Sunday, July 28, 2024


 Saturday was indeed monumental. Some members of a local church were coming to my home to haul away trash.

Being extremely sick for two years and eventually hospitalized for nearly three months, I couldn't take my trash to the (far away) town dump. Trash accumulated quickly and my place eventually looked like the town dump.

I piled an enormous amount of trash on the back porch. It was bagged, put in large boxes, and covered with tarps. Despite my efforts, wild animals managed to tear it apart every night. My back porch became a midnight gatherng place for possums and raccoons.

The rampant critters made such a mess that I couldn't open the back door. It was an impossible situation. Nothing deterred them.

I also had an enormous amount of cardboard boxes, for all the supplies and food that I ordered for the past two years in ordered to survive. The trash situation was a nightmare.

I assumed that the church people were merely going to take the trash from the back porch. I spent Friday night cleaning out the house and put that trash on the front porch.

On Saturday morning I was stunned to see several large trucks and half a dozen cars arriving.

They not only took away the trash on both porches, they thoroughly cleaned out the trash in the garage!

As if this wasn't enough, when they found out that I had plumbing trouble, one of the men fixed the broken pipe - - so I now have running water again - - after a long week.

And they hauled away the ancient refrigerator in my kitchen!

Their hard work and generosity was beyond belief. I can only imagine how much money I would have paid if I had hired professionals to do the work. I hardly knew how to express my gratitude.

This was truly a miracle and it buoyed my spirits immensely.

My kitchen has more room with the ancient refrigerator gone. I have the new (small) fridge in a different place. I can now refurbish the kitchen floor. I'm buying a new cabinet for the air fryer oven. And I'm getting a new freezer because I always have lots of frozen food (the new fridge has a small freezer).

I'm excited that my small kitchen now has more room and will look better when I get things finished.

Another update.

I was ecstatic when I recently discovered that the local Walmart Supercenter now delivers groceries to my rural area.

Unfortunately, I learned that there's a catch.

(everything has a catch, doesn't it?)

When Walmart delivers groceries, you are usually able to chose what day and time the delivery will be.

Unfortunately I just discovered that I can only have Express Delivery in my rural area. That means I have to have same day delivery (usually in a few hours), with a very high delivery fee.

I was assured that Walmart is "working on" getting more choices for deliveries in my area, but.......I won't hold my breath.

Well, I'm extremely eager (and desperate) to get fresh groceries so I'll comply with the high cost for express deliveries.

It's better than nothing.

Cheers, Jon

Morning fog

Trash on the front porch- - only a very small fraction of the mess I had.

New refrigerator. It's black, but the price was right. I don't care if it's purple with pink stripes.


  1. I am so happy for you! There are good people in this world. You have to be feeling buoyant at the moment, regardless of Walmarts high delivery fee.

  2. That is wonderful news, Jon! We indeed need MORE good people in the world like the good folks from the church!! :-)

    1. These acts of kindness have restored my faith in humanity.
      The world indeed needs more people like that.

  3. I'm amazed you have gotten so much help. That's what Christianity is supposed to be about.

    1. I'm amazed, too, Donna. It seems that these humble rural people have the kindest hearts and true faith in the Lord.

  4. Church groups around these parts are notorios for rolling up their sleeves and helping their fellow man, I'm glad that you reached out and they were able to help.
    The new fridge looks nice, and leaves you with lots of room. and your pipes now fixed is incredible !!
    We are floating down the creek after all the rain today ......

    1. It is a great sigh of relief to have these problems resolved in one day. The minister told me that his congregation "got the spirit" on Saturday.
      Well, your rain has finally arrived where I live. It poured all day.

  5. Yippee! I always wanted -- and finally got -- all black appliances (for a premium, that is). Getting a separate freezer's a great idea.

    1. I never really considered the color when I ordered it - - but black looks good.....and it doesn't show dirt like white does.
      I now have room for a freezer in the kitchen.

  6. I'm so glad the group did a lot for you. You benefit right away and they feel good for helping. Your life is already better!

    1. They all said that they feel good for helping, and I really appreciate that. Yes, life does feel better already.

  7. All of these positive things happened in one day. It's amazing and I really felt humbled by the generosity of these people.
    I prefer to pay the high delivery fee to get local groceries quickly, rather than mess around with out-of-state companies....who have high shipping fees.

  8. A purple refridgerator with pink stripes? How cool would that be!

    1. It is encouraging to read how helpful they were and how your circumstances changed so much in one day.

    2. Perhaps a pink fridge with purple stripes.....

    3. I was flabbergasted - - and I don't use that word very often.

  9. Great to hear ! Had an uncle who retired to Greenville TN and lived alone. When he passed everyone was so helpful in helping out our family make arrangements for his cremation and bringing them back to California. The police were helpful in patrolling his house and a court clerk helped our family with all the paperwork.
    Friendly folks in Tennessee, had an inkling they would more than help. -Rj

    1. If I didn't get seriously ill, I would have never known the extent of all the kind and helpful people around here. I've always shyed away from asking for help, but I really needed it and these folks are more than willing to comply. It's amazing.

  10. What a great group of folks came to help out, Jon, and your gratitude does show. I wondered if the church is very close to your area as perhaps you might want to attend a service to express your gratitude in person (just a thought). It was wonderful to read that not only was all the trash and cardboard boxes picked up but also the old fridge and getting the broken pipe fixed was just icing on the cake (so to speak). All of these certainly has you feeling better and it does show, so may it continue.

    1. One of the home care nurses attends this church, and she's the one who arranged the help for me. I think the church is rather far, in a different county.
      The work that these people did was amazing. They solved many annoying problems that I had - - all in one day.

  11. What great news and some kind people. I'm like you...very hesitant to ask for help. Comes a time when we need to ask. A double bonus getting that water pipe fixed. I like the black refrig. Who cares what color as long as it works! Hopefully things will settle down so some kitties might find their way there. Best of luck with everything, Jon.
    Paranormal John

    1. It took me a long time adjusting to the fact that I needed some help. I was always stubbornly independent. Anyway, getting help can be a great relief.
      My house is finally getting clesn and back to normal - - which will be good when I eventually get some kitties!

  12. That makes me happy that you have such kind and helpful folks wanting to make things easier for you. It’s nice to be reminded there are good people in this old world. Take care, Sheila

    1. These caring people have restored my faith in humanity - and they've certainly made my life easier. I truly feel humbled.
      Thanks for your comment, Sheila.


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