Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 I have a lot to write about, but nothing that you'd probably want to hear. So instead, I'll inflict you with some uninteresting photos taken yesterday, the first day of March.

My ancient El Cheapo digital camera is fading fast (much like myself...). The photos look bland and lifeless.
I envy all of you bloggers who take gorgeous, crisp, beautiful photos with your cell phones. Your cell phones probably cost more than my house did. I have a cell phone, but it's pathetically inexpensive and takes worse photos than my digital camera.

A pox on being a pauper.

Have I annoyed you with my negativity? Well take it with a proverbial grain of salt. It's just part of my enigmatic charm. I've been in a negative mood for the past decade....

Did March arrive like a lion or a lamb? Probably a lamb.

Sunshine actually emerged and the temperature soared to 60 degrees (that's Fahrenheit, for those of you in the Belgian Congo). Three nights ago we had snow flurries. In a few more weeks it will be spring.
Sweet spring.

The back yard woods look hideous, after  violent storms and ravaging winter.

I haven't seen a blue sky in such a long time that I nearly forgot what it looks like.

A few frazzled evergreens basking in the sun.

A foreboding woodland maze suitable for breadcrumb trails, Hansel and Gretel, and gingerbread houses inhabited by witches....

A bird's nest that the wind blew down on the back porch. Fortunately there were no eggs in it.

Neighboring hills as seen from front porch.

And bunnies waiting for spring......


..........and Bosco is lonely, waiting for spring.
I used to have three cats. Now I only have one.
The house seems empty.


  1. The picture of Bosco made me a bit sad, but at least you two have each other.

    Funny thing with cells. My cell takes a better picture of things close up or a normal range, but my digital take far better pictures of things when I have to zoom in. If I zoom in too much on my cell phone, the picture becomes pixelated like. But I suspect I need a update digital camera. I find your picture always very clear and crisp.

  2. You piqued my curiosity in your first sentence, Jon. It's OK, I'll wait. Reluctantly. I always look forward to your ventage decorations; so much nicer than what junk China puts out. (Or, it it Viet Nam?)
    The last image is so very poignant. Your boy!

  3. I enjoy seeing your woodland pictures, so mysterious in the winter, but beautiful in the spring.
    What sweet little bunnies, and egg, vintage and colorful.
    Maybe adopt a little kitten for Bosco, and also for you, it would be a twofer.
    Warming up.. brighter days ahead.

  4. As usual, your photos are beautiful. I was lucky enough to grow up in the country and outskirts of the city of Reading so I was always surrounded by the scenery.

    I think Bosco needs a cat buddy *(wink wink)*

    Anyhow, thank God it is FINALLY SPRING!!!

    1. ... or should I say thank God it is finally MARCH!

  5. Do you think you'll get another cat...or two?
    Blue sky would be nice to see--yes! Dark, gray day here and 28 there is some melting happening recently. Some.
    Have a good weekend. You and Bosco really need each other now.

    1. I'm considering getting another cat, but most likely an older one. I think a kitten would probably outlive me.....


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.