Friday, January 19, 2024


Endless winter and endless complications.

I use "complications" as a  palatable synonym for unnervingly horrible problems that continuously and relentlessly plague me.

Endless winter?

If I ever knew Tennessee winters had penguins and ice floes I would have never moved here (that was a feeble attempt at humor).

This was a rotten week. It started out when I had my horrific fall last Saturday - - when it took nearly two hours to get back on my feet and I truly thought I wasn't going to make it.

It snowed all week with frigid temperatures. On Tuesday night it was minus 8 degrees (Fahrenheit). Eight below zero. That doesn't sound bad to those of you living in the Arctic, but it had me worried - - and for good reason.

On Thursday (yesterday?) the home care nurse called and said she'd come over. I said the roads were impassable and I was snowed in.

Half an hour later she called again. She said the roads are impassable and every one is snowed in. Go figure.

She said she'll try to come on Saturday with her husband's truck. I doubt it. Saturday is supposed to be icy frigid.

Speaking about icy frigid, I knew the worst was going to happen. I expected it all week.

One of the water pipes under the house froze and broke. I heard the rushing water. I called the water dept. and had them turn off the main meter switch.

I called a local newbie plumber who confessed that he couldn't repair broken pipes. Go figure.

Now I have to search for someone who can repair the pipe. In this rural area it ain't easy.

Wanna hear more bad news?

Due to the drastic weather, all of my grocery deliveries are delayed. One package which was to have arrived yesterday will now be delivered on Monday. If it doesn't snow.

So presently I have absolutely no water and minimal food. And the temp. is supposed to drop below zero again tonight (Friday).

Physically, I'm overwhelmed with problems. Mentally, I'm completely wiped out.

 I still ache all over from my fall last Saturday. My back and neck are ravaged with pain. My legs are still swollen with edema and my feet hurt beyond belief. The meds don't seem to be helping at all. My shoulders and arms ache from rambling around in the damn walker.

I hate myself because I'm no longer myself. I have disintegrated into a pathetic facsimile of my former self.

Why am I writing this? To gain your sympathy?

Naw. I'm writing simply to convince myself that I'm still alive.



  1. Hi Jon. I've been off line for a while and just read about your fall last week. Sorry to hear that. I do wish you had more help. You will continue to be in my prayers.

    1. Believe it or not, I'm able to manage fairly well - - as long as I don't get careless (which caused my fall).
      If this annoying frigid weather ever ends, I think things will improve.
      I appreciate the prayers.

  2. You're very much alive, Jon. I don't know about kicking, that may have to wait a while. Maybe your nurse will know a plumber, maybe pick up some food for you? Aside from her real job, that is. Or the helpful neighbor might know a plumber ?

    I certainly hope for some solutions for you. You've had enough problems.

    1. Unfortunately, I've always hated to ask people for help - - unless I'm absolutely desperate. I'm sure one of the nurses would bring water or food if I asked.
      I'll see if anyone knows a competent plumber.
      If only the weather would warm up I think I'll be okay.

  3. Did you ask the nurse to at least bring some bottled water with her? You can go without food longer than without water. Let us know how you are doing and if you get a plumber to come and supplies delivered. Is it supposed to warm up there pretty soon? We're supposed to get into the low 20s tomorrow, but not above freezing until next weekend. I hope it won't be awful cold for you for another week!

    1. I'm sure I can get assistance from the home health care nurses if I ask. This frigid weather has put everything at a standstill. It's supposed to "warm" up next week, which will be an immense help. I wouldn't want a plumber to be crawling around under the house when it's 10 degrees.
      If this snow doesn't start melting, nobody will be able to get to my house.
      I'll update next week.

