Tuesday, September 8, 2020


And suddenly it's September. Labor Day is gone. The remnants of summer are dissolving like a half-remembered dream. 

Autumn arrives in two weeks with the comforting promise of my favorite season. But the seasons are so fleeting now - passing much too quickly to be sufficiently savored.
I remember as a child when summer seemed to last forever.....when life was optimistically endless.

But enough of my poetic thoughts. Grim reality awaits.

The rain vanished on Labor Day Weekend and gorgeous September weather  astonished rural Tennessee.
Sunny days. Cool nights in the 50's.

Having absolutely no energy or motivation, I did very little. A sudden craving for hamburgers inspired me to eat them all weekend: garnished with Swiss cheese, onions, and tomatoes. And I made a green bean salad.
Hated green beans when I was a kid. Now I love them.

And ice cream. I've been addicted to ice cream all summer.

I watched A Place in the Sun. Twice. One of my absolute all-time favorite classic movies (despite the heartbreaking end).
It's unnervingly appropriate viewing for Labor Day:
On Labor Day Weekend (in the movie) Montgomery Clift murders his pregnant girlfriend Shelley Winters so he can marry Elizabeth Taylor.
What could be more intriguing?

The story is loosely influenced by the true 1906 murder case concerning Chester Gillette - who murdered his pregnant girlfriend. 

Boring trivia - -
when I lived in California I met actress Shelley Winters. She was a fascinating and dynamic lady.

Speaking of boring, here are some recent photos.
There's nothing of interest around this place:
lazy cats, insolent insects, rampant mice, monster weeds, a thousand unpleasant chores that I no longer have the stamina or courage to do.

A break in the clouds, the sun has appeared over my daunting front yard.

Shadows are growing longer on the front porch as autumn approaches

Kitzee is a show-off

The sunlight has mellowed with a subtle yawning haze

Bosco is on Mouse Patrol - - patiently waiting for passing rodents.

 September evening


  1. Can't wait for Fall. Sure does seem true the seasons pass by so quickly these days. We used to fish all summer when we were kids. Nothing better to do that head to the small pond of creek and try to catch chubs, blue gills, and sometimes a bass or trout. Enjoy those sunsets!

  2. This can be a gorgeous time of the year when it's sunny, yet not too hot. (or with cool evenings) I've been addicted to ice cream too which isn't good for my waistline. I refuse to feel guilty about it though since I have to enjoy my small pleasures where I can.

  3. Subtle or not, I'm so glad Autumn seems to be winking your direction. I'm not even hungry, but your description of your burgers has my taste buds quivering. Smiling at the reference to the green beans; I used to be that way about bell pepper, but now I can't get enough of them.

  4. I’m having trouble with blogger. When I initially click onto your blog, it shows a blank wall with No Posts in a subject line under the header. I clicked around on your Popular Posts side bar and then Newer Post at the bottom to get here. Blogger also seems to be reposting people’s older posts in myReading List. This is not encouraging me to jump on every day anymore.

    Hope you are well!

  5. Hopefully, a change of seasons will be a better thing, Jon, but somehow suspect that the misery will continue. Eating hamburgers and re-watching a classic movie sound like good things to me, but then I am quite easily satisfied. Fall is arriving here with warm days and very chilly nights. Pandemic restrictions continue in place for indoor places, so we are trying to be outdoors as much as possible, weather permitting.


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