Wednesday, June 15, 2022


I haven't done any Q&As from Sunday Stealing     in a long time, so I decided to do several. It's not Sunday, but I couldn't care less.    Jon

 There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one word responses; just say everything that pops into your head.

I say ... and you think ... ?

Anxiety attack and ulcers

The present average national mentality

The chocolate fudge ice cream I used to get at Thirty One Flavors when I was a kid.

A gigantic mega (or MAGA) wall protecting our southern border.

All the books I have ever read.

A craving for devious inclinations.

Ghosts in the attic

The paste we used in school when I was in second grade, which smelled good enough to eat.

    Waste of time 
Blogging, social media, and answering stupid questions.

    Let down 
65 per cent of what happens to us during our lifetime.


Remaining innocent until proven guilty.

Cozy, atmospheric, a helluva lot of trouble to clean.

An incredible relief after winter.

Intense apprehension

All of the places I've been.....and those that I've missed.

Thousands of dubious election ballots mysteriously deposited in drop-off boxes at three in the morning throughout the country.

Potential disaster if it's a child. Absolute delight if it's a pet.

Occurring on one specific day only, without mail-in or drop-off boxes.

    Moving day 
Absolute disaster - something I'll hopefully never do again.

The best things in life are...
Heavily taxed, fattening, or illegal.

Things that drive me batty
Indifference, intolerance, ignorance

A place I'd like to live and why
I've lived in a variety of different places - - why should I speculate on potential places that will never materialize?
How about a secluded cabin in the Alps?

The best thing I've ever found
The long-elusive realization of my self-worth.

The best thing that happened recently is...
I can't think of anything good happening to me in the past twenty years.

I admire people who..
I admire people who have the rare and uncanny ability to actually  think for themselves - without the tainted influence of the media and ignorant social trends.
I am a staunch realist and independent thinker.

What makes me special
Being a staunch realist and independent thinker - blessed with many talents.

I am looking forward to...
You got me....I'm drawing a blank.

Things that scare me
The complete deterioration of society and social justice.

Complaints I have
Want me to write a book? Too many complaints to list here.

I could never live without...
Music, literature, art, the eternal limitless luxury of learning.

Things that make me laugh
Very few. Try tickling me.

1. Who was the last attractive person you saw?
Myself - in a photo that was taken twenty years ago (*smile*)

2. Do you have a tattoo? If not, are you going to get one?
I've never had a burning desire to let a probable-ex-druggie draw a picture on my flesh with toxic indelible ink.

3. Have you smoked a cigarette in the last 24 hours?
I haven't smoked a cigarette since I was in my early 30s. That was about 150 years ago.

4. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
That's a tough one. Some people deserve a second chance and many others don't.

5. What is your favorite number?
If I publicly reveal my favorite number, it will no longer be a favorite.

6. What time did you go to sleep last night?
I went to bed early but only slept sporadically for a few hours.

7. Are you one of those people that always answer their phones?
I'm one of those people who turns off the ringer and never answers the phone.

8. If you died today would your life be complete?
Life is never complete until we breathe our last.

9. If you are being extremely quiet, what does that mean?.
I get extremely quiet when I'm deeply depressed. I don't want to communicate at all.

 10. Do you know what high school your dad went to?
Heck, I can hardly remember what high school I went to......

11. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Yesterday after I ate homemade tamales with chili sauce and salsa - - - only it wasn't exactly butterflies.......

12. Where is your cell phone?
Close enough to be safe but far enough away not to be annoying.

13.  What is the nearest purple thing to you?
A one-horned, one-eyed flying purple people eater.

14. When did you last step outside?  What were you doing?
I stepped outside yesterday afternoon to contemplate the massive 15-foot-high "brush" that has overtaken my property due to endless torrential amounts of rain.
Then I had a severe panic attack.

15. What is the last thing you watched on TV?
I got rid of my TVs seven years ago when I moved from Texas to Tennessee. I have absolutely no regrets.


  1. That is a lot to keep up with. I know I don't think Life would be much fun without music or learning. Second chances? Only if you learn from your mistakes and promise never to make that mistake again.... Then sure. Otherwise, Second chance is a second opportunity to get burned. Where did you get all these questions anyway? Oh! By the way, apparently, voter fraud did not occur during the most secure election in HISTORY! Don't believe your lying eyes or the video footage of people doing questionable things... nothing to see here America.... That was from Bob Barr the AG during Trump. No crime if no one is willing to investigate or prosecute.

    1. I got all these questions from a blog called Sunday Stealing. The link is on the opening sentence of this post.

    2. Perhaps he should be named Bozo Barr.

  2. I always love when you do these, even though I know what you'll answer. But it's your creatively funny answers that I like.

    I also hope you didn't eat that said good smelling paste?!?!?!?!??

    1. I never ate that paste, but I was tempted. They probably don't make it anymore.

  3. Uh-oh, my comment just went 'poof'! Please let me know if it made it to your e-mail ... or not?

    1. Your comment was marked as spam. I don't know what the heck is wrong with Blogger.

  4. Greatest post title ever! I'm over here alternately giggling and nodding in agreement like a bobble-head doll. Crazy, but just the other day I was thinking about the wonderful aroma of that paste we had in grade school. Can't decide which of these is my favorite, but I hope you'll include this in your upcoming(?) autobiography!

    1. I almost permanently removed this post because I thought it was too long and boring. But then I figured, heck, I'm never boring.
      I'm sure some "sensitive" people won't like a few of my answers - - but let them suffer!!

  5. Love your answers! And yes, they are brilliant! :-)

    1. Thank you! You're one of the few who appreciate me.

  6. Glad you didn't remove this post, Jon, because I enjoyed your responses. I was a bit distressed that you consider blogging among the things that are a waste of time, but agree that social media and stupid questions do apply.

    1. I almost missed your comment because it was marked as spam. I hope your recent blog problems have been resolved - - but unfortunately they never seem to end.
      I'm admittedly addicted to blogging, although I often feel that I'm a lone voice crying in the wilderness...(*smile*).
      Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed this post.

    2. Thanks Jon, I am not sure if the issues have been totally resolved, yet, but I was able to post and did receive the Update Failed message, but it didn’t prohibit the post. I check daily for spam and promptly delete any obvious ones. I can’t locate what others call a “spam” folder. Just so you know, we are many crying in the wilderness, but your wilderness is more evident 😀 my friend.

  7. This is Louise... I enjoyed reading your answers.. you'd be a fun person to be around! Take care of yourself Jon, and try to stay as cool as possible.

    1. I'm not sure if I'm fun to be around, but I often make myself laugh. The heat wave here has been miserable and it's supposed to continue next week. Take care, Louise

  8. Dear Jon, your answers to all those questions are interesting and full of fun --electrical jolts-- like a lightning bug flying through cat's fur (my next incarnation by the way). Well done!

    1. I always try to give my answers spontaneously, without much thought. Too much contemplation can ruin things. I think I'd enjoy being a lightning bug.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.