Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Maria Eva Duarte de Peron
7 May, 1919 - 26 July, 1952 
(affectionately known as Evita)

I had planned to post this on July 26th (the death date of Eva Peron) but completely forgot about it. 

Her brief life has assumed legendary proportions and is hauntingly intriguing. She was a fascinating and extraordinary woman who died much too young.

Despite Eva Peron's short span of time, there is far too much to tell.....I'll merely contribute a few words: 

She was an illegitimate child born in the slums of Los Toldos in the Pampas.
Determined to find a better life, she left home at age fifteen and went to Buenos Aires. 

Rumors abound concerning these early years, but somehow she eventually got parts in theatrical productions and did modeling work. In time, her acting career advanced to motion pictures. She appeared in numerous films, with mediocre success.
Her big break came when she began appearing in radio dramas and soon she was the most popular (and highest paid) radio personality in Argentina.

In January, 1944 she met Colonel Juan Peron at a charity event and soon became his mistress. They were married in 1945 and Peron was elected President of Argentina in 1946.

As First Lady of Argentina, Eva Peron became enormously popular and was highly respected for her tireless charity work. She was a champion of labor rights and worked fervently to improve the lives of orphans, the sick, homeless woman, and the elderly.

It is said that, during the final years of her life, she often worked 20 to 22 hours a day. Her inexhaustible zeal was extremely taxing to her health and became a great concern for her husband.  

In 1951 she was diagnosed with cervical cancer and died in July, 1952, at age 33.

Eva Peron was sometimes condemned for being an ambitious whore.
The Argentine people regarded her as a saint.

Without fierce ambition and determination she would never have emerged from poverty and obscurity in the Pampas. 

Her swift ascent to fame and immortality is extraordinary. Her compassion for the underprivileged is legendary.

I think she indeed was a saint.

The song I chose for this video tribute is the Lament from the musical Evita by Andrew Lloyd Webber.

This is a rare and beautiful rendition sung in Hebrew by Riki Gal. 

Video best viewed full-screen


  1. The musical Evita is indeed one of my FAVORITE all-time musicals. I saw it several times and know every single word by heart. My brother played trumpet in some of the local renditions of it in my area and my cousin, who has a gorgeous falsetto voice, sang in very many shows as well. He sang the role of Che rather excellently and I used to record many a show and rehearsal - but I digress LOL.

    The true story of Eva Peron and Juan is one of mixed feelings for me given the supposed "facts" of her life and his political career so to speak. But one thing is for sure, Eva Peron was a strong woman no doubt about it ...

    "The choice was mine and mine completely. I could have any prize that I desired. I could burn to the splendor of the brightest fire or else, or else I could choose time ..."

    Beautiful tribute.

    1. "Evita" is one of my favorite musicals, too. I first saw it in Los Angeles with Patti LuPone in the title role. Strangely enough, I also liked the film with Madonna - and I was NEVER a Madonna fan.
      It's wonderful that your brother and cousin were both in productions of "Evita".

      Eva Peron's brief life was so complex and contradictory - and it's difficult to sort out fiction from fact. I suppose what I admire most is her strength and determination.

  2. I lovely song Jon, and a nice post to read. Eva Peron was one of my favorite historical people to read and study...and one we will never seen again me thinks. She was just so intresting. She was part of the reason my friend and I went to Buenos Aires. That was a most excellent trip and one for the books. We hit many Eva Peron spots. Museo Evita was a whole museum of her artifacts and clothing and other objects and history about her. Visited her grave site at La Recoleta Cemetery, and the highlight was the Casa Rosetta. Just walking through the halls and rooms gave you chills knowing she once wander the halls, and standing on the balcony. It really was the trip on a lifetime. And boy wasn't she beautiful? It was a shame her body took some time to get to the grave, her embalmed corpse disappeared three years after her death, removed by the Argentinian military in the wake of a coup that deposed her husband. I think a 15 or 16 years passed before she came back to the country to be buried with Juan. I believe she was found in Rome under a false named grave.

    1. I remember your wonderful visit to Buenos Aires and the visit to her grave. You're so fortunate to have had that experience.
      I have heard so many bizarre stories about Evita's embalmed body that the true tale would be worthy of a book.

      I don't know if it's true, but I heard when her corpse was finally "rediscovered" Juan Peron (and his new wife) displayed it (in a glass case) in their dining room!!

      Alive or dead - Evita was always fascinating!

  3. Beautiful tribute, Jon! I'd forgotten she died at such an early age. Indeed, 'Evita' was in a class few can belong.

    1. I think what I admire most about Evita is how much she accomplished in such a short time. It's really a tragedy that her life was so brief.

  4. Great song rendition. Great video tribute. Eva was stunning in every way. Well done, Jon!

    1. Eva was indeed stunning and hauntingly intriguing. I had a difficult time choosing a song for the video, but finally decided the "Lament" was perfect.(

      I also made another video tribute to Evita, which is somewhere on my YouTube channel JayveeSonata (I haven't seen it in so long that I hardly remember it).

  5. Thank you for your response to mine, Jon. I am not prohibited to reading blogs so I can still enjoy what you have to say/publish. I feel lost right now but I know I did the right thing by taking time out. Sitting at a computer is not good for the back problem so I had little choice but to stage a farewell. Stay well, my friend.

    1. Valerie, I've considered abandoning my blog many times, but special people like yourself inspire me to keep going.
      I can understand all your reasons for quitting - - but I'm hoping that sometime (in the not too distant future) you will return, or at least give us updates.
      Take care, and BIG HUGS to you and Charlie.

  6. lovely tribute. she was bigger than life. and beloved.


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