Sunday, February 9, 2025


Instead of my usual verbose posts, I'm offering visuals. I am presently completely exhausted - mentally and physically. Frustrated and disgusted with my endless physical ailments. I'm in constant pain. Unable to walk. 

To hell with it all.

I've recently been wasting my time with AI (artificial intelligence). As I've confessed in my previous post - - my knowledge of modern technology is extremely limited. That hasn't stopped me.

Late last night I was messing around with AI. Even though my imagination is rather limited (??), these are some of the visuals I created.

Okay, I'll admit it. I like most of them.

Jon, almost creative 🤎


  1. How do you do this AI thing? Do you just say into your phone, "Cats staring at me over a table of tea and crumpets"?

    1. You have to write your detailed descriptive instructions in order to create the pictures.....and choose the style, color, etc.
      There are countless AI websites. I'm currently using Freepik....which isn't all free.

  2. Limited knowledge? I would never be able to do this! VERY COOL, JON!!

    - Kim

    1. I appreciate that, Kim - and I knew you'd like my "creations".

  3. The pictures are wonderful.... very creative and certainly to my taste. I LOVE the cat pics. The piano pics are understated and classy. I could hear Mozart Sonata in B flat major. The castle is very moody and atmospheric. I love this genre. I think this is a very creative outlet. Keep posting them. Are they giving you a physiological reason why you can't walk? Do you have spinal stenosis? I hope they can get the pain under control and some mobility back. Take care, Jon.

    1. Thanks, John (I'm assuming you're John). Believe it or not, I've performed Mozart's B flat sonata when I was in college. I also performed Mozart's sonata for two pianos (K.??) with a pianist friend of mine.
      I don't know exactly what's wrong with my back. I have sciatica, scoliosis, and degenerative disc disease. It's a mess. They want to take new xrays.

    2. I'm sorry....I forgot to add my name. You guessed it, though. Wow. You have a combination of spinal issues going on there. Just dealing with sciatica is bad enough. I think a round of new x-rays is a good idea. Have you ever worn a TENS unit to help control pain? Take care, Jon.
      Paranormal John

    3. I never heard of a TENS unit but I just Googled it. Sounds intriguing... I need all the help I can get.


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