Friday, May 28, 2021


You know what gave me a big smile recently? All of your comments on my previous post (New Computer) which indicated that you appreciated my sense of humor.
Some of you said "I laughed 'till I cried."
That made my day.

This past year or so, I've been so severely depressed that my sense of humor seemed to abandon me. Yet it suddenly returns at the most unexpected times. And quite often it saves my life.

If you can't handle my complaints, please leave the room now. I wouldn't want to disturb your delicate metabolism.

For the past week I've been in agonizing pain due to my old spinal injury that never healed properly. This sometimes causes my left hip to become inflamed and the pain is almost unendurable. Every step I take is excruciating. I couldn't bend down. Laying in bed only seemed to make it worse.

You should have seen me trying to clean the two cat's litter boxes. I dropped Bosco's box on the bathroom floor . Fresh cat crap and stale litter was everywhere.
I tried to maneuver myself down to the floor. I managed to collapse completely.The pain in my hip and leg was so bad that there was no possible way I could move or get up.

So I'm helplessly trapped in the midst of fresh cat crap and piles of rancid pee-drenched litter. My cell phone was far away. If I screamed, only the coyotes would hear me.

And I'm thinking:
If there is a God, I'll bet He's laughing his ass off at me.

In a Herculean effort (not to mention piercing pain) I eventually managed to crawl on my belly - out of the bathroom and across the bedroom floor. I grasped the side of the bed and somehow pulled myself up.

No need to lament. I'm finally walking again and the bathroom floor is reasonably clean.
Truth to tell, my spine and hip are the very least of my problems.

There. That complaint wasn't so bad, was it?
If I do say so myself, I can't think of another blogger who complains with more panache than I do. It's a gift.

Is this another holiday weekend?
Memorial Day is the unofficial start of summer.
Mother Nature seems confused.
Two days ago it was sunny and 85 degrees.
Today it was pouring rain. Tomorrow the daytime high is supposed to be 53. Feels kinda like autumn.

I thought my old El Cheapo digital camera was broken - because every time I took a picture the photo would come out half blurry.
Then I suddenly had a rational thought:
Jon, you haven't cleaned the lens in over ten years. That might be the trouble.

It was the trouble. I cleaned the lens. The camera is working again.

My uninteresting photos have clarity again.

Remember the nearby mountain (or hill) that is only visible during the winter?

Here it is now - completely obscured by leaves.

A glimpse of my remarkable front "yard"


Another view of the front yard. Over yonder is the neighboring cow meadow.

I (finally) moved the new computer into my bedroom.

Kitzee sleeping. Lazy afternoon.
I had this photo on a recent post, but deleted the post. So I figured I'd include it here, because I like it.


  1. Yes, that last post was funny as hell. It's funny to watch us older folk tackle technology....but we do it! And with all your issues and obstacles you have never once lost your sense of humor or abandoned a testament for perseverance.

    Can't believe it is Memorial Day already? You won't be firing up a grill are you? I would worry......

    1. I sometimes worry that I've lost my humor - but fortunately it's still there. I couldn't exist without it.

      I wouldn't dare use a grill here, where I'm surrounded by trees and high brush (fortunately it rains a lot). It presently seems like Halloween rather than Memorial Day. It's pouring rain and will only get up to 53 degrees on Saturday!

  2. Yes, modern technology can be QUITE challenging to us - the "older" generation who were not brought up and weened on it like the current generations.

    Our weather here has also been weird and up and down to say the least. Two days ago it was 90-some degrees and humid as hell - now we are expectd to have 50's and rain all weekend.

    1. Modern technology has done a lot to complicate our lives. I'm glad that I was raised in the era before cell phones and computers.

      The weather really feels like autumn here in TN. Today it's only 50 degrees and very bleak.

    2. "I'm glad that I was raised in the era before cell phones and computers." ~ ME TOOOOOO!!

  3. Gosh, what a difference in these photos! Cleaning the lens would have been the last thing to occur to me.
    I'm delighted that your last post garnered so much applause; maybe, like "Pageants of Christmas Past" this should be an annual encore.

    1. I honestly thought I was going to need a new camera. Cleaning the lens made a big difference.

      When I write depressing posts I get minimal comments. When I post my piano videos I get no comments. I finally wrote a humorous post and people came out of the woodwork to say they enjoyed it.
      Humor will have to remain a priority on my agenda ..

  4. As someone who has dropped a litter box(albeit in the garage), I feel your pain on that, although I didn't have the added close contact with it. Ugh. Glad you're feeling better and that your camera is too!

    1. Thank goodness you dropped it in the garage and not the house. It is a nightmare to clean up. I love cats but really despise their litter boxes. I wish I could train them to do their "business" outside...

  5. Dear Jon, I like your closing photo too. I like ALL your photos, and your recuperative powers. Inspired by your ability to restore and refocus your sense of humor. I need to clean off my my lens too.

    1. Geo, things have been going so badly these past few years that it's often impossible to locate my sense of humor. Occasionally it appears out of nowhere to save the day.
      A clean lens gives the whole world a new perspective.

  6. I follow your blog on Bloglovin', so every time you publish a post I know it. If you delete a post that bloglovin' alerts me to, I can read a little of a preview on my notification, but when I click on the link that takes me to your actual blog entry, it's gone. You have deleted a lot of posts lately!

    1. I'm not familiar with Bloglovin' - I'll have to check it out. I usually like my posts while I'm writing them, but hate them after I read them. That's why I delete so many. I'm hopelessly self-critical.

  7. Humor gets folks all the time, Jon, as witnessed by countless images people seem to repost on social media, including blogger. Perhaps it does help many forget their own troubles, which isn't such a bad thing. While I'm, not on anything other than blogger, I also like to contribute with my "Friday Funnies" posts, and try find the absurdity in everyday things. Of course, there was nothing funny about your pain and ordeal and cat litter all over the floor. I'm glad you were able to become upright and hope you can keep your sense of humor and sarcasm as well. I enjoy both. Like yourself, I've noticed that cleaning off a lens, like the ones on my reading glasses most often, DOES make a big difference. You have quite a forest jungle reappearing in your back/front yard once again.

  8. I feel your pain in your back, although mine is not nearly that severe. My distant cousin had a procedure done where they insert something that looks like a T and it opens up and extends the distance in the vertebrae ??? I have no clue really, but maybe a new workup at the dr and see if something new has come out to help you get even some relief.
    I would literally cry if I ever had a pan of dirty cat litter drop in my house. My cat is an outside one and her litter box is out in the shed, but I still despise changing it.
    Happy you thought to clean your camera lense. I wouldn't have thought of that. Wendy


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.