Wednesday, February 7, 2018


While making the infuriatingly endless drive into town yesterday, I suddenly had the urge to end it all by deliberately plunging over a cliff.

The only thing that stopped me was the knowledge of my life-long persistent streak of bad luck.
I wouldn't instantly die.
I'd break my neck, arms, and legs....and live. 
My nose would be broken, my front teeth knocked out.
And I wouldn't be rescued for a week or two because no one would see my car.

I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist.

I chose yesterday for my excursion to town because it was the first day that the temperature soared above freezing. I think it was 33 degrees (Fahrenheit, for those of you in New Delhi). 

There were impressive displays of icicles on the shadowy cliffs along the way, but unfortunately I didn't bring a camera.
The header photo on this post was taken when I first moved here. It pales in comparison with yesterday's icicles but at least it gives you some idea.

My visit to town was remarkably uneventful this time - except for the annoying fact that all the shelves and items in the supermarket were inexplicably rearranged - which completely confounded me and compelled me to waste precious time looking for things. 

I never did find the pancake mix, or jams and jellies, or canned chili, or - most important - flour tortillas. I can't exist without my burritos.
And - NO, I wasn't in the mood to hunt down a store employee and beg for assistance. 

The biggest shock of the century came when I  got home and made the perilous trek to get my mail.

When I (very reluctantly) opened this month's utility bill, it was the closest I ever came to dying of shock.
Last month the bill was so high that I didn't know how I would pay it.

This month - the bill TRIPLED!!!
I was so astounded that I kept trying to focus my myopic eyes, thinking that I was seeing double (...or triple...).

In all honesty, my frugality would rival that of Scrooge. Despite the INTENSE cold in this wretched house, I only put the heat on when absolutely necessary.
Even when the temperature recently dropped below zero, I only used the heat sporadically.

I use the lights sparingly, with 40 watt bulbs. I no longer have a television. The washer and dryer are only used once a week.
So how can the frickin' utility bill skyrocket to the moon??

To make matters worse, my water bill doubled.
I attribute this to having to keep the faucets running during frigid temperatures so the pipes won't freeze.

Sure, it's winter. And winter is generally cold. But I innocently assumed that Tennessee was a relatively mild southern state. If I ever knew it had six-month winters with penguins and ice floes, I would have reconsidered my move. 

Not to mention that the cost of living is higher here than it was in rural Texas.

There's no chance that I'll be putting the heat on again any time soon. No matter how cold it gets.
And the idea of getting a wood-burning stove is not particularly pleasing. Sounds simple, but in reality they're a helluva lot of trouble to maintain.

So - -
here I sit, wearing four layers of clothing....and a bathrobe. My fingers are so numb with icy cold that I can hardly type. I'm grimly contemplating my surroundings:

perpetual frigidity, intense dampness,  mud, and weeds.....rain, sleet, dreariness....
...wild animals nesting in the roof and under the house....
did I mention mud?

Mice scurrying across the floor in the middle of the night.
Three frickin' cats - and they can't catch one damn mouse. Perhaps I should get a dog.

Am I bitching too much? Heck, I'm in a good mood. You should see me when I'm pissed.

I have much more to write but this is getting annoyingly long.
Next time.

Many thanks for your comments. I usually like to reply to them, but I'm presently so overwhelmed with other things that I can't.
And I'm presently wasting a LOT of time trying to fix my printer. It worked fine - until I needed it. 


  1. You should really call your electric company and first make sure it isn't a mistake. The same thing happened to me once, which puzzled me since I wasn't even home in that month a lot. Turns out it was a mistake in billing. Also when it's just me, I also unplug lights which I normally don't use. Unplugging things not used often or at all, does make a difference believe it or not. Fortunately since I'm on a second floor, the heat rises from below me cutting down on the heat.

    Now if you don't keep your heat fixed at a temp you will risk burst pipes. I swear, one can't win these days.

