Friday, February 8, 2019


Here's another sunset photo - just in case my previous post left you yearning for more.

Yesterday (Thursday) was a completely wasted day.

Due to the radically changing and frequently disagreeable weather here in Tennessee, I always have to carefully and strategically plan my trips to town.
If it rains I'll risk getting stuck in the mud. If it's icy, I'll likely slide off a cliff on the narrow and winding mountain road.

Thursday (yesterday) was predicted to be unseasonably warm and abnormally clear - a perfect day for a venture into town.

 I was already flustered at getting a late start and - right before I was ready to leave - my fluster turned to panic when I couldn't find my car keys.
Half an hour later I discovered them in one of my shirt pockets.

Do I have a second set of keys?
Yea. Somewhere. But I have no clue where they are.

Unfortunately, the glowing weather forecast didn't mention that there were going to be hurricane-force winds. 
For a moment I thought I was back in West Texas.

The wind was so strong that - when I got to town and crawled out of the car - I was almost blown directly into Kentucky. It was an abominable day.

To make a long story short (which was never one of my fortes) I got an incredibly bad migraine.
I always get aura migraines, which radically affect my vision.

So -
instead of doing all my grocery shopping like I planned, I only went to the bank, paid a few bills, and briefly stopped in the Dollar Store to get a couple necessary items.

Then I said
I don't give a royal rat's ass about shopping!
and I went home.

What a waste!!!

The temperature is dropping drastically tonight as I write this. It's going to be frigid today (Friday) with ice.

I'm tentatively scheduling my next trip to town sometime in mid-July.


  1. Regardless of the mercury, I think strong winds make everything miserable. I'm glad to hear you paid attention to your instincts and didn't prolong your trip. July will be here before we know it.

  2. I started getting aura migraines after my cataract surgery. Haven't had one for quite a while but today the sun is so bright with all the fresh blizzard snow that I had to go put on my prescription sunglasses to try to ward one off because it felt like one was coming. Only a bad headache right now--maybe I lucked out. Whew!

    It is difficult to function well, that's for sure, with one of those nasty things. You must have had a terrible drive home! Hope you're feeling better.

  3. No snow in my part of the UK but the winds are fierce. The wheelie bins are all being blown over with rubbish spilt on pavements. Grrr! I am lucky that local supermarkets sell everything, literally, so I can order anything on line without having to go out, and of course there's always Amazon who sells anything and everything.

    Hope you are feeling better today.

  4. Thinking of you from West Tennessee, I look forward to your posts. This weather is horrid! From 70's to 30's within 6 hours.. ugh!! Try to stay warm.


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