Saturday, January 27, 2024


 The wicked winter storm that pulverized Tennessee has thawed and finally melted away. Mild temperatures have replaced snowflakes with rain.

My dark, devious, potentially dangerous mood is slowly thawing......despite the fact that my annoyingly complicated psyche doesn't regulate easily.

A few positive things have happened this past week. All of my delayed groceries have finally been delivered. One huge box of frozen food arrived ten days late. I was initially hesitant to open it, but - - miraculously - - the food wasn't spoiled!

With no food and no water (another frozen, broken water pipe) and frigid temperatures, I was admittedly apprehensive.

I had nothing left to eat but macaroni and cheese. I had to cook the macaroni with melted snow. Since I had no milk, I used mayonnaise instead. And I added a small can of tuna. Actually, it was pretty good. I had to eat it for three days.

Presently, I have plenty of food and bottled water- - which is a huge relief.

One of the home care nurses was able to come on Friday (yesterday). Due to the recent  Arctic Blast, both she and her husband had (seperate) car accidents on the icy roads.

Since I haven't yet found a plumber to fix the broken water pipe, the nurse is going to try to locate the plumber who fixed a pipe and installed a new toilet for me last month.

He works for a volunteer organization that does jobs for "needy" people. Heck, I'm as needy as you can get.

I thought it's a good idea, because he has already done plumbing work under my house and is familiar with everything.

Here's an alarming aside:

I recently heard that a lady who lives in this area just discovered a nest of rattlesnakes under her house!!!

Thankfully I don't have any rattlesnakes.

I think.

Oh, before I forget.......

I happened to tell the nurse that my cat Bosco died. She said she has numerous cats that she wants to give away.

I won't reveal the details yet........but it's very tempting. I've been lonely now that my three felines are deceased.

To be continued.



The first photo is my back "yard", taken about a week ago.

The photo below is the back porch.


  1. Things are slowly going your way. I'm pleased your mood is thawing along with your surroundings. Hopefully that plumber will be able to come soon. I thought about melting snow for water and obviously so did you!

    1. That harsh and unexpected storm really caused problems for everyone around here. I was starting to get nervous when I ran out of food. Hopefully February will be a better month, and spring isn't to far away.

  2. I'm glad you're surviving, and supplied. I foretell a plumber in your future. and a cat

    1. Your fortune teller abilities are right on target.
      Maybe two cats............??

  3. I've used mayonnaise as an egg substitute in many dishes, milk too. It is good!

    Glad you have food and water, as well as a possible plumber. You know what gets rid of snakes? Pigs. They eat them! But then you'd have pigs. I think if you had rattlesnakes you'd hear them, so let's hope you don't.

    1. I think mayonnaise was better than milk. It made the mac and cheese creamy.
      Good grief, the last thing I need are pigs - - but there are wild hogs in this area.
      I actually heard of cats killing snakes but if I ever get another cat, it will definitely stay indoors.

  4. Are you sure you weren't once a Boy Scout, Jon? Your meal planning is nothing short of ingenious! Still, I'm reassured you've 'plenty' of food and water.
    I'm excited to hear more about the possibilities of a new fur baby ... or two!

  5. I never wanted to be a Boy Scout because I always hated to conform. I've always been annoyingly independent.
    My meal planning turned out fairly good, considering I had little to work with. I was't exactly keen on using snow......but it worked.
    My life is so empty without having fur babies around - - and I have mice to keep them busy.

  6. Jon, I think you would make an excellent "prepper", you do seem to thrive though the toughest of challenges and emerge successful, where there's a will.......
    Good news that your food arrived and was still in an edible state, now to get those broken pipes fixed.
    I can only imagine how much company a kitty or two would afford you, I'm sure they would bring you much comfort.
    Hoping your days will continue to get brighter, you have overcome so much to get to this point.

    1. I never thought of myself as being strong, but I do have an uncanny ability to overcome obstacles. I don't give up easily.
      I was really worried when I ran out of food- but the grocery deliveries arrived just in time.
      Hopefully, February will be more mild....(?)
      I feel lost and lonely without my feline friends. I'll definitely consider adopting another one.