    Hell dogs don't do anything. Last three I had my first ever mouse in the house. It walked right pass Buster. He just sat there and watched it passed him and went right back to sleeping.

    God this is a long comment........

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Whew! Time to change the utilities company? Or query the bill. I mean tripling is a bit steep. Or perhaps there is no competition in your neck of the woods?

    Those icicles look pretty impressive to me. If the ones you have now are even bigger, then I think I've just decided not to come and live in rural Tennessee!

  4. Sounds kind of miserable there, maybe spring will cheer you up.

  5. I hate when they rearrange the shelves at the grocery store. Finding things, you're right, becomes an impossible task. i'm glad you thought better of driving off a cliff. reality looms bigger than a romanticized ending. i think i would double check with the power company about that bill. they might have made a mistake since you're so frugal with your usage.

  6. I'd check with the electric company, for sure. They may have made an error--should at the very least have an explanation. Do they have a budget plan there? Here they do after you have been in a place for a year. That way I pretty much know what the cost is going to be every month give or take five dollars.

    I'd never drive off a cliff, either, or jump off a building or whatever--for the same reason. With my luck I'd survive in pieces and terrible pain--maybe even paralyzed or something to boot--with all my faculties. Smart not to try it. Besides, we'd miss you!! And who would take care of your cats!!??

    Hang in there! And when you're up to it (hopefully soon) call the electric company and find out what the hell is going on. ;)

  7. I echo the sentiment that you should check with your power company. I have both my natural gas and electricity on a budget billing where it's the same amount every month. They will adjust the amount annually if necessary but at least I don't have enormous spikes in the winter.
    I swear, there have been times when wondering about who would take care of my pets is the only thing that kept me from hurtling off a cliff. This too shall pass.

  8. I may never complain about the heat again! Like Maddie and Tary said, I'd definitely call the power company and strongly suggest there's been a mistake.

    Just the other eve, our local news did this 'breaking' news story how grocery chains track customers' movements, then rearrange to drive traffic elsewhere. (My son who's a distributor has been saying that for years.) There's nothing random whatsoever about their thought processes. But yes, It's annoying!

  9. Jon, your life is well-worth saving. In fact, your name means "gift from the creator". Mine means farmer or gardener --worker in the earth. I wouldn't mess around with either etymology. You're important to me, so am I.

    1. Hey Jon, I echo Geo's wise words big time. The world would be a wretched place if you suddenly decided to leave forever, so please hang on as best you can.

      I think of death rather a lot. But a cup of tea, good movie, great song - all the little things help to distract me in a healthy way.

      I also dislike shopping big time. What I hate is when all the items on sale are not on the shelves! And trying to get a rain check is no easy matter (at the grocery store where I shop).

      My electric bill has been high since late December, and the Pacific Northwest is famous for its mild winters. Right. I hope you can figure out a cheaper way to stay warm.

      I've been taking a peek or two at your blog, so I felt it was about time I left you a comment. Plus I wanted to let you know I've been keeping you in my thoughts - maybe everything won't seem so grim once spring arrives? We can hope...



  10. Roll on Spring. In the meantime listen to Geoffrey! MaggieB

  11. I hate winter, we should all move to a warmer climate.

  12. Got my electric bill and my was super high too even with my gas heater. The only thing that saved me this month is that I started to pay extra on my gas bill in the summer so I had a credit of 2 hundred dollars. So I haven't had to pay that this month. Working at McDonald's is really taking a toll on me. Hopefully I'll be caught up enough on some of my bills by the summer and be able be a retired person again. If I can help let me know.

  13. Jon,
    I too hate winter. That is one reason I go to California in the winter, to at least "punch a hole" in winter. My electric bill isn't too bad but my heating bill, (propane gas) is ridiculous. Thank goodness the price of gas went down (a bit) and it isn't as high as it was a couple of years ago. I would prefer to live in a place where there is constantly mild weather, like say California! About them changing the shelf placement in your store, they do that here which is one of my pet peeves. Why? Don't give up Jon, better days are coming.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.