Monday, February 5, 2024



Red sky at morning, sailors take warning

Fair warning that I'm reluctant to post due to relentless depression. I'm tired of putting on my faux Pollyanna face and forcing myself to pretend that things are getting better. Things are not better.
Cancer, congestive heart failure, radical edema. Since the meds aren't helping at all, my uneducated guess is that it's lymphoedema.
Diuretics do a great job of making me pee, but they don't do a damn thing to reduce the swelling. When I'm in bed, the pain in my ankles and feet is excruciating.

I'm unnervingly used to pain. It has been my constant companion for over a year.
The horrible fall that I had on January 13 (I think) has completely destroyed my back.
When I came home from rehab, I was making good progress learning to walk again. Thanks to my latest fall, my back is an agony and I can hardly limp around with the walker.

I've just listed all the positive things in my current life. I won't dare mention the negatives.

Am I being sarcastic?
I don't know. You call the shots.

Adventures to fulfill my empty, agonizing days......
I'm slowly cleaning up the house, removing clutter and trash, trying to make it look like it did before I was sick. Not an easy task, but I'm making progress. Me and my walker have become an inseparable team.

The light in the kitchen burned out. Have you ever tried to replace a light bulb when you can't stand up straight and creep around like Quasimodo?
Don't try to visualize this. You'll hurt yourself.

I also accidentally broke the light in the refrigerator. Having a hard time replacing it.

Last night I went out on the back porch to empty a pan (I don't like to dump things down the kitchen drain). I dared to use a cane instead of my walker (that's how I fell in January).

While I'm emptying the pan- - very unsteady on my feet - - a pack of coyotes appeared out of the forest, very near my property. They gave unearthly howls in unison, while I stumbled to the back door and managed to get inside.
I can only imagine what would have happened if I fell.

At least I had my cell phone.

Change of subject.

FedEx has been delivering my packages to the wrong address. As usual. I furiously filed some fiery complaints. On Sunday afternoon I found my latest missing package on the front porch. Six days late - - but better late than never.

So where are the home care nurses?
Very scarce. There used to be four of them. One quit the nursing routine to work in the office. So now there are only three.

Lately I get two visits a week. This time around, I haven't heard from any of them for well over a week. I'm not complaining. It's just frustrating never knowing when one will show up.

I have a lot more boring things to tell......and a heckuva lot more complaints, but I'll spare you.

Speaking of boring things, here are a few pics taken today from the front porch. I can't take any good photos of the back yard forest - - because the view is obscured from toppled trees that were never removed.

Cheers, Jon

Red morning sky from my bedroom window


  1. I'm sorry you are in so much pain, Jon.

    1. I'm so used to pain that I wouldn't know what life is like without it. I'm hoping my latest back injury will eventually heal.

  2. Jon, I am impressed you are able to do so much despite all you have been through.

    1. Despite having enormous trouble walking, I'm amazed at the physical things I can accomplish. I have to keep forcing myself but it's worth the effort.

  3. I am sorry to hear your struggles, but impressed by your blogging and working around the house despite them. Even depressed, you have spirit.

  4. Most people won't do anything when they're depressed. My depression always motivates me to do things - - which is good. Despite all my problems, I agree that I have spirit.

  5. Jon, it is indeed a depressing situation as you have stated and I and others (sadly) concur, but as myself and so many others have noted, you ARE a survivor and as negative as your situation is now, the fact that you are staying connected and sharing with blogger friends is a very positive thing. Even when the odds are stacked against you, you manage to keep trying and hopefully a turn-around will happen soon. I know this question shouldn't be asked, but have you considered a return to some sort of rehab until your back is better?

    1. I admittedly surprise myself at how much I do, despite all my limitations. Frustration and anger inspire me.
      And, of course, my blogger friends play a large part in keeping me going. Their encouragement means a lot.
      I've honestly had enough of hospitals and rehabilitation. It would be helpful to go back, buy I prefer to be on my own.
      I do appreciate the home health care nurses.

    2. Jon, I can certainly understand how you feel and only made the suggestion as a sort of last resort if things did become unmanageable and you needed a space to heal. You are doing more than many would be able to accomplish so kudos to you, I would say give yourself a pat on the back, but considering your recent injury will hold off.

  6. Beatrice said what I was thinking. Along with the question about rehab. Speaking for myself, please express whatever you feel. We all have an idea of what you are going through and I believe it is helpful for you to have a space where you can let it out. I know without any doubt I would not be able to do what you are doing. You have, an old word here, gumption.

