Monday, February 13, 2023


Two of my Valentine videos to enthrall you

I miss those childhood days, with penny Valentines, candy conversation hearts, and a blissful innocence that will inevitably be tainted by the rude ravages of adulthood.

The simple day of hearts and flowers has suddenly become a monster holiday, intent on lavish spending and over-blown commercialization.

I hope your Valentine's Day will be filled with the simple sweetness of love.

So what do I want in remembrance of this day?

If I had any money (wishful thinking) I'd buy a huge box of chocolates and devour them all by my greedy self.

change of subject

For those of you who are wondering how I'm doing (all two of you) - - -
see my previous post Gloomy Sunday. Watch the video and read between the lines.

Mentally and physically I'm completely wiped out. I no longer have the strength to face any more serious problems (most of which I would never dare reveal on a public blog).
If things don't improve, if I don't see a semblance of solace, I no longer want to exist.
I yearn for eternal rest.....

I wish I could be in a better frame of mind, but at the dire moment it's an impossibility.

Anyway, have a happy Valentine's Day.




  1. Enjoyed these two videos, brought back many memories... Hope you have a Happy Valentine's Day Jon, and soon Spring will be here !

    1. Spring is only a few weeks away and it can't come soon enough. Valentine's Day is a soothing escape from bitter winter - and it does bring back many memories.

  2. Allie and I just quietly celebrating that my tumors are gone! :)

    1. That is fantastic news, Rita - - definitely a great reason to celebrate. My very best to you and Allie.

  3. Awwww ... love this first video so much. Yes, those silly penny Valentines we'd "mail" to one another in grade school. Like a favorite song lyric, "Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then."
    For personal reasons, Valentine's may be the hardest day of the year for me. Nevertheless, I slap on a pleasant face and Do Life. That's what we adults are expected to do, right?

    1. That first video is one of my favorites. I'm so sorry that Valentine's Day is synonymous with personal wounds for you. Sometimes it's nearly impossible to keep a pleasant face. Take care.

  4. All the best on ♥️ day, Jon from follower #4 so you have already doubled your prediction😀 Sinatra sang a good song.

    1. Thanks, Dorothy - it's reassuring to know there are at least four (*smile*). I hope your Valentine Day is a sweet one!

  5. “Happy” Valentine’s Day.
    Bosco says, “Be mine”.
    Lisa from MI
    I like Reese’s hearts.

    1. I don't know if Bosco would be faithful.......
      p.s. I like anything chocolate.

  6. Wonderful videos! I remember them and I do so enjoy them! Thank you!

    Jon, I think about you and pray for you each and every single day! I am one your caring followers, please know that. :-)

    1. Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated, Kim. I hope you and the kitties had a purrrfect Valentine's Day.

  7. Jon.......Just a short note to let you know that on Saturday 2-11 Maynard passed away suddenly . Plz let Nancy know when you talk with her. Love you....Cookie

  8. I check in each day. It is great to find a post. I wish you well and things to get better for you. X

  9. love the first video. Frank Sinatra? ( I know there are some singers that sound similar..... otherwise I would bet Frank.) I'm a sucker for cute cat and puppy pics.


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