Saturday, February 15, 2020


Did you ever try to change the format of your blog? I did (several times recently) but screwed everything up so badly that I quickly reverted to my old tried and true format.
Which looks cluttered and stuffy. And rather tired.

I hate having ads on blogs - yet I (reluctantly) plug my books and Zazzle stores. Where the heck else can I pimp them? 

I dislike the title of my blog, but I chose Lone Wolf Concerto only because it was similar to my old Texas blog Lone Star Concerto.
Heck, I live alone. In the woods. I'm not exactly a wolf. But concerto reflects my musical and poetic soul.

I don't have the popular "Followers" thingie on my blog, mainly because I think it's tacky. And misleading.
If you have 2,000 followers, people assume that your blog is great.
If you have 6 followers, they think it's crappy.
Truthfully, most followers never bother to read the blogs that they follow.

And the cult-like concept of followers is slightly disconcerting.
Rasputin had followers.
Charles Manson had followers. So did Jim Jones.....

I intensely dislike Comment Moderation, yet I have it on my blog. There's nothing worse than writing a comment on a blog and getting the rude message: Your comment will be published after approval (or something like that).
It makes me sound like judge and jury.

I have comment moderation to filter out the loonies, the haters, and spam.

Jon, it seems completely inconceivable that anyone could hate you.

Well, Kemosabe, let's just say that my intense charm doesn't captivate everyone.  

I always envy those bloggers who have no comment moderation at all. They write a post, and immediately (within 30 seconds) get 50 adoring comments, telling them how wonderful their post is.
That's never happened to me. Never.

And while I'm on a roll -
I always envy those bloggers who post a photo of themselves and immediately (within 20 seconds) get 50 adoring comments, saying how fantastic they look.

That's never happened to me. Never.
In twenty years of blogging (or so it seems) I've only gotten two (that I can remember) compliments on my photos. Both were from men....
......who obviously have good taste

Usually I'll get a semi-snide remark, like I've never really been attracted to blondes.

Relax, sweetheart. There's no chance that we're ever going to copulate. It's just a photo. 

When I had my Texas blog Lone Star Concerto, one of my readers told me she hated my profile photo. This was coming from a woman who looked like Marie Dressler's ugly sister. 

I'll pause here and give you time to Google Marie Dressler.  

In a rage over one of my political posts, some misguided moron called me a Nazi and accused me of looking like Donald Trump!

Hey, comrade - I'd rather look like Trump than Bernie Sanders.

But this is all beside the point. Assuming there ever was a point.... 

I absolutely can not tolerate people who are super-sensitive. Over the years I've lost an extraordinary amount of readers who disagreed with my opinions. Especially my political opinions. If you can't handle opinions that differ from your own, you shouldn't be reading blogs. 

I now (very reluctantly) keep my most controversial opinions to myself. But I'm always tempted to unleash them.....

I dislike the cluttered sidebar on my blog - - but the things that I put on it sometimes subtlety give hints as to my predilections. 
...quotes by Marcel Proust or Oscar Wilde....the Metropolitan Opera....
an American eagle with a flag (I'm sure that scares the crap out of some people)
"Proudly politically incorrect".

In reality, I don't adhere to any affiliations. I'm merely a free-thinker. And a realist.

You know what really bugs me about blogs? Microscopic fonts. There's nothing more annoying than trying to read a good post when you have to use reading glasses and a microscope. 
It's not that difficult to enlarge your damn font. It doesn't require a college degree.

My blog font is unnervingly large, because I want people to actually see what I write.
I often (very often) regret what I write. It sounds great while I'm writing it, but bombs Big Time when I reread it. My blog is nothing more than me thinking out loud. I'm not here to educate you or impress you. I don't purposely try to entertain you.

I'm just me being me. What you read is exactly who I am. Sometimes I'm funny. Sometimes I'm depressing. 

I try to be as honest as possible.
Lately I've been boring. 
I used to (jokingly) say that I'm the most fascinating person I know. Well, perhaps I wasn't joking. 

You know what irritates the hell out of me? Excessively long blog posts.
Anybody who writes them should get a good swift kick in the ass.

Am I smiling here? Yes.


