Tuesday, October 1, 2024


I'm wondering how many people fled from my blog after they read my previous post Midnight Confessions.

Congratulations to those who dared to stay. You have good taste and an admirable knack for appreciating unique people.

I never claimed to be a saint. And I never wanted to be one. Being an unconventional misfit is part of my charm.

So what about UCHRA?

Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency. My public transit resource.

As I mentioned in my previous post - - I was dreading the first day of October, because I had to be in Cookeville at 8:00 a.m. for some very important medical tests.

I was extremely apprehensive. First of all, I am not a morning person. I'm not mentally awake until noon and I don't fully function until after dark.

Second of all, anything concerning doctors and medical tests literally terrify me - - especially since I've been battling serious health issues.

And third, I'm an intensely chronic worrier with high anxiety and an inflicted sense of impending doom.

I'm the type person who can have an anxiety attack in the library.

Anyway, I went to bed early and got up at 3:00 a.m. to make sure I'd be ready on time. UCHRA Transport was scheduled to pick me up between 6:15 and 6:45

It doesn't get light out until nearly 7:00 a.m.

My usual routine when waiting for transport is to drag my wheelchair down the eight front porch steps (NOT an easy task) and sit in the "yard" until transport arrives.

Let me remind you that I'm in a rural area in the middle of nowhere. The nights here are pitch black, darker than Satan's soul. My property is often populated (after dark) with coyotes, wild hogs, wild dogs, and snakes.

So, I leave the porch light on and drag the wheelchair down the steps that are wet and slippery with dampness.

The porch light is dim and no help at all. I'm sitting in the wheelchair, listening to the owls, hearing unknown creatures rustling through the woods, and watching the fog roll in.

If wild animals discover me, I won't have a chance.

The transit vehicle finally arrives just before dawn.

Here's where the fun begins.

The female driver is new. She's nice, but has no clue where Cookeville is. I am not good with directions. She decides to take an unknown route that might get us there. I'm PRAYING that we get there on time.

We're off!

Full speed ahead! The woman is a cowgirl. All the roads here are very narrow and extremely winding. It's a roller coaster through the hills. She's racing at 65 mph in 30 mph zones, screeching around dangerous curves. The roads are slippery and mountain fog is obscuring the view.

I was clinging to my wheelchair to keep it from tipping over. I don't scare easily, but I honest to God thought we'd plunge over a cliff.

To make matters worse, she had the radio BLASTING with hillbilly music. I like hillbilly music, but this was absolute crap hillybilly music. It would have been banned in Nashville.

Want more? She kept drinking from an anonymous container. Moonshine, maybe? Hell, I should have asked her for a swig.

Okay, my sense of direction isn't good, but I noticed that we were heading south. Cookeville is in the opposite direction. We were heading for Arkansas.


After driving the wrong way for thirty miles I was nearly catatonic. She finally pulled over and called company headquarters and got some road advice.

We got on another highway and were finally heading in the direction of Cookeville.

Miracle of miracles, we arrived at the Medical Center almost on time!

I got through all my tests in about two and a half hours.

I was fervently praying that the cowgirl wouldn't drive me home.

Thank God, I had a different UCHRA driver for the home trip - - an elderly gentleman who actually knew where he was going.

I finally relaxed, enjoying the beautiful rustic scenery. The day was overcast with light showers and occasional mists. Magical. The first day of my favorite month.

My next dreaded doctor appointment is next week.

Stay tuned.


I had to correct numerous errors. Sorry.


  1. Oh my goodness! I don't know whether to be horrified or amused. I can't believe they sent a professional(?) driver out without GPS. At least she sounds like a hoot; breaks up the usual impersonal service, right? In all seriousness, I'm praying for good results.

    1. She was indeed a hoot. If I had indulged in moonshine I would have enjoyed the ride. But I hope she's not my driver next time.
      I'm nervous about the results.
      Thanks for your comment.

  2. Apologies, but I laughed at the point the driver figured out they were going the wrong direction. I kept hearing Janis Joplin thinking about your driver's songs.
    Hope all the test results are good, I assume the next appt is to discuss results.
    I went over to the coast of Oregon a week ago, found a nice b&b near Tillamook with a view. The weather has been mild, and a nice fog in the morning.
    Take care, and watch out for the wild hogs...although, in Germany, they are one of the most popular meals..Wildschweinbraten.

    1. In retrospect, I'm laughing at the entire ride. Wow!
      I'll bet Oregon is especially beautiful this time of year.
      I never knew wild hogs could be eaten!

