Friday, February 14, 2020


It's Valentine's Day!
I'm still recovering from all the crap I went through this week, so I'll (try to) keep this short.

Cupid came to pay a visit this morning but I didn't answer the door.

I'm spending the day blissfully alone with the cats - - who are overflowing with love now that they have food again. 

(also known as Scratch)


I was stunned and dazzled when I woke up today and actually saw sunshine! I had nearly forgotten what it was.
It's colder than a penguin's kiss ( 19 degrees Fahrenheit) but it's a beautiful day and I'm unnervingly content.

Do I have any Valentine plans?
I'm going to have pizza for dinner and I'm making homemade potato soup for later this evening (it's going to be bitterly cold tonight).

And I'm going to watch a performance of Giselle - - one of my all-time favorite classical ballets (a romantic but tragic love story).
Several fantastic versions can be found on YouTube. 

I hope your Valentine's Day is pleasant and bright - - filled with all good things.


  1. ... and may all your wishes come true! Wishing the three of you a wonderful Valentine's!

  2. I'm having pizza too! I shall rise my glass in a St Valentine's toast to you tonight.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day Jon! We saw sunshine here today to, but cold.

  4. sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day. your kitties are precious. it's a balmy 5 degrees here. i'm shivering even under the covers. glad you had a bit of sunshine to brighten your day. spring is closer than we think if that damn groundhog was right. take care.

  5. Belated good wishes for Valentine's Day. No sunshine here, we are in the heart of another major storm.

  6. Thank you for the kind wishes! I made salmon patties and zucchini bites last night and we have a charity event tonight where I can get all dressed up. Have a sweet weekend, Jon.

  7. Glad to read that the sun has finally made an appearance and lightened your mood as well, Jon. We also have a sunny day and I will wager much colder temps, 5 degrees, as of this 8 am comment. We watched Under the Tuscan Sun for our at home Hearts Day.. glad you and the kitties had a comfy evening and that you enjoyed seeing Giselle again.

  8. I'm glad to hear the sun came out to brighten up your day, but geez! It'd sure be nice if it provided a wee bit more heat for you, too. That's too danged cold! Best thing about cold weather, though, is a big pot of home-made soup. I hope you had a loverly day, cowboy.

  9. The sun makes the world a brighter place, both figuratively and literally. We're supposed to get some sun next week, and that will make a wonderful break from the rain! I love pizza and potato soup. I had baked potato soup and a salad with avocadoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and balsamic dressing. Delicious!

  10. Hope you had a wonderful day with your two lovely cats! Cats are the best. Happy belated Valentine's Day. Hope the contentment lasts a while. ;)


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