  7. Hi Jon, this is Dorothy (aka Beatrice) not anonymous as my tablet seems to think and I was so glad to find this update after the previous no-comment post. And, when I checked your blog earlier, the message No Posts displayed which really had me concerned and not in a good way😕. Relieved to read here that you have managed to get food deliveries and that none was spoiled. Also that creative way of making mac & cheese was something new. Hope the plumber can fix the broken pipes and that a feline or two may be in your future. Please keep us posted as your fellow bloggers care.

    1. I originally wrote a new post two days ago and when I tried to change the size of the font the entire post disappeared! This happened to me numerous other times and I was furious with Blogger.

      I'm so glad that the brutal winter storm is gone - - but February can also bring bad weather to TN.
      I'm relieved to have food again.
      Hopefully I'll have water again and.....who knows.....maybe a kitty.
      Thanks for your comment, Dorothy.

  8. Jon, I got a hint from Dagan that has worked many times for me. If I hit a key by accident where I lose something or part of something I'm working on try using ctrl+z. Sometimes it works. Not sure how, but it can work sometimes. Control + z has saved me many times since he told me about it. Hold down control and hit z. Worth a try.

    You have really lucked out with getting your food and it being okay! I hope your worker can contact that plumber again. That would be amazing! And she even has some cats?! That would be even more amazing! I know you like having more than one cat and to get a couple cats who are already friends and used to each other would be wonderful! They are tremendously motivating--every single day. We do love our critters and no matter how crappy we feel or how hard it is to get around we will manage to feed them and scoop their litter box. And they are such great company. (They may or may not be good at catching mice, though--LOL!)

    1. Hi, Rita - thanks for sharing Dagan's suggestion. I will definitely try it next time. I'm still baffled as to why my posts vanish - even though I carefully "save" them while writing.

      This nasty snowstorm really messed up things here in TN. It's still fairly cold with snow flurries, but the worst is definitely over.
      The home care nurses are often extremely helpful. I hope they locate the plumber......and it would be wonderful to have feline companions again.

  9. Hi Jon
    The weather here has been odd also, it was bitterly cold, even by Butte standards a few weeks ago, -41, and today it's 44, a temp delta of 85 degrees. Weird.
    You've probably thought of this, but if when you've finished a post, copy it using your mouse. If it 'disappears' you can then paste it again. Just a idea.
    I'm glad things are looking a bit better for you, good that your food supply surfaced again.
    Good luck on the plumber, I have little luck with sub-contractors of any kind.

  10. Wow, minus 41 made me shiver. It got up to 65 a few days sgo, but now it's in the daytime 30s with a few snow flurried. Weird weather indeed.
    I'm just thankful that I have food again and bottled water.
    Hopefully a plumber...soon?....
    I appreciate you comment, Mike.

  11. Oh wow! I am so glad your grocery delivery arrived in the nick of time and that it was still all Ok. Mayonaise is an amazing substitute for creamy things.
    I sure hope you can get that same plumber to come and fix your pipes! Cripes, that would be horrible to be without running water for that length of time. Happy to read you have plenty of bottled water now.
    A kitty!! That is absolutely what you need for company and mice control too :-) Wendy

  12. That winter storm really messed things up for everybody around here. I had never previously thought about my food shipments being delayed - - but I was genuinely worried when I ran out of food. One positive aspect of the frigid weather is that my frozen food didn't thaw!
    I think there are enough mice around here to keep several cats busy *smile*.

  13. Posh & Whiteface really do
    bring me a lot of comfort
    Not just because I feed & water them
    They care more than some humans I know

    1. The older I get, the more comfort I find in our furry friends. I agree that they do care more than some humans....

  14. More problems than I care to admit, but I'll survive. I'll update when I have any news to tell. Right now things are unsettled.
    Thanks for your concern.

  15. So glad to hear your food and water arrived! We have had two blasts of winter storms so far here and can't wait for winter to LEAVE already!

    Ooh, I hope you get another kitty! It is amazing how much life and hope they bring to a home. Mine have managed to keep me going and give me a reason to get up in the morning these days. Please keep us posted!

  16. I hate winter more than anything. It causes nothing but problems. Spring will supposedly arrive "early" this year.
    My life is completely without the company of cats. They do indeed give us a reason to face another grueling day.
    I'm presently very depressed and have nothing interesting to say - - but I will keep updating.
    It's good to hear from you!

  17. I meant to say "completely empty"


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.