Monday, October 11, 2021



 For some weird and indiscernible reason, I suddenly remembered that I never pimped my book for children on this blog.

The peculiar thought occurred to me when I  found a dust-encrusted copy of it on one of my bookshelves yesterday. It was published in 2016 (2nd edition 2018) and I can hardly believe that five years have passed.

The thought of me writing a children's book might come as a shock, because the general consensus is that I dislike children.

In truth, I don't hate the little rugrats. I simply like them best from a distance of fifty miles. At least.

Between Dusk and Dawn is a paperback book with seventeen poems, approximately 65 glossy pages, with an array of colored pictures that I selected.



The poetry depicts the magic and mystery of the nocturnal world - with the beauty that enhances our dreams, infused with shrouds of uncertainty that inspire our fears and induce nightmares.

The moon, owls, crones, sprite, will o' the wisp, bats, werewolves, gnomes, ghosts - - things quite appropriate for the Halloween season.

Available at Amazon.
Between Dusk and Dawn



Night is the time
between dusk and dawn
when the world is dark
and the hours are long,

when a creamy moon rises
above the tall trees
and wise old owls
whoo-hoot in the breeze,

when the leaves on the trees
softly rustle and sway
and almost seem
to have something to say,

When the stars far above
always twinkle and glow
while the shadowy earth
drowses way down below.

Night is the time
when cats like to prowl
and moths like to flutter
and wolves start to howl,

when crickets are chirping
by the banks of a creek
and bats fly about
in the sky as they squeak.

Night is when shadows
will lurk in your room
and silence will listen
in the gathering gloom

and outside your window
the night creatures creep
while dreams come to visit
as you peacefully sleep.



But suddenly something
jolts you awake.
What could it be.
for goodness sake?

Was it the wind
as it whisked past the house
or was it the scurrying
feet of a mouse?

Was it a creature
outside in the gloom,
or did the sound come
from the midst of your room?

Could it have come
from the dark closet door,
or from under your bed
with the dust on the floor?

or maybe the sound that you heard
wasn't there -
and is only a dream
that gave you a scare.

Jon Varga

copyright 2016-2018



  1. I remember when you posted about your book the first time. I remembered I like the cover art you selected and that passage is so pretty. When I was little I always loved Edward Gorey's work. A book with his art and your words would be a lovely treasure I'd think.

    1. You have a fantastic memory!! I didn't remember ever doing a post on this book, but I checked my blog files and I did do a brief post in September, 2018 for the second edition. Thanks for reminding me.

      I love all of Gorey's work and plan to rehash my old blog post about him.

  2. Whoa, Jon these are awesome! You have such a naturally talented way with words when you write. And a perfect post as we anticipate Halloween!

    1. Thanks, Kim! I had a lot of fun writing this book - it was a relaxing adventure for me and perhaps some day I'll do another one. It is indeed great for Halloween.

  3. Dr. Seuss, move over! I agree, these are a perfect mix of fantasy and fright. Timely, indeed!

    1. I really loved the Dr. Seuss books when I was a kid, and I'm sure the memory of them was an inspiration for this endeavor.
      It's almost inconceivable that some Seuss books are now being banned by the Book Nazis for inappropriate content!

      The world has really changed since I was a rugrat....(*smile*)

  4. I LOVE POEMS… and yours are awesome Jon! I also love Dr. Seuss. I have a daughter and 2 grandsons and we’ve all enjoyed his books- heck, I still do! This world has gotten totally ridiculous with all the shenanigans it’s trying to rule and regulate. I’m so tired of it all. Stay safe and please take care of yourself. I look for your blogs everyday!

    1. Thanks, Louise. Dr. Seuss was a treasure and I'm sure his books inspired a lot of children to read. Unfortunately the world has gone completely bonkers. It seems that Nazi tactics are being revived to "regulate" us, and it's extremely scary. I'm so glad that things were normal (or at least relatively normal) when I was a kid.

    2. Yes it is Jon.. and it's so sad for the future generations.


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