Thursday, July 6, 2023

6 july

 I'm writing via my cell phone again. I spent four days baffling doctors in Nashville. I'm presently back in Cookville Medical Center for radiation therapy. They might send me to Chattanooga to see another cancer specialist. If nothing else at least I'm seeing TN.

I cried and felt humbled when I read your recent comments. If I ever get home again I'll write a long post about the past year dealing with a constantly bleeding tumor. On my May 31 post I said I dropped my plate of dinner. In truth I was so weak that I couldn't carry it to the table.

On June 1st I knew I was dying. Could no longer walk. I staggered to the front porch while having a heart attack and managed to call 911 before I collapsed unconscious. Bosco stayed with me.

Was taken to Livingston Hospital where I couldn't breathe and kept losing consciousness. They had to rush me to Cookville where my life was saved.

Will write more updates when I can. Just wanted you to know the hell I've been through. I haven't even scratch the surface.

My heartfelt love to all of you.  jon


  1. Thank you for letting us know. You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I will continue to pray...Louise, you Tennessee neighbor

  2. I can't imagine Jon going through this alone. I told you before your built of steel and you just keep going and going. Do take good care and for heaven's sake do not worry about us. Your here and with us. You just keep healing and get well so you can get feisty again.


  3. Love you, Jon. Please, keep fighting.

  4. It's already a miracle you are filling us in on what happened!! *hugs*

  5. wishing you the best outcome

  6. As difficult as it is to read these recent posts on your medical conditions, Jon, I am grateful that you have been able to update using your phone. Speaking for myself and your other blog friends, we care and hope the care you are finally getting will have a good outcome. Please continue to update when you can, despite the hell you have been through so far. (This comment is from Beatrice/Dorothy, not anonymous.)

  7. I'm sorry you are going through all this torment. You'd be surprised how many people care about you and hate to see you weak, suffering, and almost dying. Your cat probably is missing you horribly. Take care.

  8. You are strong. Each day is a win. Get well and come back. You belong with us still. I love you. So many people do!

  9. I echo everyone's sentiments, Jon; keep fighting and being your feisty, irreverent self that we all love! I'm so glad that you are getting the help that you need; I've been very worried about you. I'll keep praying and sending positive thoughts your way. Please remember that we are all rooting for you! Jackie in CA

  10. Jon, it’s good to hear from you! You’re dealing with a lot. I know how to pray so that’s what I’m doing for you 🙏🏻 Gabrielle Gengler

  11. Keep fighting Jon, by the grace of God may the hands of the doctors that are treating you, be given the wisdom to treat and cure you of your illness. Sending healing thoughts and wishes your way. Stay strong.

  12. Jon, thank you for taking the time to write. I also live alone and can imagine how you felt going through all your troubles alone. But of course you are not alone as shown by all your friends here. Will continue praying every day.

  13. Aw bless Bosco’s lil kitty heart
    Staying by your side while you were
    fighting for your life
    You are very brave Jon.
    Love, Lisa (salemslot9)💕

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. We are all pulling for you Jon and we are with you all the way. I was touched by Bosco staying by your side when you needed him most. KEEP FIGHTING!!!

  16. I hope the radiation tx doesn't tire you out too much. Go easy on yourself, treat yourself well. We'll see you blogging again soon, just like the 'old days'.
    Thinking about you.

  17. Good luck Jon. Time catches all of us. And I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and your humorous way you deal with your depression. I doubt any jokes would be taken the way I would like, so I will abstain for the moment. I sincerely pray for your recovery and your opportunity to get back to blogging. Life is already short and you still have to write your Memoirs. Don't give up just yet! There is still much left to live for, and perhaps this is what you need to light the fire under your butt to get you to writing... the book! ( And the blog too... we love the blog.) Best wishes!

  18. Get well Jon. Thinking of you from Australia. Saffron

  19. My gosh Jon! You still have a purpose to fulfill after going through all that. My prayers are with you. Thanks for the update too! Wendy

  20. Jon, Oh how my heart breaks for you. What an ordeal you're going through! Thankfully you're being well taken care of now. I can't say this enough, know that there are many of us out here in the blogosphere who care for you a lot. I hope when you get home you can have someone stop in and care for you in some kind of at home service. Bill had that option but I decided to take care of him myself. Continue to get well Jon. So glad you're still with us!

  21. I'm thinking about you today Jon. Hope you are feeling better each day.

  22. Glad you called for help, take care, get well

  23. Dear Jon: Still thinking good thoughts your way and hoping with this healing brain. Let's both get well and strong again. Deal? --Geo.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.