Monday, February 17, 2020


These questions were taken from a recent post on Sunday Stealing

  Have you ever
1. Broken a bone?

I broke a bone in my left wrist while playing football in high school when I was fifteen. I hated football but we were forced to play in P.E. class. 
I was a pathetically skinny, myopic nerd - who didn't know a touchdown from a hoedown. Some gigantic, enormously fat bubba tackled me - - slamming me to the ground directly on  my left arm.
My wrist swelled up like a basketball and I couldn't use my arm for the rest of the year.
To this day, I cannot bend my left wrist, but fortunately it never effected my ability to play the piano.

2. Broken a window?
Once, in my early twenties, when I was extremely drunk, I threw a rock through a plate glass window. Let's not go into the details....
3. Been on TV?

Long ago in Los Angeles I performed with a chamber ensemble at the annual Christmas Eve Concert, which was held at the Music Center. It was broadcast on the local PBS station.
4. Had a friend who shared the same birthday as you?

A blogger friend, Susan, shares my birthday, which is December 13.
5. Locked your keys in the car?

When I lived in Texas I had a pickup truck with a defective door that would automatically lock every time it closed.
One day I was at Walmart, loading things into the back of the truck. I had the engine running and the door on the driver's side was open. A huge gust of wind slammed the door shut. The keys were in the ignition.
I was forced to leave the truck there in the parking lot, with the motor running, while I walked home to get another set of keys.
6. Accidentally sent a text or email to the wrong person?

A few years ago I was corresponding with an art dealer who was interested in buying some of my antique paintings. I accidentally sent an email intended for him to another rival art dealer. I had carelessly gotten their email addresses mixed up. It was extremely embarrassing.
7. Sat in the back of a police car?

Nope, but I sat in the front of a police car. The cop drove me home one night when my car broke down (happened long ago in California).
8. Fallen asleep at work?

Not that I can remember. But I've daydreamed a lot at work... 
9. Made a snow angel?
No. But I've occasionally made yellow snow.
Think about that for awhile. It will eventually get funny.
10. Ridden in an ambulance?
In California, I think in 1981, my Mom and I were involved in a horrific auto accident. We were hit by an intoxicated illegal alien who ran a red light.
Our car was demolished. I was thrown semi-conscious from the vehicle and landed in the street. My mother's injuries resulted in her having health problems the rest of her life.
Yes, we both had a trip to the hospital in an ambulance.

11. Worst household chore

Where do I begin? The dirt, mud, dust, and bugs here in rural Tennessee turn simple household chores into tedious undertakings (no pun intended, of course).
12 .Worst colour

Worst color for what? I wouldn't wear anything pink to the local Walmart.
I don't like clashing colors. I'm not fond of olive green. 
13. Worst pizza topping

Long ago when I was a child in New Jersey, there weren't any pizza toppings. Pizza was always plain cheese - and it was DELICIOUS. Nowadays, toppings are used as diversions on inferior pizzas.
One of the worst pizza toppings is pineapple.
14. Worst weather

I never realized how many absolutely shitty places there are to live, until I moved from Southern California.
The Missouri Ozarks have endless storms.
West Texas has endless wind, dust storms, and drought.
Tennessee has endless rain. And mud (remember my previous "mud" blog posts?)
I hate tornadoes...and sub-freezing winter temperatures. 
15. Worst self-care job (e.g. dressing, washing, shaving, teeth, toe nails)

Did you ever notice that the older you get, the harder it is to cut your toenails?

By far, hands down, I HATE having to shave. My beard has always been tough and nothing properly cuts it. I've never had a smooth shave in my life.
As much as I dislike beards, I'm almost ready to grow one, because I'm so tired of shaving.
Thank God I don't have to shave my legs......
16. Worst game

What kind of game are we talking about? The dating game? The game of life?
I've always disliked  American football.
17. Worst school subject

Algebra, without a doubt. I never figured it out.
18. Worst animal

How about a neighbor's dog that never shuts up? 
Or the squirrels and 'possums here in Tennessee that are literally ripping my house apart? 
Actually, I can't think of any animal that I would call "the worst".
19. Worst season

I love the transitional seasons: autumn and spring. I'm not exactly in love with summer.
20. Worst TV show 

Then or now?
How about those old shows - My Mother the Car, Mr. Ed, and The Flying Nun?