    1. Somehow I feel that if I returned to rehab I would be regressing. I prefer staying home as long as possible.
      I never considered myself to be a strong person, but I survived many difficult things during my chaotic life - - many more than anyone would believe.
      I constantly (and painfully) push myself forward, hoping that I won't regress.

  7. What a stunning photograph of the sunrise, it needs to be a framed piece of artwork.
    I was so hoping for better news on your pain management Jon, it's wearing I know.
    Maybe you could ask the healthcare nurses if they will replace the bulbs for you, I'm sure they would help.
    At least our weather is warm and so much better than the horrendous cold snap a few weeks ago, it gives hope for an early spring.
    Sending healing thoughts and wishes your way.

    1. The red sunrise looked more beautiful in real than it does on my photo.
      I'm so used to pain that I accepted it as part of my life. Last night I slept a little better than usual.
      I thought about asking someone to change the light bulb, but decided to do it myself. I hate to feel helpless....
      The frigid temperatures are finally gone but it still gets chilly here.
      An early spring would be great!

  8. Wonderful photos, Jon! I'm stunned to see there's no snow remaining.
    Your 'get-r done' attitude is truly amazing. Gumption for sure! All the same, please don't take any unnecessary chances. Like Jo said, I'm hoping the home healthcare folks would be willing to lend a hand?
    I'm still having regular conversations with Mr. God on your behalf. Like Victor says, He's not in business of losing His followers.

    1. I'm frustrated because I have limited things to photograph. I really miss my walks in the woods......but this is a bland time of year when the scenery looks drab.
      I amaze myself at all the things I'm able to do despite my pain and immobility. I get tired very easily but it seldom stops me. I admittedly need help sometimes, but I try (try...) to be independent.
      Your good words on my behalf are always welcome.

  9. Jon
    It sounds like you may indeed have Lymphedema. Have you talked to your doc about this? You may also be have venous insufficiency or venous occlusion. I encourage you to talk about this with your doc. It can be treated, with acknowledging the CHF, which can contribute.
    I'm so sorry you continue to be plagued by this, its no fun, I know.
    Let me know if I can offer anything.

    1. I have two doctor appointments in Cookeville in late February. I'll see what can be done then. In the meantime I'm going to purchase an excerciser for my feet. It's bad just to sit in a chair all day. I was also wondering if compression socks would help?
      Thanks, Mike.

    2. They wouldn't hurt, and if it's venous issues, might help. Elevation of the limb, legs, can also work. I'm sorry you have this, my friend.

  10. I am so glad to hear that you "keep on keeping on", Jon. You sound much like myself in that I KNOW that if I do not push myself to do things, no one else will do it so we just keep pushing ahead no matter what.

    Hang in there! Big Hugs!

  11. Oh yes, and those coyotes? I would think they are a lot like our red fox we are plagued with in my area of PA. They ARE opportunists and will go after whatever they can to survive. I saw one up close a couple of years ago and I stood frozen on the other side of the country road I live along. It stood there staring at me for a bit and finally decided that I was bigger than it so it turned and went the other way thank God. BE CAREFUL! Wild animals sense weakness and never turn your back in them or trust them!!

    1. There are lots of critters around here, including wild dogs and wild hogs. The coyotes come by frequently. I never felt threatened by them - - but I recently found several videos on YouTube that have true stories about people getting killed by coyotes.
      Wild animals definitely sense weakness and can never be trusted.

  12. Keep on pushing is the long as we can. Considering all you've been through, Jon, I think you've done remarkably well. I'm glad you have an appt. with your doc at the end of the month. Hopefully, some resolution(s) can be found. Just sitting can lead to venous stasis and peripheral edema. Elevate your legs while sitting and (unless contradicted by your health care providers) compression hose may help. An exercise devise is good, too. Oh Lord....coyotes and rattle snakes under the porch (not yours), but the possibilities are endless in the wilds.... along with all the beauty comes some bumps. Stay safe and best wishes for a better year for you...and all of us.
    Paranormal John

  13. Sometimes I get tired of pushing foreward, but it's the only alternative. Hopefully there won't be any more winter storms. The temperature has "warmed" up with rain in the forecast. January and Feb. are usually the worst months for snow.
    I ordered a leg exerciser and compression socks, which should be delivered tomorrow (if FedEx gets my correct address). I have two doctor appointments in Cookeville at the end of this month.
    Thanks for your comment, John.

    1. The leg elevation is something I forgot to mention. Paranormal is right, sitting, in the usual posture, is not good for these issues.

  14. I hope you can get some pain relief soon. Do the home health nurses help with some rehab type exercises when they’re there? I know you want and need to do things for yourself but please be careful.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.