Sunday, September 13, 2020


Three power outages in one week.
Three. Count 'em.
They're inevitable during storms. But the first one happened on a calm and  sunny morning.

The forest was bright and beautiful - like a Disney Technicolor film. Flowers were blooming, butterflies were fluttering. I felt like Snow White: little bluebirds were helping me do the chores, while I was singing "Some day my Prince will come"....

Don't read too much into that. It was a completely innocent analogy. Freudian interpretations have no business being here.

Anyway, the power suddenly went off. and boom! my perfect morning was ruined.

So last night I was doing work on the computer - when I heard the foreboding distant rumble of thunder.

My first thought:
Just what we need - - another fifty inches of rain.

My second thought:
There will be a power outage.

There was a power outage. Almost immediately.

Despite living in a rural area where misery and inconveniences are abundant - I am always alarmingly unprepared. I have one crappy Made in China flashlight with a power switch that seldom works. And a few Christmas candles that are about thirty years old.
And some packs of matches that are about forty years old, damp and impotent.

Descriptive Interjection:
Words cannot adequately describe how absolutely DARK it is here in the wilderness during a nighttime power outage.
It's beyond dark. It's far within the deepest depths of Eternal Blackness, where no semblance of light could ever penetrate.

My sole objective is to impress you.

The task of getting into the kitchen to retrieve the flashlight and candles was a near impossibility.
I stumbled into a lamp on a nightstand and broke it (the lamp - not the nightstand).
Then I walked directly into Bosco's water dish and the whole thing spilled on the carpet.

Despite the Eternal Darkness, I managed to locate my El Cheapo camera and captured some highlights of the miserable night.

 Bosco's water dish. He's a huge cat and has a huge thirst in the summer - so I bought him a huge doggie water dish. It made a HUGE mess on the floor when I stepped in it.

 Wind chimes on the front porch, surrounded by impenetrable blackness.

The lone swing, rudely illuminated by camera flash.

The back porch, which faces the edge of the forest. Watch out for wild coyotes.....and unfriendly ghosts.

I can only imagine how excited you are.

 During the blackout, Bosco managed to catch a mouse - which is dangling from his mouth (yuck!!).
My other cat Kitzee was sleeping.

Two candles that burned in my bedroom - until the power came back on just before dawn.

 Dawn, this morning. I was delighted to see the first glimpses of light above the trees.


  1. Wow that is Dark. Even here in Iowa, it rarely gets that dark. There are always distant farm floodlights that slightly brighten up the sky. I know this, because I go out in the middle of the night to star gaze and comet watch. ( it's a nerdy thing, I know) But even with clouds, the distant farm lights brighten up the sky to look like dim northern lights. ( Don't ask, I have seen Northern lights before, and these are not those.) But hey! At least the cat looks like he is having a good time.

  2. Power outages, ugh. I don't generally deal with them, and hate them at night. They feel very isolating. So much of my comfort depends on electricity. Beautiful sunrise!

  3. Wow, you certainly do have dark nights, not that I ever doubted what you've written about earlier power failures, John. Invest in a couple more of those flashlights and maybe a couple boxes of candles because these outages seem to be recurrent and you might get hurt dripping over things that don't even go bump in the night. Your cat beings such unwanted "gifts" but then there is one less of them in your house.

  4. Oh m'gosh. Guess it's true about everything being darkest before dawn. Glad you didn't break a toe -- or one of the fur babies. Now, if you've not done so already ... please stop what you're doing and put 'flashlight' on your shopping list.

  5. The mouse!!!!!!! YUCK!!!! And I thought I saw Venus Fly traps growing and starting to overtake your lovely porch??!?!?


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.