Saturday, August 24, 2019


My previous post - Who Is This? - was so overwhelmingly popular (sarcasm inserted here) that I've decided to enthrall you with a sequel.

Can you identify these famous people?
Not all of them are celebrities.

Here's a VERY rare photo of a very famous artist. If I give one hint, you'll guess who he is.

Vincent van Gogh
photo taken in 1873
when he was 19
My hint was going to be "ear"

Young man with a violin. Nope, it's not Jack Benny. He's a future.... politician.

 Richard M. Nixon
age 15


Well, my first guess on this next one was Buddy Holly, but I was WAY off......
Think about Iraq, maybe.
Yea, I said Iraq.

Saddam Hussein
in his youth

She became a famous First Lady (of the USA - - not Iraq). 

 Barbara Bush

You'll probably guess this one. Think hard. Think kraut.

Adolph Hitler
in 1914

Here's a wholesome young man you'd probably want to date your daughter or sister.
Then again......maybe you wouldn't....

Charles Manson

You gotta admit - - that's one heckuva snazzy outfit. Very British.

Winston Churchill

When I saw this photo, my first thought was it's Wednesday from the Addams Family....
....but this is a French girl who became a big sex symbol. Really. I'm not kidding.

Brigitte Bardot

Here's another future sex symbol, from another country - and one of my all-time favorites.

Sophia Loren

Famous country singer we all know.
Naw, it ain't Dolly Parton.

Johnny Cash

When this British girl grew up she was in one of the most famous films ever made. Think of the American south.

Vivian Leigh

Glamorous actress born in Brussels. I won't reveal any more - but think thin.


Audrey Hepburn
age 10 in 1939

Popular singing duo who were married.
He is now deceased. She's still kicking.
Possibly more hype than talent..... in my humble opinion.


Cher and Sonny Bono

Famous Hollywood actress, who started out in silent films. One of my favorites.
All right, I'll give it away.
No. Wire. Hangers

Joan Crawford

Famous singer/actress. And she was a fantastic singer as a child. Hint?

Julie Andrews

American actor. Bisexual. Look at those eyes and remember that........he wouldn't hurt a fly......

Anthony Perkins
future psycho

When I first saw this photo I thought it was George Bush. No kidding.
Guess again.

Fidel Castro

American actor.
Hey, STELLA!!!

Marlon Brando

Future Hollywood actress? Nope. She's royal and has longevity. 

Queen Elizabeth II


  1. These are hat fascinating! This round, I think that Perkins changed the least. And what the hell happened to Manson? He's an adorable young man. I guess evil lurked inside. Hepburn is also adorable. Bono was a surprise, as he looks rather tough in that photo. Cher's nose looks 'normal' in that photo.

    1. What surprised me is that Tony Perkins had the same weird eyes when he was a child as he did in the movie Psycho!
      That's the only photo of Charles Manson I ever saw where he looked normal.

      That early photo of Sonny Bono was taken before he had a nose job. That's probably why he looks tough.

  2. My gosh, Jon. WHERE do you find these treasures? Were it not for your 'hints' I'd still be circling. Even as a child, Vivian Leigh's eyes were remarkable. And Barbara Bush … wow!

    1. It takes a lot of effort to find these on the Internet, but I always have fun doing it. I was initially hesitant to give 'hints', but I'm glad they kept you from circling.

      The Barbara Bush photo really surprised me. I would have never guessed who she was.

  3. loved them all. fascinating for sure.

    1. I'll probably do another one of these posts, before I get back to complaining about my life in the wilderness.

  4. Oh you memory stirrer! I see you saved the best until the end... good on ya, pal.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Valerie - and I did save the best for last.

  5. I LOVE these posts! The only ones I recognized before looking were Sophia Loren and Julie Andrews. But all the rest were a surprise. Well, maybe not so much Hitler--LOL! I could look at these all day! Such fun to see them so young! :)

    1. Sophia Loren was probably the easiest one to recognize, but I initially didn't guess Julie Andrews.

      I used to do a lot of these type of posts on my other blog "Cabinet of Curious Treasures", but I eventually closed it because it got to be too much trouble to maintain. I'll try to do more on this blog. They're always a lot of fun.

  6. Jon, and yet ANOTHER great list of Who Is This? I can't get over how many of the people you selected (on both posts) that are/were some of my favorites.

    Vivian Leigh and Audrey Hepburn to name but a few. LOVED them both! I always said that Vivian Leigh was (to me, anyway) the most stunning beauty. Her role as Scarlett O'Hara was brilliant. She WAS Scarlett O'Hara. Love the one of Sophia Loren also. Such a sultry, sexy lady. That picture of Joan Crawford (who I loved, btw) was probably the ONLY picture taken of her in which she actually looked "sweet".

    Anthony Perkins was one of my faves as well. Handsome man he was. Beautiful eyes! I don't know if you knew this, but he was married to Marisa Berenson's sister (Berry Berenson-Perkins), who was in the first plane that hit the World Trade Center on Sept 11. She was a brilliant photographer.

    Queen Elizabeth was soooooooooo cute!

    Enjoyed this post, Jon!

    1. Ron, I enjoy doing these types of posts because it only requires a minimal amount of thinking and effort (*smile*).

      Audrey Hepburn was in a class all by herself.
      And you're right - nobody could have ever surpassed Vivian Leigh in GWTW. She absolutely WAS Scarlett, and I don't think she was merely acting.
      I heard that she wanted to play the role of Scarlett the moment she read the book and was absolutely desperate and determined to get it. Thank goodness she did!

      I knew that Tony Perkins was married to Berry Berenson, but I had no idea that she was killed in 9-11. What a horrible tragedy!

      Wasn't Queen Elizabeth adorable? She could have been in films.

      Hope you had a pleasant and cool weekend. Rumor hazzit that summer might possibly be ending.

  7. All great finds, Jon! I really like the one of Churchill in that uniform with all the tackle. Was he tied to the chair?

    1. Geo - I'm surprised that Churchill could walk in that uniform - let alone sit in it. It would probably take the Jaws of Life to extract him from it.
      Glad you enjoyed the post!

  8. Jon, I had a lot of fun with this post and actually "guessed" a couple of the celebrities based solely on the clues provided. Thanks for an entertaining and fun trip down memory lane.

  9. Thanks! I always have fun doing these photo posts and plan to have more in the (near) future!


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