Tuesday, July 4, 2023

 Writing from my cell phone Presently transferred to a clinic on Nashville Since June the first I've nearly died from massive blood loss had a heart attack contracted pneumonia Had two surgeries on my colon I have a malignant tumor dangerously enclose to a main artery near my pelvis If it grows into the artery I'll die. Doctors are baffled as to what to do. Very little optimism.  Many thanks for your email messages and positive thoughts

Bosco is in good care with my cousin. Will update again. Love Jon


  1. I'm stunned and enormously saddened to read of these latest developments, Jon. Thank you so much for sharing (before I pushed the Panic Button). I sent an e-mail via Cookeville Hospital, but now I see you transferred to Nashville. Please know, there's many of us holding you in our thoughts and prayers; I hope you're getting the best care and will rally before long. After all, anyone who can escape a jealous lover and sail themselve to a deserted island is made of sterner stuff than the doctors give you credit for. (Apologies if my facts aren't spot on). We love you!

  2. Dearest Jon, so very kind of you to give us an update, although I must admit it is not the one I had hoped for.
    I did send you a couple of emails through the patient and guest portal, but obviously you had been transferred to the next facility.
    Stay strong, and know that people care about your well-being, my hope is that the doctors will find a way forward and do what is best for you.
    Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
    Thank you for letting us know that Bosco is being taken care of.

  3. wishing you the best


  4. Gabrielle Howard-GenglerJuly 5, 2023 at 4:44 AM

    Jon, you will be in my prayers! Thank you for the update. I’m glad Bosco is with your cousin.

  5. ALL of my thoughts and prayers are with you Jon. Thank you for updating us although I was hoping for a better report obviously. I am glad that Bosco is at last in goods hands and I will continue to pray for you every single day.

  6. Hoping for the best outcome, Jon. Keep us posted as you can. Better days ahead! Glad to hear Bosco is in safe keeping.
    Paranormal John

  7. So sorry to hear of all the endless medical issues you have been and are dealing with. You knew and told us you were not doing well but it is still hard to hear it when they tell you. Know you have people pulling for you. I am glad Bosco is safe with your cousin. You can just focus on feeling better. Maybe the doctors will come up with something...but even they don't always know the answers. As you know, I do believe in miracles or healing despite doctors' initial predictions...as with my son and recently myself. Sending positives and healing energy, Jon.  Please let us know how you are doing when you can. *hugs*

  8. Thank you for the update Jon. Not what I wanted to hear, but know that I and many others are praying for you! Keep us informed as you can. Wendy

  9. Hey Jon, so good to hear from you! I'm sending all positive thoughts your way. I am so sorry to hear of your medical issues. Hopefully you're comfortable and not in pain. Please know you have many friends out her in the great blogosphere! Please keep us updated.

  10. By the way Jon, the previous comment from "Anonymous" is me, Ron from "Retired In Delaware." I don't know why your blog won't let me leave a comment that way but so bet it. I'll try and figure it out for future comments that I leave.

  11. hoping the best for you

  12. I was worried and was right. This post got me teary eyed.....you will be in my thoughts for a swift recovery. Let's all keep positive vibes and good energy coming your way friend.


  13. I hope you can recoup from this string of misfortunes, I think you have my phone number, call anytime.

  14. To start, Jon, this anonymous comment is from Beatrice/Dorothy and like your other blog friends commented jt was good to read an update yet distressing to read what all you have been through. While no one ever doubted your dire conditions, your health was even more compromised then we could have known. You have been through hell in many ways and now it seems that while the prognosis sounds awful, you are not alone and being looked after by professionals. It was also good to read that Bosco is being caed for as well. My good thoughts and well wishes go out to you both, Jon.


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