Sunday, February 14, 2021


I'm offering my latest video on a frigid, frozen Valentine's Day.
Keep the faith.....and love in your heart.


 Best viewed full-screen


  1. You surprised me, Jon, as I was expecting to hear your take on this classic, but Sinatra has always been a favorite of mine so thanks for this one.

  2. LOVE it. LOVE it. A delightful video and beautiful song. Happy Valentines Day Jon.

  3. Love me some "Old Blues Eyes"! Such a sweet video - loved it - Happy Valentine's Day to you and the precious kitties!!

  4. Thank you Jon for sharing- Happy Valentine's Day..stay warm!

  5. Thanks Jon, you've provided just the lift I needed.

  6. February 14 is an enormously painful date (for me). But. Like Geo just wrote, this is just the kind of lift I needed. Thank you!

  7. Thank you Jon, and Happy Valentine's Day to you! I loved this video between Frank Sinatra's singing and the little Valentine active animals, it couldn't get better. Very mood lifting, and I needed my mood lifted.

    It was 5 degrees this afternoon and will go down to 2 tonight. It has been cold and miserable here for days and days on end and we are to have 5 to 8 inches of snow coming in tonight. I've had enough already. I think I'll look at your video and cheer myself up again.

    Have a nice week.Take care.

  8. That is beautiful. I really like the music of the 30's and 40's.


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