    2. Didn't realize I was anon...it's Mike.

    3. When you mentioned Oregon I figured it was you.

  3. Thank goodness you arrived in time, although I admit to sitting on the edge of my chair when reading of your trip. Our east Tennessee neighbors and N. Carolina are in dire straits, the devastation is so heartbreaking, and makes me greatful just to have a roof over my head.
    Hope your tests results come back great !

    1. That wild ride was the last thing I needed - - but it gave me unexpected thrills. I initially didn't know that TN had so much storm damage. It is truly heartbreaking. In my area there was only rain and mild wind.
      I'm afraid to get the test results...

  4. I sense some humor in this post!!!!! I'm also glad to read that the Hurricane didn't affect you down there. Some part of Tennessee got hammered.

    1. I try to project humor occasionally. At least I think it's humor. That hurricane was massive! I can hardly comprehend all the damage.
      BTW - I knew you wouldn't abandon me.....

  5. Jon, as you can see I didn't flee from your blog after the previous post. I've been a blog friend for way too long to be scared off and thank you I can well appreciate unique people like yourself (smile). A friend of mine would say "what a hoot" if I described this ride and while you wrote it with much humor (afterwards) it must have been just a bit frightening during the experience. Glad the return home was safer and calmer. Here's hoping that all the test results are good and that next week's ride is uneventful.

    BTW, would some sort of ramp (not too steep) be more helpful than having to drag the wheelchair down the front steeps?

    1. 👍🏻 a ramp. Or wait inside?

    2. Dorothy, the wild ride was humorous but I was really afraid that I'm miss my appointment. I'm surprised that she actually got me there.
      BTW someone offered to build me a ramp, but it would be a waste because I seldom go out and it would annoy the delivery people. Good to hear from you!

  6. I wish you'd allowed comments on your previous post. It didn't scare me away. Your stories make me think of a man trying to self destruct, but here you are. You didn't have the power of destruction. Though you've encountered many wild animals, in life and in your yard, and though you have journeyed with moonshiners (😂) , here you are.

    1. I disabled comments because I was afraid I'd offend someone and truly didn't intend to.
      I had a very destructive lifestyle - but despite all the darkness I believe in God and always felt guilt about my sins. I'll eventually write another post about this - - and will allow comments *smile*

    2. I'll read it!

      That word guilt makes me...hmm...what is the word? Well, conviction says, "Don't destroy yourself. Your life matters to God. You matter to God." Guilt is condemnation and it says, "You're worthless," which is not true.

  7. I hope you don't get her again! Glad your ride home was nice and calm.
    Hoping for good results on your testing. Glad you hear you didn't get hit badly by the storm. :)

    1. She was a nice person but a rotten driver. I really don't need that much stress!
      That hurricane did massive destruction - - in so many states besides Florida.
      I'm apprehensive about the test results...but we'll see....

  8. I thought at first this post was about some band from Hollywood days! Not so much, though there was a cinematic feel to that wild ride without directions! Hoping for the best from the testing.

    1. That's funny! I never thought about a band, but it would make a good title.
      I thought I was finished with tests for awhile, but there's always something to worry about. I'll get the results next week.
      Thanks, Liz.

  9. I also saw the humor. I bet your blood pressure was up. You'd think the ride service would have GPS.

    1. I really thought the ride was funny, especially when I was hanging onto the wheelchair - but I was really worried about missing the medical appointment. My blood pressure must have been sky high.
      Thanks for your comment, Sandra.

  10. That cowgirl would have had me changing my panties by the time I got there! The music alone would have done me in.... Mozart it ain't, let alone the ride from hell. Talk about a double whammy! At least you got there in time. Sorta. Kinda. Almost. I hope your labs
    are OK. God forbid cowgirl ever shows up again.... unless she's sharing the moonshine!
    Paranormal John

    1. My nerves were shattered before she came, and her driving almost did me in (along with the LOUD hillbilly music.)
      Mozart would have helped immensely, but she probably never heard of him.
      Good to hear from you, John.

  11. If that UCHRA driver had me as a passenger, I would have grabbed that moonshine and swigged it all down while taking the driver’s seat :)

    1. I used to make homemade wine, and I'm considering making it again. There are times when I'd like to be reinforced with courage.
      I can hardly believe how fast she was going on dangerous mountainous roads obscured with morning fog! I wonder how many other people she might have terrified?


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.