Nowadays, there are too many crappy TV shows to name.


  1. Apparently, I love Olive Green.. and Blue. Broke seven bones in my life ( that I know of... Might have broken a rib and never went to the hospital. Broke three vertebrae in my back! Body cast for three months during the summer... in Florida. Fun times.

    1. Blue is my favorite color. I fractured numerous vertebrae in my back, too, many years ago and they never healed properly. For some dumb reason, I didn't think of them as being bones.

  2. Besides the torrential rains we've had in February, Washington has pretty spectacular weather. The traffic stinks and it costs a lot to live here, but the summers are glorious. I love watching football while eating some Hawaiian pizza! :) I hate dusting with a passion, and enjoy all the seasons for different reasons. Fall is probably my favorite by a whisker.

    1. I've heard that the summers are really beautiful in your area. Tennessee summers aren't too bad, because the heat doesn't last very long (although last year we had an unusually hot September). In California and Texas the heat is seemingly endless and lasts for months.

      Football? And Hawaiian pizza?? Well, at least you're not eating anchovy pizza....

  3. I should try one of those quizzes, but the very thought of some answers would depress me.

    1. I always have fun answering these quizzes - - but some of my answers depress me, too (*smile*).
      I hope the present heating adventure in your house will be brief, without any complications. Take care and bundle up!

  4. That's a cool website, but odd that she doesn't post any of her own answers.

    I hate football and worst school subject was physics, though I also despised PE. Cleaning the shower is worst chore. I'm not a fan of mustard yellow.

    I locked my keys in car once. I panicked when some scary looking dude pulled up next to me in a deserted parking lot, so I jumped out of car and ran to the building. This was right after a woman was tortured, raped, and murdered at a local mall, so I think I was justified!

    1. Wow, that's really scary about the parking lot incident with the weird dude. It's really fortunate that you were able to run into the building.

      I never had physics in school (thank God) but algebra was mandatory. I really despised P.E., too. I never thought of mustard yellow, but it definitely ranks with olive green.

  5. #2? Oh yes, let's!
    I used to enjoy Mr. Ed. As a matter of fact, those lyrics and playing in my head right now. My husband would agree with you about the toenails. I tried to help, to no avail, and sent him to the nearest nail salon. (Really, those Vietnamese gals wield the big guns.) Love learning more about you, every time you participate in one of these quizzes! Don't forget about Saturday 9, too.

    1. All I'll say about #2 is that nobody ever found out who did it - so I didn't get into trouble.
      I hated Mr. Ed, but will admit that the theme song tends to grow on you. It's presently running through my head, too.....

      I don't know why, but I always enjoy answering these questions and revealing things about myself. Perhaps I'm an armchair exhibitionist.

  6. I always enjoy these, Jon. Does crushing count and breaking a bone? LOL!
    Some odd questions in this one, but all your answers are interesting. ;)

    1. I'll never know why the bubba tackled me - - I wasn't even holding the ball. I also don't know why kids are forced to play stupid games that they hate.
      I always get a kick out of answering these questions. I should probably do it more often.

  7. Glad someone else hates pineapple on pizza. Seems downright creepy to me to eat pineapple and cheese. Ugh!

    1. I agree completely. Pizza is Italian and pineapple is tropical. The two things clash.

  8. love the Q & A. very interesting, indeed. i agree with you 100%, who needs pineapple on pizza. yuck. i recently found a tv station up the band, that features old B & W shows just love it.

  9. Italian cheese and tomatoes really clashes with tropical pineapple. At least that's what my taste buds say. Most of those old B&W TV shows were far superior to what is offered nowadays. Some of those old shows can also be found on YouTube. I like to watch The Honeymooners.


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