Saturday, December 1, 2018


Welcome to December!

I can't think of a more appropriate way to welcome December than to post a piano piece entitled November.

Russian composer Tchaikovsky wrote a series of twelve piano pieces, entitled The Seasons op.37. There is one piece for each month.

This is my performance of November, subtitled Troika (Sleigh Ride).

I also made a video of this same piano music for YouTube (and I finally corrected the spelling mistake that was on the title).
My YouTube channel is JayveeSonata.

Please don't hurt yourselves in the frantic rush to get over there.....
he says with bitter sarcasm. 

I ventured out of my rustic cocoon yesterday to make the dreaded journey to town. It was a bleak, grey, misty, rainy day but - despite the negatives - there were a few positives:
1. There was no road construction this time.
2. The weather has warmed up slightly.
3. I wore my new contact lenses, so I could actually see everything for a change.

Unfortunately, the Christmas shoppers are already out en mass - making my Walmart experience even more unpleasant than usual. 

It's supposed to get very cold again next week, so at least I now have enough supplies to get through it. 

I dislike writing boring posts (like this one) but I'm in a boring, lethargic mood.

Perhaps an afternoon nap will refresh me.
Wake me up after spring arrives. 


  1. In some parts of the world winter hibernation seems like the best option! I'm glad you got your new contacts, though.

  2. not ever day can be upbeat and syrupy sweet. sometimes boring and lethargic works just fine. loved this musical piece.

  3. Walmart? Maybe it's better to not have those new contact lenses. No, on second thought it is good. You may have mistaken someone's ass crack for a ATM card swiper. Yikes.

  4. Even though you are still complaining a bit, this post is cheerier than the last one--ROFL! That Christmas spirit must be seeping into your chilly bones. LOL! *hugs*

  5. I hope your nap was more refreshing than mine. (Bleah, she yawns.) Until I moved here, I thought "The People of Wal-Mart" memes were a myth. Nope! Just wish I'd the courage to carry my camera. Oh well, their prices make it all worthwhile.


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