Wednesday, April 3, 2019

egasseM dedoC terceS

This post got such a low number of hits that I decided to change the title, which will (perhaps) ignite (a tiny spark of) interest. 

Did I really drive to town yesterday?
I dunno.
Everything lingers at the back of my memory, like the faded fragments of a bad dream.

Well, the car ran fairly well. I only had one minor connection problem, which can be easily fixed.

I said "easily" merely in a feeble attempt to sound optimistic.

Went grocery shopping. Spent a helluva lot of money and only got half the things I needed.

Bought hot dog rolls.....and forgot to buy hot dogs. But at least I remembered to buy milk. And toilet paper.
If toilet paper offends you - - go to the Disney Channel.

I brought my El Cheapo digital camera with me - with the noble plan of taking a few photos on the way home.

Unfortunately they were doing road construction (again) and my noble plans were thwarted.

I got TRAPPED behind a work truck with flashing lights that was going about 10 miles an hour. No exaggeration.
On a narrow, two-lane mountain road with no passing.

We CRAWLED so slow that I could have gotten out of the car and picked begonias along the way. 
I've seen faster funeral processions.

Within ten minutes there was a long line of traffic crawling behind me, including three huge trucks.
I was spewing words that would have made Satan blush.

Tennessee seems to have more road construction than the ancient Romans did on the Appian Way.

here are some photos I managed to take yesterday. 

No, this isn't my house. It's an old abandoned cabin somewhere along the way to town.

Random scenery. The day was partly cloudy, which subtracted from the lovely spring colors.

 I know it's boring, but - what the hell - it's free.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

Here are some neighboring cows in a pasture near my house.
Technically - is it a pasture or a meadow? Heck if I know.

 The recent frost killed many of the fledgling blossoms, but some have survived. I took this pic in my back yard this morning.

The late afternoon sunlight illuminating my back yard. 


Was there any Secret Coded Message???


  1. Well, at least there is some pink in there somewhere tootes!!!! It is getting nice here...but spring creeps a toe in, then pulls back out. Enough already.

    1. The annoying frost keeps creeping in, trying to disrupt spring - - but it's supposed to be in the high 70's by the weekend.

  2. The drive may have been slow but at least you were saved from speeding. Love the pictures, made me feel optimistic about the weather in my country.

    1. I do have a tendency to speed on those dangerous roads. It's much safer to crawl and enjoy the scenery.

  3. Well, this title CERTAINLY grabbed my attention! Your drive is eerily reminiscent of a road-trip we took several years ago -- seemed like we wound up behind every log truck in Alabama. That abandoned cabin is SO endearing! (In daylight, at least!)

    1. The new title seems to have worked. I did get more blog views. I'm wondering how old that cabin is. It was probably here before the road was constructed.

  4. It looks absolutely gorgeous and springlike your way. Beautiful. :)
    Glad you made it to town. Slow is probably safer on those windy roads. ;)

    1. Slow is definitely safer. I have a tendency to ZOOM along those winding roads in an annoying effort to get home quickly. I love spring and the weather has finally warmed up. I'm hoping there will be more blossoms so I can take some decent pictures.

  5. can you borrow a few cows for lawn care this summer?

    1. I don't think a few cows will do it, Ron. I need tractors, bulldozers, and a miracle.

  6. I'm inept at solving secret coded messages, but when it comes to appreciating beautiful photos (and grocery store amnesia) I am, EPT. My compliments on your patience and photographic composition!

    1. I'm not very good at writing secret coded messages, but I'll try anything once. I've learned to cope with my grocery store amnesia - - but I'll start to worry when (someday) I can't find my way back home.
      I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!

  7. I have to say that you do live in a beautiful area, even if it is not the most hospitable kind of countryside. If you have to go slow, better go there than the suburbs of Detroit....

    1. This is indeed a lovely area, Jenny. My photos don't do it justice.


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