Monday, March 25, 2019


I wrote a fantastic blog post yesterday (Sunday) and almost posted it.
After careful investigation   
oops, I mean consideration, however, I decided that it would upset (or perhaps infuriate) too many people.
So - against my better judgement - I politely scrapped it.

But it was funny and very pertinent - - and I'm still laughing.
Trust me, I don't laugh often.

Read between the lines, if you must. Some of you will "get" it.

So, I'll (reluctantly) revert to the boring crap that is presently infiltrating my miserable life.

The recent problem with my car is probably due to a faulty battery connection (my uneducated diagnosis).
I'm going to change the battery terminals and get a new battery.

If that doesn't work, I'm going to get a horse. Or two.

I have nothing else of interest to offer but complaints.
So how about some uninteresting photos?

This is the late-afternoon light shining in my bedroom window. At the moment, I thought it looked kinda neat.

The nearby "mountain" as seen from my front yard. In a few weeks it will be completely obscured by the leaves on the trees.

Even though the mornings are chilly, Scratch and Bosco enjoy the sparse sunlight on the back porch (above) ....

 .....and the afternoon sunlight by the front door .

Bosco, gazing out at the vast Nothingness.

The end of my property - looking out towards the adjacent cow meadow.
Spring hasn't really arrived here yet. No blossoms. No flowers. Still occasional frost at night.
My biggest fear is that - when the blossoms finally bloom - late frosts will kill them, like they did last year.

Last weekend I ate an entire tin of popcorn, left over from the holiday season.


  1. the popcorn looks scrumptious. i hope the battery being replaced fixes your car woes. the kitties look comfy cozy out on your porch. hopefully warmer temperatures arrive sooner rather than later. it's still frigid here at night.

  2. funny and very pertinent ... hmm!?
    Gosh, it's years since I ate popcorn.
    I write this in a hurry because the sun has decided to shine on my garden. I need sunshine, I NEED IT. DESPERATELY.

  3. I love those popcorns!!!!! At least that is healthy. I known someone who ate an almost entire chocolate cake.

  4. I am working on a research project, and we are not finding what we expected to find. Sometimes we have to report that we looked, and it does not exist. I have been told to keep looking. I wonder if I can make this last until retirement?

  5. I'm loving those rays captured out your bedroom window! And, of course, your fur babies. Gosh, I hope a new battery does the trick! You know, don't you, I'm highly disappointed (*smile*) not to get to read your original post.

  6. Love your photos. Soon you will barely be able to see the sky for all the green! :)
