Sunday, September 12, 2021


 I haven't done a q&a from Sunday Stealing in a long time (mainly because most of the questions are lame) - but I figured it's high time to tackle them again.


 1. Who do you take for granted?
No one other than myself.

2. Short, knee, or ankle skirts? (if a man, have you ever worn kilts?)
I always wear a kilt during my bagpipe lessons.

3. Do you wear a hat?
Not when I'm sleeping. I wore cowboy hats when I lived in Texas. Lately I wear any hat to hide my flyaway hair - which looks like a molested haystack.

4. Who's your favorite cartoon character?
I haven't had a favorite cartoon character since I was about six. Way back then I loved Popeye, Dennis the Menace, and Little Lulu.

Nowadays, all the cartoon characters are in Congress.

5. Does break dancing impress you?
The last time dancing impressed me was when I saw Natalia Makarova doing the 32 fouettes in Swan Lake.
Break dancing ain't exactly dancing......

 6. Are you a miracle?
In my own mind.

7. Have you ever eaten tofu?
Tofu is not fit to be eaten.

8. Does the moon have an effect on your mood?
Being notoriously nocturnal my entire life, and having Hungarian werewolves as distant relatives, I am profoundly under lunar influence. I am disenchanted when the moon is new - and I howl like the devil when the moon is full.

9. Many people will say that the Harry Potter books are pure fluff with no literary value. Do you agree?
I've never read a Harry Potter book, but I've seen a Harry Potter movie - which was pure fluff and had no cinematic value.

10. What are you doing next Wednesday?
Attending an orgy with some local Tennessee hillbillies.

11. Why do so many people think Elvis is still alive?
Many people are completely oblivious to the real world and have no clue that Elvis is dead.

12. Are your hands cold?
Only when I'm goosing an Eskimo.
(I'm absolutely brilliant at coming up with spontaneous answers....)

13. Have you ever given blood?
Brother, I don't have enough blood to spare.

14. What SCI-fi books do you read?
The complete insanity of the world around us provides enough science fiction to appease me. I don't need to find it in Sci-fi books.
But I do enjoy H.G.Wells now and then.

15. Have you ever belonged to a sorority or a fraternity?
Nope - but I've been a member of the Communist Party, the KKK, and NAMBLA.

(no need to panic - - I just threw that in to confound the creeping  trolls who secretly read my blog)


Cheers, Jon


  1. You wouldn't be you without that cowboy hat Jon and your sense of humor!!! And Id love to read a recount of an orgy with some local Tennessee hillbillies. Especially if a banjo is involved.

    1. I'm always delighted when my attempts at humor are appreciated.
      (several banjos will be incorporated....along with moonshine).

  2. A molested haystack ... bahahaha. (Gonna use that myself!) Yep, I watched Popeye and Dennis; pretty sure I can recall all the lyrics to Lulu. I'll bet you can guess which others made me smile.
    Thanks for making my Monday morning a nicer place to live!

    1. I was initially hesitant about "molested haystack", but it's all I could think of. I'm sure I could accurately guess the ones which made you smile......but I won't mention anything about Eskimos....

  3. Love these Q & A!!! I'm with you on #10... maybe we can meet there!!???(smile)
    Have a good day Jon!

    1. Hey, Louise - I'll be there on Wednesday....and I'm easy (*smile*).

  4. Jon, I tried leaving a comment here earlier but I guess it never went through.

    Anyhow, I always love your responses to these questions lol! AND A MOLESTED HAYSTACK? lmfao!!!

    1. It must be a Blogger glitch. Recently two other people told me their comments didn't show up. One person thought I deleted her comment.


I love comments. Go ahead and leave one - I won't bite. But make sure you have a rabies shot just in case.