Saturday, May 2, 2020


I haven't been to town in a month. Last time I went was the beginning of April. That's not because I'm afraid of the Plague.
It's because I'm thoroughly disgusted with all the inconvenient, unnecessary hoopla connected with the Plague.

Why should I drive a zillion (very slight exaggeration) miles on dangerous, winding mountain roads - only to arrive in town and discover that businesses are closed, food and supplies are rationed, and toilet paper is non-existent? 

So I patiently waited until May 1st, under the naive delusion that bans would be lifted and things would be back to normal.
Or as "normal" as they get in rural Tennessee.

I was COMPLETELY out of toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels, milk, bread, eggs, and cat food.
All I had left in the house was some old typing paper.
Let your imaginations run rampant.

Despite my bad back and absolutely No sleep, I forced myself to make the dreaded excursion.
To my astonishment Friday was a clear, beautiful day - after two months of non-stop rain and storms.

My astonishment became acute when I got to town and discovered that the Plague Ban was never lifted and the town was still under government siege!
I couldn't believe it.

My first stop (as always) was the Town Trash Dump, where I unloaded four mega bags of garbage. I have four more festering at home, because they won't fit in my car.

Next stop was the bank, where only the drive-through window is open.
I nearly went into cataclysmic spasms of undiluted panic when I saw SIXTEEN cars lined up at the window (I counted them)!

What the hell was going on?
Were all the people who recently lost their jobs robbing the bank??

The raw agony of sitting in a hot car with a ravaged back for an hour and a half (no lie) was beyond human endurance.
I had to keep the engine running, because if I turned it off there was a Big Risk that the car wouldn't start again (trust me on this).
So I sat sweating.
Enduring the agonizing spasms in my back and leg.
Watching the gas gauge rapidly diminish.
Wondering why the line only moved four inches in forty minutes.

Adding insult to agony, there's a sign on the side of the bank brimming with saccharine Bible scriptures.
Jesus is love.
Jesus would be cursing like a drunken sailor if he had to wait in this frickin' line.
Love thy neighbor.
I was chewing my fingernails to keep from stepping on the gas and ramming the car in front of me.

By the time I got to Walmart I was thirty years older and nearly out of gas.

The nightmare at the bank couldn't compare with the surrealistic Theater of the Absurd that awaited me at Walmart.

Social Distancing warnings
six feet apart
sanitized shopping carts
limits on items you can buy

Frantic people scurrying about, desperately avoiding one another, arrayed in a fantastic assortment of grotesque makeshift masks.

Many more woman are wearing masks than men. They've readily accepted the new style and enthusiastically embraced it.
Tennessee hillbillies go Middle East.

Men are mask-wary and much more reluctant.
Why make a complete jackass out of yourself in a public?

As for me - the last mask I ever wore was on Halloween when I was eight years old, and I'll be damned if I'm going wear one now.

The world has gone to hell in a proverbial hand basket and I refuse to be a part of it. I've never been a game player or a fad follower - - it ain't my style.

Social distancing, masks, gloves, isolation, house arrest, restrictions, rations, bans.....
And I'm thinking:

I'm no longer in America
I'm in a Nazi Utopia
a Fascist Fraternity
a Bolshevik wet dream 

My worst fear is that this rampant insanity has been readily adopted as a comfortable lifestyle by a compliant mass of mindless people and will never end.




  1. 16 cars at the drive-up bank?! My word, don't they believe in ATMs in rural Tennessee? While at Wal-Mart the other day I did notice the difference in more people (not) wearing masks from the week before. Between my eyeglasses and this mask, at least I don't have to concern myself with styling my hair and applying make-up.

    1. I'll never figure out why there were so many people at the bank drive-through. I was VERY CLOSE to giving up and going home.
      Walmart was really crowded on Friday - it doesn't seem like they were limiting the people who came in. There seemed to be more masks now than ever.

  2. And when I posted about my first outing, I thought I was nervous and had a time. I'll never complain again. The first store had hardly anybody in it compared to yours story.

    We have to wear mask here. Places have signs stating no mask no entry. I hate to be negative...but I think this thing has just started rearing it's ugly head. The infection rate is going nuts. Im just staying in at Grey Gardens to hell with it all. LOL!

    1. I noticed that the supermarket looked empty from the photos on your blog. Everything is crowded here because there are so few places to shop. Walmart didn't seem to have any restrictions about how many people were in the store.

      Masks aren't mandatory here but lots of people were wearing them.

  3. You know, I bought into it for 6 weeks. Then they started furloughing nurses (after calling back some from retirement and forcing RNs who don't do direct care to take refresher courses). I mean, WTH? I think the masks are another version of airport security theater. They don't protect us.

    My son-in-law and daughter are both nurses. In their words, "What are we waiting for?" There won't be a vaccine for another year. We can't be expected to sit inside and cower any longer.

    1. I'm definitely aware of the dangers concerning this virus, but it seems that many of these restrictions are unnecessary.
      You're right on target. A lot of this hoopla is indeed airport security theater.