  1. Hi Jon, Well you sure know your audience because I immediately had to google Marie Dressler.
    I definitely think you should post your controversial opinions (because I am pretty sure they would mirror my own!).
    I thought of you when I heard Mike Bloomberg might chose HRC as his running mate. Well, I’ll tell you what, I was so distressed that I had to hold on to my wig and dentures!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️Susan

    1. Marie Dressler was the only name I could come up with at the moment. She was a good actress and had a beautiful soul.
      I'm always afraid to post my controversial opinions because (for some strange reason) the VAST majority of my readers are opposed to them. Just between you and me - it's extremely frustrating.

      Just for the record - - Bloomberg and HRC wouldn't have a chance in hell against Trump.

  2. I'm smiling here too, Jon. As to politics, it's something we survive as irritants or gentlemen. You are the latter. I know we have different leanings but you've never been insulting or unkind. I try to do the same by your good example. I read your blog because I both enjoy and rely on the company of good minds --like yours.

    1. Good minds and ideas are much more important than politics, Geo. That's what keeps us unified and sane (or reasonably sane, in my case). Keep smiling!

  3. Woo-hoo … preach it!
    Actually, I LOVE the title of your blog -- but then, it's yours. It would be Like someone coming up to me and saying, I love your baby's name. (But secretly you hated it because you didn't get to choose.)
    Funny about the followers. 'Never thought about it! When I first started out and had my first follower (after 6 months) you'd have thought it was Christmas and my birthday and the 4th of July all rolled into one. Two, and I because euphoric. Truth be known, most of them quit blogging and a few are deceased.

    Hey, what do I know? Like Billy Joel sang, Don't go changing to try and please me.

    1. I used to have the Follower thing on my old Texas blog - but it was admittedly humiliating when I wrote political posts and followers immediately abandoned me in droves. I might (reluctantly) try using it again.
      Well, I'm glad you like my blog title. I'm so used to it that I doubt if I'd ever change it.

      I'll keep long as there are kind people willing to listen.

  4. Hi Jon.. I read all your blogs! Mostly I agree with you, sometimes not, but that's one of the things that makes America great, we are all entitled to our own opinion. And if I do disagree it doesn't mean you are wrong (not always, smile). And I seldom comment, not because I don't like what you blog, it's simply because I don't have anything to say. I hope you are feeling better.. and I hope you have a good night!

    1. Thanks for your vote of confidence, Louise - it's good to know you're there. There are many times when I don't leave comments on blogs, either, simply because I don't know what to say (believe it or not).

  5. I actually love Marie Dressler....and found her very comical.

    1. I had a feeling you'd like Marie Dressler. She was a real character and a good actress. I think she won an Academy Award for "Min and Bill", with Wallace Beery.

  6. I don't have a problem with fonts, large or small, because it only takes a second to adjust to one's taste in font size. I have nothing else to say, except maybe have a nice day.

    1. You're right, Valerie, it is easy to adjust the font size - but for some reason those tiny fonts annoy me. My blaring large font might also be annoying to some people, but I've gotten so used to it that I can't give it up.

  7. I change my format every few years. My current one is my favorite because it's easier to read. I like your original blog title and I've ALWAYS liked your photos. I actually stumbled upon your blog because of the controversial opinions. It's refreshing to read anything politically incorrect. People are afraid to be honest these days.

    1. Old habits are hard to break, but I will eventually change my blog format. I'd like to keep it simple, but clutter always gets in the way.
      I've been trying to keep my political incorrectness safely in the closet, but it isn't always easy.
      Anyway, I'm delighted that you like the photos. Thanks!

  8. I don't know how you bloggers do it. Seems like a lot of work to me. If you don't like the clutter, can it be redesigned to your liking? I don't blog, but read many blogs. I find the follow button nice. It's an easy one push button to add it to my reading list, otherwise I will never find the blog again, or I will have to remember what link on another blog to used to find it. Otherwise it cut and paste.

    1. I mostly blog simply to convince myself I'm still alive. It's become a (bad?) habit. It is fairly easy to get rid of the clutter - and I will do it someday. I'm also considering using the Followers thingie, because - as you said - it makes it easy for people to follow blogs.