  4. You are alive, Jon. You'll make it through this.

    1. I have to keep reminding myself. Quite often I think I died and went to hell....*smile*

    2. Hell is a real place, Jon, but you don't belong there.

  5. I predict next week will be much warmer. I just hope you make it till then!

    1. It's supposed to get warmer by Monday. I just hope that some of the snow will melt by then....

  6. Your/or my (both?) internet connections must have gone down about the same time, b/c when I tried to leave a comment yesterday, it was for naught.
    ... Not that I had anything stellar to say, but I was/am very concerned. Despite what your home health nurse had to say, aren't there other avenues? Like calling out the National Guard. (I'm serious.) One would think there must be emergency measures in place ... perhaps something to follow up on with your Congressman or the Governor for (God forbid) a next time.

    1. I've been having Internet connection trouble all week, undoubtedly due to the Siberian weather.
      I have been fiercely independent my entire life and am always reluctant to yell for help. If the weather ever "warms" up I'll (probably) be okay. It's Saturday morning and right now it's 2 degrees.
      I think I'll survive......(?)

  7. Call 911 (Fire Dept.) yours might be a life or death situation at some point. I’d guarantee they would have the means to get to your house!

    1. I admittedly would be very reluctant to call 911, but perhaps I could request them to send a sled and a team of Siberian huskies......*smile*

  8. You're definitely right about that - - but I always have the foolish illusion that my situation isn't so bad....if I can get through this frigid weekend, I think things will improve. If not, I will need help...

  9. 61degrees on Wednesday ! isn't that crazy :)
    Yes, hang in there friend, we are warming up, if we can get through this weekend,
    Hoping you can find a plumber next week, I'd be wrapping my pipes with heat tape so no further busted pipes.
    Stay inside and no venturing out, it's just not worth the risk.

    1. It's difficult to comprehend a warmup in the 60s next week.....but I'm looking forward to it.
      The pipes should have been wrapped long ago, but I was always hesitant to venture under the house. A lady in my area discovered a nest of rattlesnakes under her house!!!!
      I hope I'll find a brave plumber....

  10. I echo other's hope that things improve for you, and the weather warms up.
    The ankle and leg swelling is a cause for my concern...are you still taking the diuretic? I believe you said you'd stopped. As you know, CHF is worsened with edema, and a diuretic can help. Are you monitoring your BP?
    Sorry for the advise, sometimes I can't remember I'm retired from medicine.
    Take care, Jon.

    1. I take three different diuretics each day. Since my blood pressure is never high, I presently don't take the BP meds. The home care nurses always check my vital signs.
      I welcome your opinions and advice - - and appreciate your concern.

  11. Jon, good to know you were not writing to gain our sympathy for your increasingly dire situation. Seriously, my friend, the weather is certainly not helping in the least by preventing deliveries and people getting to you, and now a broken water pipe! All that aside, I am glad that you are posting to let all of us know you are alive. All of the offered suggestions are good ones and hopefully you will receive some assistance very soon. Please do keep posting as often as you can for even if we can't offer physical assistance, you do have a lot of spiritual assistance

    1. This wicked winter weather has really been a big setback for me. I'm glad that there weren't any power outages during the coldest days. It's supposed to warm up in a few days. Today (Sunday) it's still only 20 degrees and it's still too icy to get to my house.
      I'll keep updating when I can.
      Thanks, Dorothy.

    2. Just read your latest post with comments off, Jon, and while I can understand your choice, know that your blog friends are thinking of you. Hope you are taking time to recover and heal physically, emotionally and mentally from your recent travails. Hang in there and update when you feel up to it.

  12. I just got caught up from a few weeks of not reading anyone's blog posts. Oh my gosh, You NEED to take your phone out with you IF you go out again. What a horrific thing to happen, that fall and having to crawl and try to get up for 2 hours!! Please let others know so they can help you. It's hard, I know, but you do need the help with some things.

    1. In retrospect, I can't believe how careless and foolish I was. I should NEVER have attempted to walk with a cane - and I shouldn't go anywhere without a cell phone.
      I don't panic very easily, but I honestly didn't think I would survive that horrible fall.
      I will be careful in the future!
      Thanks for your comment, Wendy.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.