Thursday, December 8, 2022


 Strange indeed. Balmy days that echo with tropical whispers. Tepid temperatures. Rain every day and every night all week. Morning shrouds of eerie fog and an impatient dusk that arrives at 4:30 in the afternoon.

Dank, damp, sunless days.

Yesterday I crept outside and was astonished to see a mass of tardy colored leaves that suddenly accumulated around the back porch. It almost seems like October again.

Naturally I documented the strange phenomenon with photos.

Near the back porch - - autumn leaves in the pouring rain.

And the dank, dreary, colorless front "yard" - - an ironic reflection of my ravaged soul....

Meanwhile, in the kitchen -

A pot of my latest soup concoction - -
corn, carrots, white chicken meat, and elbow macaroni. Unfortunately I'm out of onions.

It tastes better than it looks.

Jon, desperately trying to survive......


  1. What an unexpected burst of color to see right now.
    Your soup looks good to me! :)

    1. I've never seen that many colored leaves in December before. They seem to be fading fast, I doubt if they'll last another week
      Homemade soup is always delicious - no matter what ingredients are in it.

  2. Confusing, for sure! So far I've resisted turning on the air conditioning, but 80* doesn't lend itself to visions of sugar plums. Your soup's not only pretty to look at, I bet it's yummy!

    1. Eighty degrees in December is depressing - it reminds me of California. It's been in the 60s here. The intense dampness and rain makes it seem chilly - - good weather for homemade soup.


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