  9. I haven't changed my blog format since I set it up about 13 years ago--LOL! I have never paid attention to how many followers I have or if I lose people. I just appreciate any comments I get. Have used comment moderation for a long time because of the spam trolls that developed over the years. Also have used a larger font for quite some time. I know it makes my blog seem even longer than it is but it is easier to read. You seem to make it to my weekly long posts, so thanks for your tolerance. ;) We are polar opposites politically. I just don't comment if you go on a rant--LOL! But I appreciate people who are honestly whoever they are. :)

    1. Once you get used to a blog format it's hard to change it. I'd just like to get rid of the clutter. I always worry that my font is TOO LARGE, but I really do dislike the small ones. I get a lot of spam on my blog - and also some very strange comments - so comment moderation comes in handy.

  10. I also had to look up Marie Dressler. (She looks like my mom!) Nothing could be more entertaining on a blag than a good rant. I have also faced everything you have mentioned before. ( perhaps I should adjust my font size.) Spell check fails me, playing with my format was a disaster... I avoid getting political, but every now and then I post my thoughts. I do enjoy free thinkers and people who have opinions. And by the way, I have been quite entertained by the "car in mud" post(s) this last week. Only about three people read my blog...maybe. And I don't chase down readers..( anymore, that is... ah, the Wisdom of youth...) Bu I do like checking out blog of people who actually keep up their blogs. Oh, and long posts... Not so bad. My opinion ... and I suffer from the same problem.

    1. Hey, I like the photo of that patriotic barn near your house. I think more people should do it. We patriots always seem to be bullied into silence and I'm getting tired of it. Heck, I'm on the winning side - - and they are the losers.
      (don't tempt me to do a rant.....).

      I'm glad you enjoyed my "stuck in the mud" posts. Turning misery into entertainment is one of my specialties (*smile*).

  11. Late in commenting on this post, Jon, but being away is my out and my post today tells all. Wow, what a selfless plug. This wasn’t so much a rant, as your thoughts on blogging, many of which I agree with. I haven’t changed the format of our blog since it was created many years ago when we lived in VA, just plain lazy and unsure if I’d mess it up. But, then it’s not an issue as the title was the name for our VA house also in the header. I do a followers list and have no idea who some of those people are or even if they read the blog. I get so excited to receive any more than 10 comments on any post and under 25 is my all-time record. It’s really nice that you and other bloggers take the time to reply to comments, which I don’t, not because comments are unappreciated it’s just a time issue with me. SPAM drives me crazy, but I don’t moderate comments. Instead I do check the published comments daily and delete has seemed to lessen them.but anytime I post a rant on SPAM, i am blitzed with these worthless folks troll to read about themselves. I dislike the ads that many bloggers seem to include and have even stopped reading some as they are SO annoying, the ads not the bloggers. But nothing wrong with plugging your own talents on your own blog. As for self photos, always good to see you, makes blogging more personal at least to me. Impressed that Marie Dressler won the Oscar and goes to show that talent prevails over looks.

    1. Thanks so much for your very thoughtful and informative comment. I'm not exactly sure why I wrote the blogging post, but I just decided to blurt out some of my thoughts.
      My blog readership has dropped drastically from what it used to be years ago. I do, however, occasionally get comments from people who say they read my blog faithfully but never (or seldom) comment. I enjoy getting comments simply because it's reassuring to know people are there.

      I've gotten into the habit of replying to comments, but I don't always do it. It depends on my mood. And sometimes I don't think my blog posts are even worthy of comments.

      I recently decided to allow anonymous comments - which is risky - but there are some genuinely nice "anonymous" people who read my blog.

      I regretted mentioning Marie Dressler about her looks - I was merely trying to be funny. She was a talented actress and - from what I've heard - a very kindhearted woman.
      Anyway, Dorothy, thanks for being there!

  12. Last time I tried to change the format of my blog, some years ago, it came out yellow on dark purple, and nothing I could do would change it. I felt bad to read the comments of those whose eyes couldn't deal with it (MINE couldn't, either, so I knew how they felt). I tried everything to change it but then one day.... amazingly, my efforts worked. I will now stick with the present format just in case it decides to reinvent itself as pale green with white lettering and 8 point size.

    1. I remember when your blog was yellow and purple. It didn't bother me because your posts are always so interesting. But I'm glad you were finally able to change it.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.