  4. Buck Up! IT "appears" your Governor is going to ease up restrictions. But that will not make the sheep and scaredy cats to suddenly become sane again. Here in Iowa, there never was a lock down...and yet, people are wearing masks, maintaining 12 feet ( or more) of social distancing, and bitching at you if you walk the "wrong way" down the path/trail. Funny, During the height of the epidemic, we walked both ways just fine with no new positive cases... But now that things have flattened, SUDDENLY we have to walk a certain way, wear certain clothing, and stand a certain distance apart on big red dots. I thought May 1, was the end of things. It appears May 1 was the Beginning of the Crazier than Crazy. Come on people... it is summer and Viruses don't like sun tans. Time to lighten up and enjoy life again.

    Great Post! My wife and I were laughin'.

    1. I really hope our Governor will come to his senses and ease restrictions soon. Unfortunately, the news media is still intent on spreading panic and the gullible public is lapping it up. I thought May 1st would be the end of it but my wishful thinking was wrong.

      Glad you and your wife got some laughs from the post!

  5. For all its seriousness, your description made me smile - but it also made me thankful that I have neighbours and the internet to do my shopping.

    1. Valerie, I suppose there's nothing left for us to do but laugh. You're very fortunate to have good neighbors. I'm tempted to try online shopping but it's not easy to deliver way out here.

  6. The big question remains, did you find toliet paper? Inquiring minds want to know? Our stores here are slowly filling half the aisles with it again. A welcome sight for sure. But beef, chicken and even fish are in short supply and what they do have is limited to 1 or 2 packs. I was sorry to hear you were sweltering hot in your car. you could get heat stroke. Thank goodness you didn't. At least gas is cheap so it won't cost too much to replace what was lost waiting in line. Rest your back. Really rest it. I feel your pain. Take care. PS) I put a brand NEW link up to horse race parody video on my page. It's at bottom of my page. Come back and check it out. If you click on it, it should take you right to page it appears on. you'll be entertained however briefly.

    1. Walmart was nearly out of toilet paper, but I did manage to get some - along with paper towels. They were out of Kleenex.
      The local supermarket was pretty well stocked, but some items like chicken, fish, and frozen pizza were low.

      I saw your new link and it worked this time! The races gave me a much-needed laugh!

  7. Dear Jon, you're not alone. I'm feeling the urgency too. I say urgency because with my mask on, my allergies in force and panic attacks rolling one upon another, I almost wet myself at the drugstore today. It was a supreme effort to find 2 magnums of Woodbridge Pinot Noir (excellent Lodi winery) and a Primatene Mist Inhaler. I shopped and left with dignity intact, but how long can this go on? My main message is, we need each others' online company and I'd rather you remained in this dimension. I'm not a selfish man, Jon, but your absence --however comforting the portal to another dimension might be-- would be a great inconvenience to me!

    1. Geo, I shouldn't laugh at your misfortunes, but the mention of wine and inhalers made me smile. I wish I could buy wine here. Instead, I've been ingesting valerian root (an herb I've used for many years).

      I've never (yet) wet my pants in a drugstore - - but my back was so bad that I almost collapsed on my way from the car to Walmart. I almost passed out and thought I'd have to go home without shopping.

  8. I will admit, Jon, that as serious as this virus has been in taking lives, the precautions are beginning to wear on me. Every time, I see people walking outside and not even near anyone else AND they are wearing a mask AND gloves, it saddens me for the fear that has become more rampant than the virus. Over the weekend, my neighbors wore this gear as we walked, distanced, to the local CVS. At this point, it seems life will never be normal ever again. Your post may seem over the line with some but I truly see the validity of many points here. Life goes on its been said, but this new way is somewhat frightening in so many ways.

    1. Dorothy, there are so many things going on, with so many conflicting messages that it's impossible to know what we should believe. I only hope (pray) that things will eventually get back to normal. Until then, I guess we'll have to make the best of it....which isn't easy. Take care.

  9. Jon, your most recent post is a bit too cryptic to not allow comments (and I am an expert on the subject!). Are you okay? I know the world has gone completely insane - but even I am managing to hang on by a slender thread. I hope you can somehow do the same?

    Lots of other folks (Geo for one) care about you big time. The world would be a very sad place indeed if you suddenly decided to leave us forever. So please don't leave the party early: It might be a nightmare themed party at the moment - but nightmares are always a blessing to wake up from. And we can only do this if we remain for the duration - no matter the current panic and fright.

    Peace always prevails in the end. I care about you A LOT (plus think of your sweet cats). What would all of us do without you? The world is a beautiful place because you are here. *Great big hugs*


    1. Dylan, your kind and encouraging words always mean a lot to me. After I posted that cryptic message I realized that some people might be worried about me. Life is one Big Piss, but I'm not ready to check out yet. Hibernation is the best alternative...
      Thanks for being there. Luv and Hugs.

  10. I am laughing so hard! Jon, you really are the comic relief and there is no shortage of material. We can all die happy because I think we have seen it all! Well now maybe not because just as I typed this I see on the news that Wendys is removing hamburgers from their menu due to the beef shortage, also something about killer honest coming from Japan....Oh my stars, what is happening????

    1. I always smile (with satisfaction) when I get your comments, because you understand my humor. Not everyone appreciates it....
      Fact is definitely stranger than fiction. Just when I think I've seen it all, something even more bizarre happens.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.