Thursday, September 13, 2018


In recent previous posts I've "plugged" my new online store and my new book for children.

So I figured I might as well pimp the new revised paperback edition of my poetry book Love Letters to Ghosts.
Actually the revisions are minor. I designed a new cover and corrected a few glaring typos.

The most important thing is that I finally also made a Kindle ebook version.
I personally don't like ebooks, but figured I'd venture into new territory.
Available on Amazon:
Love Letters to Ghosts 

  Brief excerpt

Love Letters to Ghosts

It is easier this way:
pouring out all the words
you will never receive,
sending the untold thoughts
that had slumbered for so long
in my mind's reserve
through the enormity 
of our final separation. 

I resurrect the bounty of our past
in the present midst of acute famine,
arranging clutters of thoughts unspoken
that gather like newly fallen leaves
from weary arms of autumn trees.

The great frosted winter of my heart
harbors a secret sun
that ignites the fuel of your memory.
Its ghost is my only warmth. 


  1. I've not looked at my edition of "Love Letters" in a while now … but would (and have) certainly recommend it!

    1. I truly appreciate that, Myra. Mucho gracias!

    2. BTW, your Zazzle shop is now live on my Facebook page. (Sorry for the delay, but I hope it generates traffic!)

      Say, if you've a moment I'd be interesting (in) knowing your thoughts on blog friend Victor's post this morning. Makes me want to revisit "Love Letters" this afternoon.

    3. Myra, in the complete chaos that's presently my life I seem to have misplaced (lost?) your current email address - so I'll reply here.

      First of all, MANY thanks for the Zazzle store endorsement. Zazzle store owners have to do all of their own advertising - and self-promotion has NEVER been one of my fortes. I would have been one helluva lousy pimp (there's humor in that, if it's examined closely).

      I've visited Victor's blog several times in the past. His latest post about regrets is extremely good and thought-provoking. He offers excellent advice.

      I have often said that anyone who claims they have no regrets is either in denial or lying. Some people, however, have more regrets than others - and a few (very special) people are sensitive to eternally lament over them. I can't forget my regrets and find it impossible to just sweep them under the rug and move on (although that's the most sensible thing to do).

      Without a word of exaggeration, my entire life has been filled with regrets - far too many than I'd care to admit. The thought of them continues to give me anguish - even though there's nothing whatsoever I can do to expunge them or the bitter memories. In a positive way, they can be a learning experience for us to think more carefully in the future.

      I am also very wary of being all-forgiving and trying to emulate the saints. Some things that people do to us are unforgivable.

      The things that my father did to me - - and the hate that I had for him - almost completely destroyed my life. During the last months of his life I gradually began to forgive him. After he died, all of my hate and resentment completely vanished. I see many things in a different perspective now than I did in my youth. My bitterness and selfishness have lessened immensely.

      I've condensed this more than I wanted to, but hopefully I've conveyed at least a few of my feelings.

      I'm presently going through some extremely serious things in my life that have put me in a crises mode - to the point that I'm hardly functioning. I'll try to write more about this in future blog posts - but right now I'm simply attempting to get over some difficult hurdles.

    4. Yes! Quoting friend Carol, my pain is their remembrance. I would have it no other way. Must confess, I'm not sure I have your correct e-mail either. Would you mind sending it again? Mine is

  2. Dear Jon, what I'd REALLY like is a paperback or hardback --if you have any to spare-- of "Love Letters To Ghosts", inscribed with a greeting and your signature. As you may have noticed from past blog Normaphotos, my house is full of books. Good reading when handled and good wall insulation when shelved. Yours will be between Rimbaud and Verlaine (alphabetically and qualitatively). You have my email address. $30 ok? Tell me where to send it.

    1. Geo, I really (desperately) need wall insulation here during the winter months. I should probably order a few thousand copies of my book.

      Truthfully (believe it or not) I don't have even one copy of my own book. But I can definitely get some. I'm presently going through some EXTREMELY difficult (and time-consuming) things this week - which I'll blog about in the future. I will email you as soon as possible.

      If you put me between Rimbaud and Verlaine, I could possibly keep them from trying to kill each other.

  3. I think you already know how much I love your poetry book. It's great that you have an e-version now, but I'm glad I have it in paperback, because a book like that needs to be slowly absorbed and appreciated, not devoured on a Kindle. Even more so for your children's book. Those lustrous pages and spot-on illustrations make it a thing of beauty. Still... I hope having it in an e-version equates to more sales for you.

    I'm glad you liked the review I wrote. (I even meant it!)

    1. I'm glad I finally have an ebook version, too - - I only hope it will be readable. It looked okay in the preview.

      I'm really delighted that you like the book for children. I admittedly haven't seen a copy of it yet. It's a relief to know that it looks good. I not only had fun writing it, I also got a kick out of choosing the pictures (which wasn't always easy).

  4. Jon, just wanted to let you know that I did a positive write up of you and all my other favorite poets that deserve TONS more attention and book sales than the often untalented ones seem to be getting these days. Hope this will help. I have faith in your talent...

    1. Dylan, I just read your latest blog post and it reflects my thoughts completely. I've always had an aversion to academic poetry. It's generally heartless.

      Many thanks for your encouragement and your confidence in me.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.