Thursday, August 1, 2024


 Let's get to the subtraction first.

In my previous blog post, I detailed the wonderful events that happened last Saturday - - when a local church group hauled away all of my trash, removed my ancient refrigerator, and.....

fixed the broken water pipe. I was overjoyed to have water again, after a long week without it!

Then came Monday. I was just about to prepare a meal, when I turned the faucet on the kitchen sink. No water.

I don't panic easily....

but I panicked. Did I have another pipe problem? I called the local water department. They said there was a "strange leak" in the water system in my area of the county. "Sorry for the delay".

It's now Thursday. I don't have a drop of water in the house. I'm trying to stay calm. Trying........

.....trying to maintain a semblance of sanity. And I'll have to order bottled water online.

And if anyone tells me that I can't begin a sentence with a connective conjunction - - I'll BITE you!

Let's get on with the addition of water.

Rain, rain, rain. The past two days and nights there have been violent storms. Strong winds, hail, and torrential rain.

To compound the agony, there was a massive power outage. For nearly two days I had no electricity, no Internet, no landline phone connection, and my two cell phones didn't work!

I panicked again because I'm completely stranded in the wilderness....and can hardly walk (physical limitations).

Is there any good news?

Well, the power is back on. My phones are working. But still no water!!!!

An Aside

Last evening I opened the front door - - - and a bird flew in again! And it was the SAME BIRD that flew in about a week (?) ago. She has a nest near my front door.

I couldn't catch her overnight, so I waited until dawn. She was in my bedroom window desperately trying to get out.

I didn't feel like chasing her around the I gently scooped her up in my hands and let her out the front door.

Rain, storms, power outages, no damn water, and visits from birds.

Welcome to August.

Luv ya, Jon


  1. This has to stop at sometime, one thing after the other. On the positive, you do seem better. Has the county let you know when they plan to have water flowing again? I gave up on "proper" sentence structure long ago. If people can write thing like "how are u" I can dismiss some rules!

    1. They were very vague about when I will have running water agaim and I'm ready to BITE them *smile*. I will contact them again tomorrow.

  2. I'm glad your power came back on...but you need water!! Good grief! Always something, eh? LOL!
    I begin sentences with "and" or "but" or "well" or "okay" or whatever all the time. (Don't tell anyone I was an English major.) But that is because I write like I talk...and apparently I don't talk well--ROFL!
    As soon as she is done nesting you won't have to worry about her getting in the house, I don't imagine. Poor mama bird seems to panic and not watch where she is going--lol!
    I hope you have water soon...and I mean from your faucets! :)

    1. I write like I talk, too. Things just ramble from the overload of my mind.....and I'm a poor speller.
      I'm now hesitant to open the front door after dsrk. That's when my feathered friend comes in.
      I am completely disgusted with the water situation, especially because it's the hottest time of the year. I might resort to drinking rain water.....or maybe not.

  3. Water water all around. You may be reduced to collecting rainwater soon. I often start sentences with "So.." and I'm told it's annoying. See if I care!

    1. Many times everything I write is annoying. It's part of my charm.
      I might start taking showers in the rain. No one would see me except the coyotes....

  4. And....if someone doesn't like the way I write or talk....I ain't losing sleep over it. And that's what 4 years of college did for me. So sorry to hear about the 'no water' situation. Yikes! How does one flush a toilet? I sure hope you have bottled drinking water. Rustic living, indeed. I wish better for you. Honestly, Jon, you're a brave and courageous soul. I'd have passed on long ago trying to survive what you have...and you have!! Showers in the rain sound rather exotic and I'm sure the coyotes would enjoy a good floor show now and then. Take care, Jon.

  5. I presently don't have a drop of water. My bottled water is supposed to be delivered tomorrow (Friday). I've been drinking juice and soda....which doesn't quench my thirst.
    Rural life isn't for sissies - - but I make an effort to pretend I'm brave.
    If nothing else, my showers in the rain would make the coyotes laugh.
    Take care.

  6. You're made of sterner stuff than most, Jon. Pretty sure I wouldn't last a day without creature comforts like water and power.
    I once came near being a grammar police(woman), but pretty much quit fretting about others' usage. As you can tell, I'm not averse to beginning my sentences with "So", "And", "But."

    1. I've been through so many bad things in my life that I'm used to being tortured. Nothing surprises me any more - - I simply roll with the punches.
      I am admittedly annoyed with the water situation. And the local water dept. will be hearing from me again
      Your grammar is always perfect in your blog. I admire that.

  7. As Charlie Brown would say "Good Grief!" Just when it looks like things are getting better, Jon, you get slammed again. Showers in the rain sound interesting but can't imagine much fun. Glad the power is back and hope the water situation is fixed soon. Please keep us posted when you can.

    1. Good grief, indeed. It's one unpleasant thing after another. It seems like I never have peace. The temperature was 95 yesterday and it's extremely annoying to be without water. More storms are predicted for this afternoon (Friday). At least the rain will cool things.
      I'll keep updating my adventures.

  8. "It's always something" as Rosanna Roseannadanna (Guilda Radner) always used to say. Thank God you at least got your electric and phone back!

  9. I remember Gilda's character on Saturday Night Live, and what she said is true. The problems never end.
    I thought I'd have a carefree life in a rural area.......what a joke! I just hope that I'll get water back soon, but my optimism is waning.
    Take care.....and hugs to the kitties.

  10. YAY! Great news this Saturday morning!
    Pat/From Central Texas!

    1. I'm overjoyed.....but cautious *smile*
      Thank you, Pat

  11. Fill up the bathtub
    If you did have a rain barrel
    I’ve heard it makes your hair so soft

    1. My hair is already soft - - I have known several people who washed their hair in rain water
      Perhaps I should get a rain barrel....


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.