofy and I would have to cough to get it back to rhythm. I had open heart surgery a year ago and they had to replace my Aortic Valve that was defective from birth. Doing well with it now. You can order your groceries on line and then even pick them up at the store, They will bring them out to you. That way you don't forget anything too important. ha! I still would I think. I blow air out when someone coughs by me...Ick. I just flew to California for a week and now back home to good ole Minnesnowta where we had 4-5 inches Tuesday and another couple inches this morning. Now a good ole storm with up to a foot of snow is on its way for Friday and Saturday. I am SOOO ready for Spring to arrive. Take care Wendy

    1. Hi, Wendy - I'm always glad to hear from people who don't comment often. It's good to know that you're there. I'm sorry to hear about your heart problems, but it's great to know that your surgery was successful and you're doing well.
      I'm seriously considering having groceries delivered, but I'll have to find out if deliveries can be made way out here in the boonies.
      Tennessee hasn't had any snow yet - - but spring can't come soon enough!

  12. The opening paragraphs of this post were amusing, Jon, and it amazes me that there are some who only want to read about happiness, love, joy or whatever they see in a fantasy world, so maybe Disney is a good place for them. As for myself, I'll avoid that place even though we'll be in Orlando for a few days next month and traveling by train! Glad you made it to the store for the supplies for yourself and the kitties. There does seem to be a lot of sickness going around and thankfully we have been avoiding it, but the only places we go weekly are to the local grocery stores. There is a Walmart nearby, but not our favorite place for many reasons, except, of course, when necessary to find something there that's not in the food store. I have also taken some photos that while in color looked like B&W and really enjoyed the ones you posted here. Hope you remember the camera batteries on your next trip.

    1. I'm always happy when my "humor" is appreciated. Some people seem to be too serious (and I sometimes write things to be purposefully irritating).
      One of my cousins lives somewhere near Orlando. Your upcoming train trip sounds exciting. I haven't been on a train since I was a child.

  13. your portraits of stormy weather were awesome. you can really feel the intensity of the moment. maybe you should have a rescue inhaler, in case you're short of breath. i know people who have been helped by this. also someone close to me, used to have to take trash to the dump, like you do, when they lived in connecticut. said it was a real pain in the butt. so i can understand your frustration. it always feels great when you can restock the pantry. cat litter and toilet paper are must haves. i know your cats love you. and so does your a$$. i'm sorry you have to suffer with the pain you have. the longer you drive the harder it gets, i know. praying something takes the edge off for you. so far i haven't found something that works. or i'd share it with you. hang in there and take care.

    1. Those photos turned out much better than I thought they would I love the dramatic effect. It is a HUGE inconvenience having to haul my trash into town. I can hardly fit them into my Toyota. I really miss the pickup truck I used to have in TX.
      I'm depressed over so very many things lately. At least it's a comfort to know that you understand and care.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.