Saturday, July 18, 2020


I successfully made my second batch of wine - - but must admit that white grape isn't nearly as good as concord grape.

My first wine was sweet, flavorful, and fragrant. 
The white wine is acrid, alarmingly UNsweet, and extremely potent.
Two glasses will knock your bloomers off and you'll be hanging naked from the rafters (trust me - I speak from experience).

Despite the fact that I filtered the wine, it still looks cloudy.
Ideally you're supposed to let it ferment for two to four weeks and it improves with age. Eleven days is my absolute limit. It's ready to drink and will get you seriously soused.
I'm far too impatient to wait for weeks....

 I tried to take an "artistic" picture of the wine but it turned out crappy. Looks like somebody peed in the glass.....
Incidentally, I accidentally broke this glass yesterday.

Change of subject:

I was HORRIFIED to hear that - starting Monday, July 20th - Walmart is making it mandatory to wear masks!!!
Holy crap, that place is spooky enough the way it was. 

It's no secret that I have been adamantly opposed to masks from the very beginning of this  Plague Pandemonium.

They look absolutely ridiculous
There's no tangible evidence that they save lives
they are  EXTREMELY unsanitary and unhealthy.

But, Jon, I wash my mask every day!

Here's a flash, Kemosabe:
You can wash your mask from now until katydids sing Pagliacci and they're STILL unsanitary.

(I love the katydid analogy - - sometimes my brilliance scares me) 

I drove to town yesterday (Friday) so I could shop at Walmart mask-free - - but I was in a hurry and forgot to buy some things, so I might go again tomorrow (Sunday). 
Also, when I was in the supermarket yesterday, the cashier forgot to pack two of the items I purchased: Swiss cheese and cottage cheese. 
This happens annoyingly often.......

Here are some masks I devised to wear at Walmart:

 I hope this scares the hell out of all of you

The plague was made in China....
and ALL the items in Walmart are made in China

 I should probably charge for the kisses....
but I'm easy.

a special thanks to the four kind and courageous people who commented on my previous post and liked the video.
You have exquisite taste and made my efforts worthwhile.


  1. LOL, the wine is fine with me as long as it is strong enough - and yes I am a wino as of late.

    I loved this post and your homemade masks - people JUST DON'T GET IT, do they? BTW, my husband keeps his "personal" mask in his car - it is a "V for Vengeance" mask he bought for a joke for when they insist he wear a mask at the entrance to Wallmart and other stores - ha ha ha ... too funny! Yes, he KNOWS these ridiculous masks we are forced to wear are futile and ignorant as hell.

  2. If you keep making wine im coming to be down there. I don't shoot Wal-Mart....but my friend he had to wear his in to the one here. It must be different by state.

  3. Say, I REALLY like that first photo. Nearly snorted when you wrote "pee", because that was the first thing I thought when I saw pix #2. (Hey, if you can't laugh ...) So sorry to hear about that lovely glass' demise.
    Our State-wide mask mandate went into effect 2 days ago. Yesterday's excursion to the 'super' Wal-Mart was bizarre: Only one entry, 2 'gate-keepers' to ensure you're compliant, then they ask if you want a shopping cart and the 'sanitizer person' brings one to you. Love the captions on your faux masks!

  4. Wine making seems complicated, so I will stick with just visiting wineries for the fresh stuff! Masks are mandated in our county, whatever the hell that means!

  5. John, we also have been doing a lot of whining and also wine-ing, so both are appropriate. But we stock up at the local wine outlet and right now pino grigiot is our preferred drink; my other one is gin & tonic. I am not at all happy with the masking up everywhere but it has become mandatory in just about every store. What drives me craziest is all those one-way aisle arrows BUT the absolutely MOST maddening is the public service announcements that some stores (most) play constantly on a repeat loop. It's WHY we try to keep our grocery trips to a min. time. We never wear masks in our cars or when walking outdoors. That said we went to an outdoor mall last week and not only was mask wearing requested BUT there were directional arrows on the pavement. We won't be returning there as the 2 kitchenwares places we were looking for had both closed.
    As far as washing masks goes, I never hand wash but put in the washing machine/dryer. I've got a weekly supply as the United Way has been giving them out free at the Sunday Farmers Market. It's those folks that re-use paper ones and hang them on their car mirrors that have me more concerned.

  6. The masks are for keeping the expectorants of wearers out of the air. They are a courtesy to the health of others. There's no way masks filter out microbes in the air --that's not the point. Point is you're protecting others by confining your cooties.


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